Frank Vela
Frank Vela

Frank Vela



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Frank Vela
1,376 Views · 9 months ago
---Lap Band Success Stories And Pictures. "My Journey With The Lap Band Has Been Rough... In Fact, I Almost Took Matters Into My Own Hands, And Ended That Journey A few Years Ago...
But the fact that I'm still here today -- slim and happy, is proof that it is possible to overcome, and end your emotional reliance on food, and get the body and life you've always wanted!
Let Me Tell You My Story...
It was the worst week I had since my surgery -- Thanksgiving week. I was at a point where all I was thinking about all day, was food. I had to actually fight to resist my strong cravings...
I just wanted to take one bite of that turkey... just eat one piece of pumpkin pie! I just wanted to be able to taste some of the same things everyone else was eating!
Not Only Was I Still Obese, But I Couldn't Even Enjoy My Own Life!
My cravings were driving me insane, but I did my best to resist the temptation. When I got onto the scales that week, I was dumb-founded - My weight loss had stalled! All the agony and deprivation I'd suffered... was for nothing!
I was so angry at myself for even putting me in such a low, pitiful state in the first place! I was to blame for the way I looked! I was frustrated and... I felt helpless!
My Weight Loss Had Stalled...
Ok, so maybe I needed another refill but nothing could improve my emotional state-of-mind...
I became so disillusioned that I could not remember my reasonsfor wanting to lose weight, and how critical it was for me to resist my favorite foods. All I thought, was that the lap band was not working for me... and I gave in!
I Was Once Too Embarrassed To Share My Story With Anyone, But I'm Telling It To You Today, So You'll Know That You're Not Alone!...

I had lost all hope of losing weight, that I began to out-eat my band, and find ways to cheat it...

One of my favorite foods before the surgery was french fries dipped in a mix of mayonnaise and ketchup. Since I couldn't have it after the lap band, I improvised... and blended it!
I Would Actually Put Fries, Mayo And Ketchup Into A Blender... And Then Drink It!
If you've ever fallen off the wagon then I don't have to tell you about theguilt that sets in after-wards...
I'd drink it, then I'd feel guilty and start to cry...
It would make me sick... but I did it anyway!
I hated myself for doing it... but I did it anyway!
When the scales began to creep back up again, I knew why... but I didn't know what to do about it!
I felt like my life was in a tail-spin. The worst part was that I was just too embarrassed & humiliated to talk to anyone about it!
Have you ever felt that way?
To find out what happened next, scroll down!
In an amazing twist of fate, find out how I found it easier to lose the last 132 lbs than it ever was to lose the first 60 lbs!"
By April Cannon

Lap, Band, Success, Stories, And, Pictures, Laparoscopic, gastric, Banding, costs, stomach, surgery, diet, successfull, Raisa Khan, April Cannon

Frank Vela
1,410 Views · 9 months ago
---Como Quitar Acne Cara. Existe una CAUSA PRINCIPAL DEL ACNÉ. Y no siempre un producto para el acné ataca esta causa. Esto significa que, si bien podrías obtener un beneficio de lociones, u otros productos o terapias, nunca curarás tu acné con ellos.
Es un poco como tener un techo con goteras y "solucionarlo" poniendo recipientes para recoger el agua de lluvia que cae del techo. Para solucionar adecuadamente el techo con goteras, se debe corregir la causa de raíz, que es el agujero en el techo.
Entonces... ¿Cuál Es La Principal
Causa Del ACNE?
La causa del acné es un DESEQUILIBRIO HORMONAL. Esto es algo que las empresas del acné nunca te dirán...
... Sin embargo, saber la causa del acné es una cosa. Descubrir la forma de eliminar eficazmente esta causa es otra cosa...

Como, Quitar, Acne, Cara, manchas de acne, quitar el acne, cicatrices de acne, como quitar granos, como quitar espinillas, cicatrices de acne, eliminar el acne, como eliminar barros, eliminar los barros,

Frank Vela
1,507 Views · 9 months ago
----Crohn's Disease Symptoms Pain. Are you suffering from diarrhea that sometimes leaves you feeling that you've completely emptied your intestine from eveything you've eaten that week?
Have you seen bright red blood traces in your stool or on the toilet paper at least once?
Do you sometimes have abdominal cramps after your meals?
Do you at times feel so nauseous that food doesn't have any appeal to you?
Have you had at least one onset of unexplained low grade fever?
Do you joints sometimes feel itchy, sore or painful?
Did you ever notice red spots or blisters on your arms or legs?
Did you ever experience episodes of itchy and even painfull pink eye (conjuctivitis)?
Have you lost weight?
Do you have episodes of overwhelming fatigue?
Do you experience increased frequency of bowel movement?
Did you ever get up during the night to defecate?

Crohn's, Disease, Symptoms, Pain, symptoms of crohns, chrons disease symptoms , ulcerative colitis symptoms, symptoms of colitis, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, ulcerative colitis diet, ulcerative colitis treatment, irritable bowel symptoms

Frank Vela
10,621 Views · 9 months ago ---Depression Alternative Medicine Remedies. Learn more about your own, unique depression symptoms and pin-point exactly which type of depression you are suffering from. Accurately discover what is causing your depression... and why it keeps coming back no matter which drugs you take or which treatments you try. Uncover the simple methods that allow you to switch your mind away from depression and towards real happiness. Gain real insight into why most depression treatments only make your symptoms worse. Depression Alternative Medicine Remedies depressive major disorder symptoms signs medication treatment clinical causes anxiety teen help hurts self test medicine antidepression types anxiety severe

Frank Vela
11,514 Views · 9 months ago
Quit Smoking Forever Formula Videos - How To Quit Smoking In As Fast As 1 Week Without Agitation, Cravings Or Withdrawal Symptoms.You're about to uncover the 3 elements that will rapidly boost your chances of success to quit smoking and not only that, you'll learn ways to escape cravings and how to avoid a relapse that can happen in the future even to people with the most willpower.

Frank Vela
16,542 Views · 9 months ago
--Your Snoring Cures...How to Cure Snoring Naturally without Using Any Medication or Ridiculous Device!
How to Cure Snoring Naturally and Easily without Undertaking any Dangerous Surgery, Nor using any Medication or Ridiculous Device ! Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies have tried to have my guide BANNED ...

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