
Vijay kopalli
15 Views · 23 days ago

⁣Common Causes of Elbow Pain:

Elbow pain can happen due to various conditions, such as:

1. Arthritis: It is the most commonly seen problem that affects the elbow, which leads to moderate to severe pain in the elbow joint.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is a chronic autoimmune disease that creates inflammation in the joint areas and causes pain.
3. Bursitis: Bursitis is inflammation in the bursa, which cushions the bones, muscles, and other joint areas. It might even create irritation, pain and tenderness around the area of the joint.
4. Tennis elbow: is a condition that may be caused by repeated wrist and arm motion. This is the most common condition for athletes and is seen mostly at the outer part of the elbow but sometimes in the forearm area as well.
5. Injuries: It is commonly seen in fractures, sprains, strains, dislocations, tendon tears and more.

For More Information: ⁣https://www.skedoc.com/hyderabad/orthopaedician

35 Views · 1 year ago

Warren Pettaway of Detroit knew he needed to have his left knee checked out when he could no longer keep up while officiating basketball. The pain got so bad that running up and down the court or quickly changing directions was too much for him to continue doing what he loved.Only three weeks post-surgery, Warren is ready to get back in the game. He is able to move without issue and is getting things done around the house. He makes sure to do his therapy as directed and is exercising on his own in the gym. To learn more visit https://www.henryford.com/serv....ices/joint-replaceme

55 Views · 1 year ago

In this animated episode of eOrthopodTV, orthopedic surgeon Randale C. Sechrest, MD narrates the procedure to replace an arthritic knee with an artificial joint.

287 Views · 1 year ago

Dr. Eric Janssen of SportsMED Orthopaedic Surgery & Spine Center in Huntsville, Alabama demonstrates a total knee replacement using dry bones model. In this demonstration he uses the Wright Medical Evolution Knee implant. This demonstrations does not include soft tissue.

14 Views · 1 year ago

Outpatient -- or same-day -- knee replacement surgery is more convenient than traditional knee replacement surgery and often can help you recover faster.

Outpatient -- or same-day -- knee replacement surgery is more convenient than traditional knee replacement surgery and often can help you recover faster. At Duke Ambulatory Surgery Center Arringdon, your knee replacement will be followed immediately by physical therapy to get you moving and start your recovery process right away. Our expert joint replacement team ensures your knee replacement surgery is safe and effective so you can return to the comfort of your home as soon as possible.

42 Views · 1 year ago

Each person's knee is different. This is why UC San Diego Health offers several surgical options for knee replacements to tailor care to each person's injury and health. Each surgical approach has benefits for the right surgical candidate. Our surgeons can discuss what option is most appropriate for each person.

To learn more about knee replacement options at UC San Diego Health, visit:

Francis Gonzales, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in adult hip and knee joint replacement surgery. Learn more about Dr. Gonzales: https://providers.ucsd.edu/det....ails/11935/orthopedi

UC San Diego Health is repeatedly ranked among the nation's best in orthopedic care by U.S. News & World Report. We are also a Blue Distinction Center recognized for our treatment expertise and better overall patient results for knee replacement, as well as a designated Center of Excellence for orthopedic care by Optum. This means you'll receive expert, safe and cost-effective care.

UC San Diego Health's orthopedic surgeons are the first and only in San Diego to offer customized knee replacements with the ROSA knee system — for a faster recovery and more natural feeling knee. Talk to one of our surgeons about whether a ROSA knee replacement is right for you. https://health.ucsd.edu/specia....lties/orthopedics/jo#a

49 Views · 1 year ago

Does Knee Replacement Surgery Meet Patient Expectations? In this video, I discuss knee replacement surgery or total knee arthroplasty expectations. A recent study reported that 1 in 4 patients who underwent knee replacement did not have their expectations met. The video reviews the differences in outcomes and satisfaction levels between satisfied and unsatisfied patients and identifies the key expectations that must be met for patients to be satisfied after knee replacement.


