Surgery Videos

samer kareem
7,857 Views · 8 months ago

-Traumatic amputation of a body part requires rapid transport of the appendage, which should be wrapped in a saline-moistened gauze, placed in a plastic bag, and transported in a container filled with ice mixed with either saline or sterile water to best preserve the body part and attempt replantation.

samer kareem
18,769 Views · 8 months ago

Inguinal hernia repair is surgery to repair a hernia in your groin. A hernia is tissue that bulges out of a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Your intestine may bulge out through this weakened area.Mar 13, 2015

samer kareem
1,349 Views · 8 months ago

Basic Surgical Instrumentation

samer kareem
58,994 Views · 8 months ago

This video has been shortened for quicker review of the procedure. This patient's knee was dislocated during a motor vehicle accident. In this video the reduction of the dislocated knee is demonstrated.

samer kareem
10,885 Views · 8 months ago

An epidural abscess is a collection of pus (infected material) between the outer covering of the brain and spinal cord and the bones of the skull or spine. The abscess causes swelling in the area. Spinal cord abscess (SCA) is a rare condition capable of causing permanent damage to the spinal cord. Abscesses are caused when injured tissue becomes infected. The body's immune system sends white blood cells to help fight off the infection. They begin to fill the damaged tissue, causing pus to build up.

samer kareem
5,670 Views · 8 months ago

Laparoscopic use of Palmer's Point

samer kareem
61,126 Views · 8 months ago

Mini-invasive surgical repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon

samer kareem
10,032 Views · 8 months ago

an incision made on the back of the lower leg starting just above the heel bone. After the surgeon finds the two ends of the ruptured tendon, these ends are sewn together with sutures. The incision is then closed. Another repair method makes a small incision on the back of the lower leg at the site of the rupture.

samer kareem
31,619 Views · 8 months ago

irregular, curved toenails. footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, such as socks and stockings that are too tight or shoes that are too tight, narrow, or flat for your feet. toenail injury, including stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly. poor posture.

samer kareem
13,920 Views · 8 months ago

Ganglion cysts are the most common mass or lump in the hand. They are not cancerous and, in most cases, are harmless. They occur in various locations, but most frequently develop on the back of the wrist. These fluid-filled cysts can quickly appear, disappear, and change size.

samer kareem
23,179 Views · 8 months ago

An appendectomy (sometimes called appendisectomy or appendicectomy) is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix. This procedure is normally performed as an emergency procedure, when the patient is suffering from acute appendicitis.

samer kareem
44,835 Views · 8 months ago

Keloids are cosmetically disfiguring benign fibrous outgrowths, which present as a major therapeutic dilemma due to their frequent recurrence. Despite a wide therapeutic armamentarium available for these scars, none has been found to be completely effective and satisfactory. Cryosurgery has offered some promise in the treatment of keloids.We conducted this study to evaluate the effect of cryotherapy in treatment of keloids and to relate the treatment outcome with the clinico-etiological factors.

samer kareem
50,667 Views · 8 months ago

wound clean from pus

samer kareem
5,693 Views · 8 months ago

There are several things to consider when trying to decide between gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. Unlike the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (Lap Band), these two operations are both permanent, reduce hunger, and lead to the highest percentage of weight loss. To properly compare gastric sleeve surgery to gastric bypass surgery we will examine the following data : Expected weight loss. Speed of weight loss. Time of surgery. Gastric bypass benefits over sleeve. Gastric sleeve benefits over bypass. Risk of complications. Surgeon skill and preference.

samer kareem
6,078 Views · 8 months ago

Breast lump removal is surgery to remove a lump that may be breast cancer. Tissue around the lump is also removed. This surgery is called a lumpectomy. When a noncancerous tumor such as a fibroadenoma of the breast is removed, it is often called an excisional breast biopsy, instead of a lumpectomy

samer kareem
12,625 Views · 8 months ago

Wound-closure technologies are becoming less painful and more efficient at closing wounds.

samer kareem
6,203 Views · 8 months ago

irregular, curved toenails. footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, such as socks and stockings that are too tight or shoes that are too tight, narrow, or flat for your feet. toenail injury, including stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly. poor posture. How can ingrowing toenails be prevented? Cut your nails straight across; do not cut them too short or too low at the sides. ... Keep your feet clean and dry. ... Avoid tight shoes and use cotton socks rather than synthetic. If you have diabetes, you should take extra care when cutting your nails:

samer kareem
15,620 Views · 8 months ago

Surgery is the only way to treat parathyroid disease (hyperparathyroidism). There are no medications or pills that work to cure or treat parathyroid problems or high calcium. The parathyroid tumor must be removed by a surgeon. As soon as the parathyroid tumor has been removed, you are cured! It is very likely this will change your life. If you have hyperparathyroidism you need to have parathyroid surgery. If you have an expert surgeon this operation should be very easy.

samer kareem
13,199 Views · 8 months ago

Our specialists treat conditions that are recurrent and hard to treat. Simply put, TPIAT a procedure that lets surgeons remove the pancreas, take out islet cells – the cells in the pancreas that make insulin – and put those islet cells into the liver. Patients then take pancreatic enzymes to help them digest food.

samer kareem
4,307 Views · 8 months ago

A modified radical mastectomy is a procedure in which the entire breast is removed, including the skin, areola, nipple, and most axillary lymph nodes; the pectoralis major muscle is spared. Historically, a modified radical mastectomy was the primary method of treatment of breast cancer. [1, 2] As the treatment of breast cancer evolved, breast conservation has become more widely used. [3, 4] However, mastectomy still remains a viable option for women with breast cancer. [5, 6]

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