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Female Catheter Insertion
Male Foley Catheter Insertion
wide resection of giant cell tumor ,then strut grafting using free fibula graft,knowles pinning of the graft.
Transmetatarsal Amputation for Gangrene
Below Knee Amputation
Computer guided dental implant surgery
show your patients how to use an inhaler
Dr. David Rivadeneira from Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY will host a panel discussion on how to obtain improved outcomes during open surgery through the application of advanced techniques and technologies, including the new LigaSure Impact™ instrument. "It provides excellent and reliable hemostasis on major blood vessels, but the big advancement is that it is faster than traditional techniques and leaves no foreign material behind."
The program will begin with a brief introduction of the topic, followed by video presentation of two procedures, a right hemicolectomy and a sigmoid colectomy. Dr. Rivadeneira will discuss the techniques that he uses. "You'll be able to see the impact of applying multifunctional energy-based instruments to enable rapid and reliable dissection of the mesentery and ligation of colonic blood supply. This is particularly evident on tough diverticular cases, where it works very well with complicated tissue." Joining Dr. Rivadeneira, to review and discuss the cases, will be Dr. Sang Lee from Weill Cornell Medical College, NY.
Radiation treatment of the eye may be an alternative to standard treatment for certains cancers of the eye.
This animated video reviews myopia, which is the medical term for nearsightedness.
What is a Cataract
As a doctor many people ask me about masturbation and if it is harmful or not. As a doctor you have already been asked this and this video will give you some hints
This animated video reviews hyperopia, or farsightedness.
This animated video explains what is meant by astigmatism, which is a very common problem with the eyes.
Allergies, what causes them? This animated video reviews the pathophysiology of allergies, what causes them and why the symptoms occur. Food allergies, seasonal allergies and allergies to pollen all occur through a similar mechanism.
Animated video on sinusitis
Laparoscopy in acute bowel obstruction following previous surgery is a difficult procedure and avoided by most of the surgeons due to the difficulty in obtaining pneumoperitoneum, port placement, lack of working space, adhesions and risk of bowel injury.
Here is a patient who had a previous laparotomy for trauma with a midline incision from xyphysternum to pubis; after unsuccessful conservative management he underwent a laparoscopy; a prior CT scan showed adhesions in the left side and a distal-mid small bowel obstruction. The pneumoperitoneum was obtained with the Visiport placed in the right lower quadrant; although the abdomen was grossly distended, under significant tension and distended loops of small bowel were occupying most the peritoneal cavity, with muscle relaxation there is usually enough space to perform a thorough inspection of the abdominal cavity. Port placement has to be done with special care as there is no room to push and usually a blunt trocar directed away from the bowel is employed in my practice. The collapsed loops of small bowel point quickly to the site of obstruction -- it is better to avoid manipulating the distended bowel as it is heavy, oedematous and prone to be lacerated with the instruments; once the pathology is identified, in this case the obstructive band, light packing is performed in order to expose the working space and protect the bowel from instruments like scissors or diathermy. In this case the band adhesion was slightly more difficult to separate from the bowel and required a combination of sharp and gentle blunt dissection.
Once the obstruction is release and the transit of contents is confirmed in the collapsed bowel the procedure is terminated. No abdominal drainage is usually necessary.
Giant spigelian stranguled hernia with small bowel loop and omental flap inside. The omentum required resection, the bowel appears vital. After the handle of hernia sac and his content has been done, a overlapped prolene repair will be done.
Right indirect (Gilbert II)inguinal hernia has been repared using PHSe prosthetic device
A posterior Gastroenteral side to side anastomosis is presented. The procedure is made with circular stapler. After a good hemostasis of the suture has been obtained, the gastrotony is closed with linear stapler and running suture.