Dae-Sook Eun
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laparoscopic cornuotomy using a temporary tourniquet suture and diluted vasopressin injection in int
laparoscopic cornuotomy using a temporary tourniquet suture and diluted vasopressin injection in interstitial pregnancy video
Laparoscopic cornuotomy is
1. perfect for hemostasis
2. no adjuvant treatment
3. Probaility of preservation of cornua & tube
4. Possibility of vaginal delivery in Subsequent pregnancy
The Digging and Peeling off method is of absolute value to the laparoscopic myomectomy since that can provide time necessary to remove the large and multiple leiomyoma and suture the uterus. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or help, it will be a pleasure for mr to assist you. e-mail : eunds1212@yahoo.co.kr homepage : www.eunhospital.co.kr
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