Mohan desarda
Mohan desarda

Mohan desarda




B I O - D A T A Name : PROF. DR. DESARDA MOHAN PHULCHAND Date of birth : 05.01.1946 Present Address : 18, Vishvalaxmi Housing Society, Kothrud, Pune - 411 029. Telephone Number : Mobile: +91 (0) 9373322178 International Activities: Invented a new operation technique for groin hernia, now popularly known as ‘Desarda’s repair’. This operation gives complete cure from hernia. Patient goes home in a day and can drive car and go to office next day. It does not use any foreign body like ‘Mesh’. This operation is becoming popular world wide and is being followed in many countries like Poland, Cuba, Korea, Ukraine, Albania, Libiya, India, Brazil, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, Serbia (Slovakia), Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Imphal, Singapore etc. I was the first from India to be invited to European country (Poland) in Oct.2005 for operative demonstration and to deliver a lecture on the new theories that prevent hernia formation in the normal individual and teach this operation technique to the attending 300 surgeons from European countries. Merits and Awards: i. National Scholar ii. Gold Medal in Anatomy iii. First in University in Ist MBBS iv. Second in University in IInd MBBS v. First in University in Forensic Medicine vi. Best All Round College Student Award vii. “Gaurav Patra” by Pune Municipal Corporation viii. Appointed on “International reviewer’s Board” (17 countries including USA) ix. Award & gold medal from World congress of Medicina Alternativa x. “Who’s Who in the World” world book of bibliography- Published bibliography, 2002 onwards every year xi. Member of the international Science Advisory Board and Medical Science Monitor xii. “Who’s Who in medicine & healthcare” world book - Published Biography, 2004-5 onwards every year xiii. “Who’s Who in Science & Engineering” world book - Published Biography, 9th edition, 2006-7 xiv. “Who’s Who in Asia” world book - Published Biography, First edition, 2007 xv. Scroll of honour for "exemplary work at international level and contribution in the field of surgery" by Poona Surgical Society, March 2006 xvi. Biography published in “Cambridge Blue Book-2005” by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,UK xvii. “International Health Professional of the Year-2007” by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,UK xviii. Biography published in the “Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century”-Inaugural edition-2007 of the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,UK xix. Received “The Archimedes Award” in 2007 at Washington on the occasion of the “Global Year of Science” declared by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,UK Social Services : Chairman, Vasundhara Institute of Education & Social Welfare Chairman, Vasundhara Primary School Chairman, New little angels pre primary school Chairman, Nalini Bal Sadan Managing trustee, Dr. M.P.Desarda charitable trust & research institution Chairman, Indian hernia institute Fellow/Member: 1] International College of Surgeons, 2] Indian Medical Association, 3]Association of Surgeons of India 4] Pune Surgical Society [Founder Member] Professional Qualifications: M.B.BS. (Pune); M.S. (Gen. Surg, Pune); FICS (USA); FICA (USA) Experience after post graduation & attachments: i. Practicing as Consultant General Surgeon from 1972 till to-date in Pune, India ii. Professor & Head of the dept of surgery, Poona hospital & research centre since 1985, Pune, iii. 5 years as Lecturer at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College. iv. 4 years as Associate Prof. of Surgery at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune, India v. Consultant General Surgeon at Kamala Nehru General Hospital since 1978, Pune, India vi. Panel Consultant to Industries like Telco, SKF, KSB Pumps, LIC, Film Institute, Pune, India Papers read or published: 1. Retinal changes in Hypertension- Maharashtra Medical Journal, Vol. XX, No.6, Sept 1973 2. Phytobezoar Obstruction of Esophagus at 16th Annual All India Gastroenterologist Conference, 1975. 3. Use of Kidney diuresis in Jaundice at Mahavir Medical Association, 1975. 4. Hydrochlorothiazide in therapy of Hypertension, Maharashtra Medical journal, Vol. XXV, No.1, April1978 5. Methodology of study of breast diseases, Maharashtra Medical Journal, Vol. XXV, No.12, March1979 6. Clinical features of enlarged prostate, Maharashtra Medical Journal, Vol. XXV, No.3, June1981. 7. Phytobezoar formation in oesophagus leading to oesophagial obstruction”, Indian Journal of Surgery, Vol.40, No.12, Dec.1978 8. Inguinal Hernia Repair - a new operative technique - Indian Journal of Surgery 1998. 60(1); 47-49 9. Positive Trousseau’s sign in GJ Stomal Malignancy, Indian Journal of Surgery, 1999. 61(5); 331-2 10. New techniques in hernia repair- Guest lecture at Udaipur Surgical Society, Udaipur,12th Nov. 2000 11. A new technique of inguinal hernia repair ( A final solution), 22nd Annual conference, Masicon, Karad, 2000 12. A new method of inguinal hernia repair based on physiological principle, 60th Annual conference, Association of Surgeons of India, 2000, New Delhi. 