► Things my patients have found helpful:
Please note that I get a lot of requests and questions about what equipment is ‘best’ for treating a variety of conditions. The following is not meant to be an exhaustive or definitive list. Please use it as a starting point. If you have questions, please discuss with your healthcare provider. With that said, I have tried a number of the products below, but not all. I have included some based on positive feedback from many of my patients. As an Amazon Associate, Dr Peng earns from qualifying purchases. If you purchase any product using the below affiliate links, you are helping Dr Peng maintain this channel.

*Soft Tissue & Rehab*
Theragun: https://amzn.to/4363zJG
Massage ball: https://amzn.to/40BUC9f
Foam roller: https://amzn.to/4324E5c
Stretching strap: https://amzn.to/3U9a2iQ
TENS unit: https://amzn.to/3mcCqnI
Heating pad: https://amzn.to/40VidSc
Resistance bands: https://amzn.to/3nFyb4C

*Braces & Supports*
Hinged knee brace: https://amzn.to/3U6oyrH
Neoprene knee sleeve: https://amzn.to/3Zzhsgt
Volar wrist brace: https://amzn.to/3KawW55
Thumb spica brace: https://amzn.to/3nHj9vl
Ankle lace up brace: https://amzn.to/3m6iR0u
Tennis/Golfer’s elbow brace: https://amzn.to/3ZEGgE1
Superfeet orthotic inserts: https://amzn.to/436tRf5

*Recommended Textbooks & Resources*
The Trigger Point Manual: https://amzn.to/4340cTt
Trigger Point Wall Charts: https://amzn.to/3zrinVR

► Be Active. Live Healthy. Subscribe for more free videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCL5eiGK1f0A-DecaB


Jeffrey Peng MD is a nonoperative orthopedist and sports medicine specialist. He created a YouTube channel and blog to translate cutting edge medical knowledge and clinical research to benefit all those looking to live an active and healthy lifestyle. He focuses on maximizing non-surgical treatments for sports injuries and orthopedic conditions. He specializes in using orthobiologics and ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques to treat osteoarthritis, tendinopathies, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Dr. Peng is board certified in sports medicine and family medicine. He completed residency with the Stanford family medicine residency program and completed his sports medicine training with the Stanford primary care sports medicine fellowship in San Jose. He is an active faculty member for both programs and is excited about training the next generation of physicians.

Dr. Peng’s sports medicine clinic is located in Campbell, California.
Twitter: @JeffreyPengMD; https://twitter.com/JeffreyPengMD
Website: https://www.jeffreypengmd.com/

► Disclaimer

My content reflects my own opinion and does not represent the views or opinions of my employers or hospital systems I am affiliated with. They are meant for educational purposes only. They do not substitute for the medical advice of a physician. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding your health.

50 Views · 1 year ago

This follow-along routine features stretching and strengthening exercises for before and after knee replacement surgery. Daljit, who is awaiting knee surgery, joins physiotherapist Milly Abdullah to demonstrate the exercises.

This video is part of the Surgery Toolkit, a series designed for people living with arthritis who are awaiting or recovering from joint replacement surgery. Staying active is important if you’re waiting for or recovering from surgery. Being fitter and stronger can improve the success of the operation and lead to a faster recovery time.

In the Surgery Toolkit you’ll also find tailor-made, follow-along exercise routines for hip and shoulder replacement, as well as full body workouts to help you maintain overall fitness. The series also includes advice films, personal stories and top tips on staying active before and after surgery from those living with arthritis who have been through joint replacement surgery.

This series is part of Let’s Move, a programme for people with arthritis who want more movement in their lives. Sign up today to the free newsletter to receive all the latest content to help you to get active in a way that works for you: https://action.versusarthritis.....org/page/120448/dat

3 Views · 1 year ago

A recap of Mater Hospital patient Helen's story as she progressed from experiencing chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis, through to knee replacement treatment and ultimately a new lease on life.

Dedicated to surgical excellence and patient-centred care, the Mater Hospital North Sydney is regarded as a leading orthopaedic hospital and the only Australian hospital to be accepted into the International Society of Orthopaedic Centres.

For more information, click here: https://bit.ly/3bvhY8G

5 Views · 1 year ago

A new bionic body part that talks to your phone is the next frontier in knee replacements. It's called a smart knee, a new technology designed to improve recovery after surgery. Stephanie Stahl reports.

