Surgery Videos

samer kareem
21,514 Views · 8 months ago

Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First your skin becomes very cold and red, then numb, hard and pale. Frostbite is most common on the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin. Exposed skin in cold, windy weather is most vulnerable to frostbite. But frostbite can occur on skin covered by gloves or other clothing.

samer kareem
41,637 Views · 8 months ago

When you get a kidney transplant, a healthy kidney is placed inside your body to do the work your own kidneys can no longer do. On the plus side, there are fewer limits on what you can eat and drink, but you should follow a heart-healthy diet. Your health and energy should improve. In fact, a successful kidney transplant may allow you to live the kind of life you were living before you got kidney disease. Studies show that people with kidney transplants live longer than those who remain on dialysis. On the minus side, there are the risks of surgery. You will also need to take anti-rejection medicines for as long as your new kidney is working, which can have side effects. You will have a higher risk for infections and certain types of cancer.

samer kareem
12,706 Views · 8 months ago

TPIAT is a procedure that lets surgeons remove the pancreas, take out islet cells, and put those islet cells into the liver.

samer kareem
19,588 Views · 8 months ago

The cause of pectus excavatum is not known however it can run in families, with up to 25 percent of affected patients reporting chest wall abnormalities in other family members. Pectus excavatum occurs in approximately 1 out of 400–1000 children and is three to five times more common in males than females.

samer kareem
21,617 Views · 8 months ago

The peroneal artery is closely positioned to the fibula. The artery arises from the tibioperoneal trunk, distal to the takeoff of the anterior tibial artery (seen in the illustration below perforating the interosseous membrane). The peroneal artery sends perforators laterally to the skin of the lower leg, sometimes in a septocutaneous fashion via the lateral intermuscular septum, but often with muscular perforators. The length of the pedicle is usually short, but can be increased substantially by dissecting the peroneal artery and its venae from the fibula and using the distal bone for reconstruction.

samer kareem
8,681 Views · 8 months ago

Craziest Surgeries You'll Never Believe Occurred!

samer kareem
12,709 Views · 8 months ago

Simple or Total Mastectomy. The entire breast is removed, but no lymph nodes are taken in this procedure. Simple mastectomy is most frequently used for further cancer prevention or when the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes.Oct 29, 2014

samer kareem
6,192 Views · 8 months ago

STITCHES: Cleaning, Numbing, & Suturing the Wound

samer kareem
20,876 Views · 8 months ago

This cyst had been slowly growing for decades and created some redundant skin on the surface. A decision was made to make a slightly bigger incision in order to remove this tissue as well. As a result of this deeper process, 2 deep dermal sutures were added before the superficial interrupted sutures were put in place.

samer kareem
11,696 Views · 8 months ago

Wound-closure technologies are becoming less painful and more efficient at closing wounds

samer kareem
8,621 Views · 8 months ago

This video: Blisters caused by friction or minor burns do not require a doctor's care. New skin will form underneath the affected area and the fluid is simply absorbed. Do not puncture a blister unless it is large, painful, or likely to be further irritated. The fluid-filled blister keeps the underlying skin clean, which prevents infection and promotes healing.

samer kareem
19,196 Views · 8 months ago

Simple technique to harvest Connective tissue graft from the Palate.

samer kareem
5,448 Views · 8 months ago

Animation explaining the pancreatic auto islet transplantation process with complete removal of the pancreas to treat pancreatitis.

samer kareem
13,027 Views · 8 months ago

External breathing lung transplant

samer kareem
2,170 Views · 8 months ago

Saddle pulmonary embolism (PE) is a form of large pulmonary thrombo-embolism that straddles the main pulmonary arterial trunk at its bifurcation. Its incidence among patients diagnosed with PE was found to be approximately 2.6%.

samer kareem
1,711 Views · 8 months ago

, Liver hydatid cysts of the liver was treated with laparoscopic intervantion . The cysts was located in the eight segment of the liver.

samer kareem
28,419 Views · 8 months ago

This is a surgical video that shows the removal of a volar ganglion cyst. This is a common surgical procedure and this video may help you better understand the steps that occur during the procedure.

samer kareem
14,261 Views · 8 months ago

Lipoma From Foot (Inter Digital Web Space) Removal Technique

samer kareem
10,989 Views · 8 months ago

While an anal abscess is an infection within one or more of the anal spaces, an anal fistula (Choice B) is a tunneling between the anus or rectum and another epithelial lined space (eg, the skin overlying the drainage site). Fifty percent of patients with anal abscesses will go on to develop a chronic fistula from the involved anal gland to the overlying skin. Patients with fistulas typically present with an anal abscess that persists after incision and drainage, or with a pustule-like lesion in the perianal or ischiorectal area that continually drains. Surgical repair is usually necessary to eliminate the fistula while preserving fecal continence.

samer kareem
14,707 Views · 8 months ago

Acute compartment syndrome refers to ischemic tissue damage secondary to elevated pressures in the enclosed compartments of the lower legs or forearm. When the tissue pressure in an enclosed compartment exceeds the perfusion pressure, the resulting diminished tissue perfusion and compromised blood flow to the muscles and nerves inevitably lead to ischemic tissue necrosis. Majority of the cases involving the lower extremities are due to a traumatic event, most commonly tibial fractures. Other causes include a crush injury or other long bone fractures in a motor vehicle accident, a tight cast or dressing after trauma, and drug overdose.

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