13. New Method of Inguinal Hernia Repair -A New Solution?, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2001; 71 (4), 241-244 14. Inguinal herniorrhaphy with an undetached strip of external oblique aponurosis: A new approach used in 400 patients European Journal of Surgery, 2001; 167(6), 443-448 15. Surgical physiology of inguinal hernia repair BMC-Surgery, 2003 3:2 16. Video of inguinal hernia repair technique, 63rd Annual conference of The Association of Surgeons of India, Pune, 2003 17. New method of inguinal hernia repair based on physiological principle- 49th Annual conference of International College of Surgeons, 4-7 Sept. 2003 18. New concepts of the physiology of inguinal canal and Dr. Desarda's inguinal hernia repair- Guest lecture & live demonstration of operation at Annual conference of the Polish Hernia Club, Poland, 2005 19. Physiological repair of inguinal hernia-A new technique (Study of 860patients), Hernia-The world journal of hernia & abdominal wall surgery, 2006; 10; 143-146 20. Aponeurosis instead of prosthetic mesh for inguinal hernia repair: neither physiological nor new: Letters to the editor: Hernia.(2006)10:199-200Julian E.Losanoff, M.D.,J.Michael Millis,M.D. 21. Letters to the Editor: Reply (Physiological repair of inguinal hernia-A new technique Study of 860 patients) Hernia. (2006) 10:200-201 22. Dr. Desarda's open repair of inguinal hernia without mesh using absorbable continuous sutures-A video demonstration Asia pacific hernia congress & live workshop: 6 – 8 October 2006 New Delhi [India] 23. Recurrence free inguinal hernia repair with absorbable continuous sutures-A dream or reality? (New concepts of the physiology of inguinal hernia in context with new method of repair) Asia pacific hernia congress & live workshop: 6 – 8 October 2006 New Delhi [India] 24. New method of inguinal hernia repair by Dr. Desarda page 197, Surgical options in inguinal hernia: which is best- a review article by P. K. Bhattacharjee, Indian Journal of Surgery 2006 (Issue 4, Vol.68) 25. Dr. Desarda’s new open repair of inguinal hernia without mesh- Letter to Editor: Indian Journal of Surgery 2006 (5)V68 26. Comparative study of open mesh repair and desarda’s no mesh repair in a set up of a district hospital in India, The East & Central African Journal of Surgery, Volume 11 No 2 Dec.2006 27. No-mesh inguinal hernia repair with continuous absorbable sutures: A dream or reality? (a study of 229 patients). Saudi J Gastroenterol 2008;14:122-7 29. No mesh inguinal hernia repair with absorbable continuous sutures in perspective with today's trends and new concepts of inguinal canal physiology” Invited Guest lecture, ASICON 2008; 25TH to 30th Dec 2008, Ludhiana, Punjab, INDIA 30. No-mesh Inguinal Hernia Repair with Continuous Absorbable Sutures: Is it a Step Forward or Backward? Saudi J Gastroenterol 2009;1:67-68 31. No-mesh Inguinal Hernia Repair with Continuous Absorbable Sutures: It is tension free Saudi J Gastroenterol 2009;1:68-69 32. No mesh inguinal hernia repair with absorbable continuous sutures in perspective with today's trends and new concepts of inguinal canal physiology-Guest lecture ASICON 2008 at Ludhiana, Punjab 29th Dec 2008 33. New concepts of inguinal canal physiology that prevent hernia formation and No mesh, recurrence free inguinal hernia repair with absorbable continuous sutures in perspective with today's trends-Invited guest lecture, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, National Hospital, Colombo 12th Jan 2009 Spiritual Experience and activities: Strict and thorough scientific practice of ‘Ashtang Yoga’ described by Patanjali for a period of 2 years in 1978-79 lead to a level of achieving Pranayama Gati to 2 respirations per minute continuously for one hour. This is Pranayama Siddhi’. Further steps of Pratyahar, Dhyan and Dharana lead him to a level of ‘Samadhi’ experienced during this period. This ‘Samadhi-Sachchidananda’ was an experience by itself that can not be described in words and needs to be experienced by one himself. The motive behind this ‘Yog-sadhana’ was to find out the medical basis behind this ‘Yoga-science’ and that was achieved. Today, he is ready with a research material analyzing the medical basis of various states of body and mind while practicing yoga. His ‘Guru’ for this study was a book ‘Patanjali Yoga Sutra’ written by Shri Kolhatkar and later a great saint, the late ‘Muni Mishrilalji, a disciple of late ‘Muni Ganeshmalji Maharajsaheb’. Preparations are going on to publish this prime research on ‘Kundalini’ Process to establish a ‘Yoga-Institute’ as an ongoing activity of the ‘Dr.M.P.Desarda Charitable Trust & Research Institution’ has been started. 1.5 Acres of an agricultural land in the vicinity of Pune city and in calm, quiet, natural and picturesque surrounding has been purchased and 1st phase of building is completed. Regular Yoga classes will be conducted to teach yoga to the masses. ‘Yoga-Ashram’ will be started in second phase.

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