Paul Nassif
Paul Nassif

Paul Nassif



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Paul Nassif
12,527 Views · 1 year ago
This is my rhinoplasty before and after video

Watch my experience from initial consult to final result as I have an ethnic rhinoplasty procedure performed by Dr. Paul S. Nassif of Spalding Drive Cosmetic Surgery & Dermatology located in Beverly Hills.

The results are incredible! It's like a dream come true. I am so happy that I chose Dr. Nassif as my surgeon. He is truly a gifted and wonderful surgeon.

There where many procedures performed to get the incredible results I received including:
Deep Temporalis Fascia Harvesting
Open Rhinoplasty
Nasal Smas Excicion
Vestibular Tissue Release
Tip Cartilage Contouring / Cephalic Trim
Columella Strut Placement
Shield Graft
Ear (conchal) Cartilage Harvest
Rim Graft
Narrowing of Nasal Dorsum
Build up of Radix & Dorsum (cartilage and fascia grafts)
Alar Base Reduction

Rhinoplasty in Los Angeles also specializes in ethnic rhinoplasty for African American, Hispanic and Asian patients. As part of his information campaign on cosmetic surgery in Beverly Hills, those who are interested in rhinoplasty and plastic surgery can get loads of up-to-date information straight from Dr. Nassif through his websites Media Page. This web page contains articles written by Dr. Nassif that have been published in famous plastic surgery journals and books.

The Media Page also contains actual rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty surgery captured on video. These videos were aired in Discovery Channel, ET, and other shows. Patients who want to know more about Dr. Paul Nassif can check out his curriculum vitae. Whether you decide to attempt this procedure or not, can give you an accurate and detailed perspective.

1. Skin: Thick, Abundant Fibrofatty tissue
2. Radix: Deep, Inferiorly-Set & Low
3. Nasal Bridge & Dorsum: Short Nasal Bones, Wide & Flat
4. Tip: Bulbous, Thick-Skinned, Under-Projected, Derotated (Ptotic), Abundant Nasal Soft Tissue, Broad Domes, Minimal Definition
5. Base: Wide, Thick, Horizontal & Flaring Nostrils
6. Nasolabial Junction: Retracted, Under-Developed Nasal Spine
7. Maxilla: Usually Retrusive & Hypoplastic

1. Skin: Thick, Abundant Sebaceous Glands
2. Radix: Low to Normal
3. Nasal Bridge: Wide
4. Dorsum: Convex (Nasal Hump)
5. Tip: Bulbous, Thick-Skinned, Under-Projected, Occasionally Derotated to Normal, Abundant Nasal Soft Tissue, Broad Wide Domes, Minimal Definition
6. Columella: Short to Normal
7. Base: Wide, Thick, Horizontal & Flaring Nostrils
8. Maxilla: Within Normal Limits

1. Skin: Heavy, Thick & Sebaceous
2. Radix: Deep & Flat
3. Nasal Bridge & Dorsum: Low, Wide & Flat
4. Tip: Bulbous, Thick-Skinned, Under-Projected, Ptotic, Abundant Fibrofatty Tissue, Broad Domes, Minimal Definition
5. Columella: Short, Minimal Show (Retracted)
6. Base: Wide, Thick, Oblique & Flaring Nostrils
7. Maxilla: Usually Retrusive

1. Bridge: Moderately Thinner
2. Dorsum: Higher (Augmented)
3. Tip: Refined, Increased Projection, Increased Rotation
4. Base: Vertical-Oblique Nostrils & Triangular Nasal Base
5. Columella: Increased Columellar Show & Length
6. Maxilla: Less Retrusive
7. Skin-Soft Tissue Envelope: Moderate Thickness that Provides Good Tip Definition African American Rhinoplasty

Paul Nassif
10,189 Views · 1 year ago Los Angeles County police officer was shot in the face while on duty, in the surgery to repair his face he was left unable to breathe completely through his nose. Dr. Paul Nassif was the only Rhinoplasty specialist that he would trust to repair his breathing through his nose. Join this officer and his experience through rhinoplasty surgery with rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Paul Nassif. Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job, it is the most commonly performed facial plastic surgery procedure. In the past two years, nearly 600,000 people in the U.S. have undergone rhinoplasty, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. People that have had rhinoplasty usually welcome the subtle enhancement that adds balance and harmony to their faces. Rhinoplasty is generally performed to improve the appearance of the nose, to correct breathing problems, or for reconstructive purposes. 120 S. Spalding Drive Suite 315 Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212 Tel: (310) 275-2467