5 Views · 1 year ago

Women's College Hospital is revolutionizing the way knee-replacement surgery is done. It is starting to provide the procedure as an ambulatory service. Patients can go home from hospital four hours after having the surgery. In some other hospitals knee replacement surgery patients have to stay as long as 4 days.

Read an excerpt from Theresa Boyle's story:
It’s been less than four hours since Greg Nemez underwent knee-replacement surgery and the 56-year-old Mississauga man is already on his way home from hospital.

This past Monday, he became the fifth patient at Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital to undergo the outpatient procedure, which normally requires a hospital stay of two or three days.

“I’m happy ... You have that freedom of movement from before. It’s like wow,” he said on the elevator as he was leaving the hospital.

After years of being unable to hold his leg straight, the real-estate agent can finally do so. A 20-year-old football injury had left him with severe arthritis and pain.

Read the full story:

Follow the Toronto Star on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/torontostar/
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3 Views · 1 year ago

UW Health orthopedic surgeon Richard Illgen has pioneered robotic-assisted knee replacement and serves as a regional and national expert in these techniques. Learn more: http://www.uwhealth.org/49421

24 Views · 1 year ago

St. Luke's originally broadcast this live in a webcast and later re-purposed it for air on KCRG-TV9 as an educational video. It is hosted by Ashley Hinson, KCRG-TV9 anchor and Dr. Sandeep Munjal. Dr. Jeff Nassif performs the knee replacement surgery on an eastern Iowa woman. St. Luke's has a rapid recovery joint replacement program, which gets people back to life quickly after surgery.

6 Views · 1 year ago

The OrthoIllustrated® animation for total knee replacement is an educational tool to help patients better understand the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis.

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Why Work Arthrex https://www.arthrex.com/job-seeker
Find an Arthrex Surgeon: https://doctorfinder.orthoillustrated.com

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Arthrex Inc., headquartered in Naples, Florida, is a global leader in orthopedic surgical device design, research, manufacturing, and medical education. Arthrex develops and releases more than 1,000 new products and procedures every year to advance minimally invasive orthopedics worldwide.

For more information, visit https://www.arthrex.com

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OrthoPedia is an innovative educational website that was created for anyone interested in learning about orthopedics from the first-year student to the experienced orthopedic surgeon.

Visit https://www.orthopedia.com to experience the future of Medical Education.

5 Views · 1 year ago

BioDigital Systems created this 3D animation of a knee replacement surgery.

BioDigital is happy to share helpful health information, but we do not offer medical advice. For medical advice, please contact your healthcare provider directly.

For more information on the content of this video, you can:

Access these 3D visuals: human.biodigital.com
Learn more about BioDigital: www.biodigital.com

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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/biodigital/ Medical disclaimer:
BioDigital, Inc is not a health care provider and we do not provide medical advice. You should not rely on the information provided on our sites or services as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The services are not intended to be used by consumers or clinicians in making treatment decisions. You are encouraged to seek professional medical diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information from the sites and services with your healthcare provider. Information provided on the sites and media is provided for informational purposes and is in no way intended to substitute consulting a medical professional. Nothing stated or posted by BioDigital is intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine, the provision of medical care, or a tool relied on by patients or clinicians. If you rely on any of the information provided by BioDigital, you do so solely at your own risk.

2 Views · 1 year ago

Johns Hopkins orthopaedic hip and knee surgeon, Savyasachi "Savya" Thakkar, explains how to prepare for knee replacement surgery, and what to expect before and after surgery. To learn more about our hip and knee replacement division, visit https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/ortho. #KneeReplacement #JohnsHopkins

0:15 What causes someone to need a knee replacement?
0:29 What should patients do in advance of surgery?
1:10 Do you recommend physical therapy BEFORE surgery?
1:43 Will joint implants set off metal detectors at airports?

1 Views · 1 year ago

Eric knew he needed help when an old knee injury began worsening over the course of time and was significantly affecting his quality of life. That’s when he turned to his hometown orthopedic experts at Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, who recommended a total knee replacement. After overcoming some initial fears, Eric decided it was time to have the operation — a fuller and more active life with his family depended on it.

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