Surgery Videos

Alicia Berger
1,673 Views · 8 months ago

3D animation video of Varicose Veins Sclerotherapy Treatment

Alicia Berger
1,604 Views · 8 months ago

Surgical Repair of Pectus Excavatum. Pectus excavatum is a condition in which a person's breastbone is sunken into his or her chest.

samer kareem
17,115 Views · 8 months ago

A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. There are several types of hematomas and they are often described based on their location. Examples of hematomas include subdural, spinal, under the finger or toenail bed (subungual), ear, and liver (hepatic). Some causes of hematomas are as pelvic bone fractures, fingernail injuries (subungual), bumps, passing blood clots, blood clot in the leg (DVT), blood cancers, and excessive alcohol use. Symptoms of hematomas depend upon their location and whether adjacent structures are affected by the inflammation and swelling associated with the bleeding and may include

samer kareem
2,010 Views · 8 months ago

Stuck with an Embroidery Needle

samer kareem
1,297 Views · 8 months ago

finger pulp abscess drainage EXPLOSION of pus

20,644 Views · 8 months ago

A tonsillolith lodged in the tonsillar crypt. Specialty. Otorhinolaryngology. Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are clusters of calcified material that form in the tonsillar crypts, the crevices of the tonsils. While they occur most commonly in the palatine tonsils, they may also occur in the lingual tonsils.

samer kareem
1,989 Views · 8 months ago

This video may contain images of a medical doctor providing emergency care for a patient.

samer kareem
3,109 Views · 8 months ago

The Steri-Strip™ brand offers an extended line of adhesive skin closures to meet your needs. Our versatile, cost-saving, non-invasive Steri-Strips™ have many applications and come in a variety of sizes. Options include reinforced, elastics, "blend-tone," an antimicrobial and a waterproof wound closure system.

samer kareem
1,303 Views · 8 months ago

Human Glue used to repair a cut in the chin of a toddler

samer kareem
1,069 Views · 8 months ago

Learn the proper technique for applying LiquiBand Flex Topical Skin Adhesive

samer kareem
2,385 Views · 8 months ago

Forehead wound repaired with "Liquiband" glue

samer kareem
3,028 Views · 8 months ago

This video details the layered closure of a through-and-through facial laceration

samer kareem
1,439 Views · 8 months ago

Warning! Do not watch if you are squeamish! SHOW MORE

samer kareem
1,625 Views · 8 months ago

Surgeon performs a dissection of the transverse process during spine surgery, explaining the benefits of including the AQUAMANTYS System from Salient Surgical Technologies during the procedure. The AQUAMANTYS System uses Salient's patented TRANSCOLLATION technology, which has been clinically shown to reduce blood loss and lower blood transfusion rates when used during surgery.

samer kareem
2,322 Views · 8 months ago

The lateral approach is used for insertion of fixation devices after closed reduction of a proximal femoral fracture. Reduction of a displaced fracture is usually done with a fracture table, or alternatively a large distractor spanning the hip joint. After satisfactory reduction is confirmed by image intensifier, the lateral approach can be used for insertion of a sliding hip screw or multiple screws. The approach provides limited access to the lateral surface of the femur sufficient for hardware placement. The incision can be extended proximally to accommodate a trochanteric stabilizing plate (TSP), or even anteriorly so that it becomes an anterolateral approach with direct, although limited, access to the femoral neck.

samer kareem
1,844 Views · 8 months ago

Earlobe surgery or repair is a reconstructive plastic surgery procedure performed to restore the appearance of earlobes that have been torn or stretched due to ear tearing, trauma, or piercing, including the insertion of ear gauges. This can also be called earlobe reconstructive surgery or split earlobe repair .

samer kareem
2,356 Views · 8 months ago

This is a 60 year man having large swelling of size 7cm x 5 cm behind neck for one year. Patient complained pain and tenderness over local area for 7 days and came to us.On examination punctum found in the centre of swelling and fluctuation positive.Infected sebaceous cyst diagnosis made. /nIncision and drainage surgery done under local anesthesia.all infected pultaceous material evacuated.Pus culture sent and antibiotics given as per sensitivity report./nPatient improved with daily dressing.

samer kareem
1,410 Views · 8 months ago

An abscess is an infectious process characterized by a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. [1, 2] Abscesses can form anywhere in the body, from a superficial skin (subcutaneous) abscess to deep abscesses in muscle, organs, or body cavities. Patients with subcutaneous skin abscesses present clinically as a firm, localized, painful, erythematous swelling that becomes fluctuant (see the image below).

6,127 Views · 8 months ago

Performed by Kami Parsa M.D. Patient is a 55 year old with a history of previous upper eyelid blepharoplasty with excessive skin removed from both upper eyelids which resulted in bilateral lagophthalmos. Patient could not close her eyes and had problems with severe dry eyes.

5,407 Views · 8 months ago

This poor old lady came with swelling in her left buttock for 10 days.She had history of injection in her buttocks two weeks back. She developed painful swelling and redness in her left gluteal region with difficulty in walking.It was diagnosed as injection abscess left gluteal region which needs incision and drainage under local anesthesia.Patient part painted and drapped.2% Lignocaine with adrenaline was infiltrated around the swelling for proper filed block.I use no-11 blade for stab incision over the swelling at the most fluctuating point of the abscess.You can watch how pus was flowing out from the cavity.The aim is to drain all pus from the abscess cavity.Finger exploration is essential to break all loculi inside the cavity, to know the depth and extend of the cavity and to fascilitate proper drainage of residual pus.after pus evacuation,, the cavity should be irrigated with normal saline and betadine solution.lastly the cavity to be packed with betadine soaked guage pieces.Proper dressing is essential.the dressing to be changed after 24 hours.daily dressing is essential with a good antibiotic coverage.the cavity usually obliterates within a period of seven to ten days.

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