Últimos vidéos
Cerebellar functions of the lower limbs from the USMLE collection
Cerebellar functions of the upper limbs from the USMLE collection
Meningeal Irritation Signs from the USMLE collection
Knee reflex video from the USMLE collection
A vidoe showing the pronator drift from the USMLE collection
Sensory and reflexes exam of the upper limb from the USMLE collection Sensory and reflexes exam of the lower limb
Sensory and reflexes exam of the upper limb from the USMLE collection Sensory and reflexes exam of the upper limb
Motor examination of Lower Limb from the USMLE collection
Motor examination of Upper Limb from the USMLE collection
Cranial nerves exam 8th to 12th from the USMLE collection
Cranial nerves exam 1st to 7th from the USMLE collection
A video of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from the USMLE collection
Straight Leg Raising from the USMLE collection
Examination of the knee joint from the USMLE collection
Examination of the shoulders from the USMLE collection
A video of examination of peripheral pulsations from the USMLE collection
Costo Vertebral Angle tenderness exam from the USMLE collection
Examination of the abdomen from the USMLE collection
Examination of the heart from the USMLE collection
Posterior Chest Examination from the USMLE collection