drjamil hashmi
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Treatment for Piles,Fistula,hemorrhoids, Hydrocele Without Operation or surgery in pakistan Dr Jamil Ahmad Hashmi ( haripur hazar pakistan )... +923009885511 --- drjamil79@gmail.com
Treatment for Piles,Fistula,Hydrocele Without Operation piles treatment with 60 days Quickly! pain free treatment full life Piles Medicine dr jamil ahmad hashmi ( haripur hazar pakistan ) drjamil79@yahoo.com +923009885511 piles treatment with 60 days Quickly! pain free treatment full life Piles Medicine dr jamil ahmad hashmi...
Piles Treatment
contact : drjamil79@yahoo.com
Rubber band application around the pile is a pain free procedure.Patient is put to sleep for a few minutes and can go home after a few hours.In this procedure anal fissure was also treated with the transparent anoscope that comes with the PPH gun set.
Piles Treatment piles: HAL Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation new fast and painless treatment of haemorrhoids dr jamil ahmad hashmi -PainlessRubber band application around the pile is pain free procedure.Patient put to sleep for few minutes can go home after hours.In this procedure anal fissure was also treated with transparent anoscope that comes PPH gun set. Category: health