Paul Nassif
9,653 Views · 1 year ago
One of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures is rhinoplasty, also commonly known as a nose job. Rhinoplasty surgery can serve dual purposes, creating a more aesthetically pleasing look and also helping breathing conditions, such as a deviated septum.. Whether it's because of a genetic defect or some kind of injury, many people have trouble breathing through their nose. A rhinoplasty can counteract this, clearing the airway so you can breathe freely. It can even repair a deviated septum, straightening it and removing any blockages in the airway.
Perfecting surgery with this three-dimensional structure (the nose) takes years to master and continues to improve. Little did we know that rhinoplasty maneuvers that were used three years ago could cause disastrous results today. Rhinoplasty surgery is forever evolving! My fellowship director, J. Regan Thomas, MD, told me something that I’ll never forget – “you haven’t learned anything about rhinoplasty until you’ve performed at least a thousand procedures and followed them for many years”. This statement epitomizes why fellowships are so valuable. Some of the needed experience and potential pitfalls are circumvented by first hand observing and learning the analysis, judgment, techniques, complication management and most importantly, results from a seasoned rhinoplasty surgeon. This is why I super-specialized in rhinoplasty surgery during my fellowship in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. The training catapults you years ahead of many other surgeons that aren’t fortunate to have post-graduate training. Many cosmetic surgeons are taught that aggressive cartilage removal is a procedure of the past. Today’s concept is “less is more”. Less cartilage excision, cartilage repositioning, camouflage techniques, structural grafting and suturing techniques are being taught in most rhinoplasty courses and at our national meetings.
120 S. Spalding Drive Suite 315 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Tel: (310)-275-2467

Paul Nassif
8,921 Views · 1 year ago - (310)275-2467 Join Nadia and her experience first hand as she undergoes a primary rhinoplasty (Nose job) surgery. This surgery was performed by rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Paul Nassif. In Los Angeles rhinoplasty, the majority of incisions are made inside the nose, where they are invisible. In some cases, an incision is made in the area of skin separating the nostrils. Certain amounts of bone and cartilage are then removed or rearranged to provide a newly shaped nose. If the patient has a deviated septum (cartilage and/or bone causing obstruction inside the nose), septal surgery, called septoplasty, is simultaneously performed. The incision is placed entirely inside the nose. The septoplasty removes portions of cartilage and/or bone that are causing the obstruction. The incisions are then closed with fine suture, followed by placement of a splint to the outside of the nose. The splint helps retain the new shape while the nose heals. If packing is placed inside the nose during surgery, it is removed the next morning following Los Angeles surgery. The nasal splint is usually removed seven days after surgery. At that time, tape is applied to the nose for another seven days and then removed. The majority of the bruising and swelling usually resolve two weeks after surgery. Cold compresses are used to help reduce the bruising and discomfort. A short course of post-operative antibiotics and steroids are given to help prevent infection and excess swelling. Although discomfort is minimal, pain medication is available if required. Vigorous activity is avoided for four weeks following surgery. Sun exposure and risk of injury must be avoided. If you wear glasses, tape is used to avoid putting stress on the nose. Spalding Drive Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology 120 S. Spalding Drive Suite 315 Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212 Tel: (310) 275-2467

Paul Nassif
10,334 Views · 1 year ago This video will take you through Donna’s experience with Revision Rhinoplasty Specialist Dr. Paul Nassif. Follow Donna as she goes through the process before, during and after surgery. Listen to what Donna has to say about Dr. Paul Nassif and his staff in regards to the overall operation. Patients seeking revision rhinoplasty have a number of concerns. The foremost is a poor aesthetic and functional result. Second is often the loss of trust in their first surgeon, and the third: will surgery help improve them or just cause more deformity. Dr. Nassif and his staff are well trained in helping patients overcome these fears. They are sensitive to the reluctance patients have over considering more surgery. The staff will help you feel at ease from the beginning; recognizing your courage to address the need for revision surgery and consider improving upon what was your less than ideal surgical result. Together we can work towards achieving our mutual goals of looking and breathing better. By choosing the right specialist for surgery, the goal is to improve the functional and aesthetic results from prior treatment. Dr. Nassif often states that revision rhinoplasty follows the architectural theme "form follows function." Noses that look pinched typically don't work well and vice versa. Improving nasal airflow usually has the consequence of also enhancing the appearance of the nose. Revision surgery is about restoring structure and strength. Finally, I will use the computer image as a goal in surgery. Often times, patients will bring photos (models, movie stars, etc.) of what they feel their nose should look like. My goal is to take what you have and make a moderate, and sometimes, significant difference in the appearance and function of your nose, creating an aesthetically pleasing, natural nose. Following surgery, the majority of patients have minimal pain. I will ask you to clean your incisions and the inside of your nose approximately twice a day. You will be instructed to spray salt water (saline) into your nose with a spray bottle and a baby bulb syringe. Your cast and the stitches will be removed in one week (assuming that you are having an open revision rhinoplasty). For the second week, your nose will be taped. Following the second week, if needed, I will instruct you on how to tape your nose nightly to help reduce the swelling. The most important attribute that you, the patient, can possess following revision nasal surgery is PATIENCE. It may well take one year for the swelling to completely resolve. I can promise you that I will do the best job possible to improve the health of your nose and your spirit. 120 S. Spalding Drive Suite 315 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Tel: (310)-275-2467

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