Surgery Videos

marin vinasco
1,699 Views ยท 8 months ago

Teaching Phonics To Children, How To Teach Phonics And Reading, How To Read Better, Teach Kid Read--- --- Teaching phonics to children - How to Teach Phonics and Reading, Teaching children to read by teaching phonics activities is a lot like doing math, where you have to know what the numbers are, how to count, and you need to learn to add and subtract before learning to multiply and divide. Teaching phonics to children is no different where you follow a step by step approach by first teaching the child the alphabet letters and phonics sounds, and then teaching them the combination of different letters to create different words, and using words to form sentences. It is a very logical and sequential buildup of phonics knowledge and reading ability. Before a child can learn to read, he or she must first learn the alphabet letters, and know the sounds represented by the letters. It's usually easier to teach some consonants and short vowels first before moving on to more complicated things such as consonant digraphs (2 consonants formed to produce one sound, such as "ch" or "ph") and long vowels. As you can see, teaching children to read by the phonics method helps them develop phonemic awareness, and it is also a very logical and straight forward approach. Start off by teaching your child the phonics sounds. You can choose to teach your child in alphabetic order going from A to Z, or you can teach several commonly used consonant sounds and vowels, and go from there. For example, you may start teaching your child /a/, /c/, and /t/ (slashes denote sound of the letters). Once your child has learn to quickly recognize these letters and properly sound out their sounds, you can then teach them to blend /c/, /a/, /t/ to make the words "cat", or "tac", or "at". As you introduce more letters and phonics sounds in your lesson plans, you can generate more words, and slowly introduce short, simple sentences to your reading lessons. Depending on the age of your child, I would suggest keeping the phonics lessons relatively short - around 5 to 10 minutes. Sometimes, just 3 to 5 minutes for a short lesson is plenty, and you can easily teach these short phonics lessons 2 or 3 times each day for a total of 10 to 15 minutes. >> Teach your child to read today using our step-by-step, proven method for teaching young children to read

marin vinasco
1,271 Views ยท 8 months ago

What Is Phonemic Awareness, Reading Program For Kids, Phonics For Children, Teach Your Baby To Read---- What is Phonemic Awareness, Phonemic Awareness is defined as the ability to identify, hear, and work with the smallest units of sound known as phonemes. It is NOT the same as phonological awareness, instead, it is a sub-category of phonological awareness. For example, phonemic awareness is narrow, and deals only with phonemes and manipulating the individual sounds of words - such as /c/, /a/, and /t/ are the individual sounds that make up to form the word "cat". Phonological awareness on the other hand, includes the phonemic awareness ability, and it also includes the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate larger units of sound such as rimes and onsets. Phonemic awareness can be taught very early on, and will play a critical role in helping children learn to read and spell. While it's not set in stone on when a child can learn to read, however, I do believe that a child that can speak is a child that can learn to read. Children as young as two years old can learn to read by developing phonemic awareness, and they can learn to read fluently. Please see a video of a 2 year old (2yr11months) reading below. Below are several of the most common phonemic awareness skills that are often practiced with students and young children: Phonemic identity - being able to recognize common sounds in different words such as /p/ is the common sound for "pat", "pick", and "play". Phonemic isolation - being able to recognize the individual sounds of words such as /c/ is the beginning sound of "cat" and /t/ is the ending sound of "cat". Phoneme substitution - being able to change one word to another by substituting one phoneme. For example changing the /t/ in "cat" to /p/ now makes "cap". Word Segmenting - the parent says the word "lap", and the child says the individual sounds: /l/, /a/, and /p/. Oral blending - the parent says the individual sounds such as /r/, /e/, and /d/, and the child forms the word from the sounds to say "red". Studies have found that phonemic awareness is the best predictor of reading success in young children. Research has also found that children with a high level of phonemic awareness progress with high reading and spelling achievements; however, some children with low phonemic awareness experience difficulties in learning to read and spell. Therefore, it is important for parents to help their young children develop good phonemic awareness. Being able to oral blend and segment words helps children to read and spell. According to the National Reading Panel, oral blending helps children develop reading skills where printed letters are turned into sounds which combine to form words. Additionally, word segmenting helps children breakdown words into their individual sounds (phonemes), and helps children learn to spell unfamiliar words. As a young child begins to develop and master phonemic awareness skills, they will discover an entirely new world in print and reading. You will open up their world to a whole new dimension of fun and silliness. They will be able to read books that they enjoy, develop a better understanding of the world around them through printed materials, and have a whole lot of fun by making up new nonsense words through phonemic substitutions. For example, we taught our daughter to read at a young age - when she was a little over 2 and a half years old. Before she turned three, she would run around the house saying all types of silly words using phonemic substitution. One of her favorite was substituting the letter sound /d/ in "daddy" with the letter sound /n/. So, she would run around me in circles and repeatedly say "nanny, nanny, come do this" or "nanny, nanny, come play with me" etc... Of course, she only did this when she wanted to be silly and to make me laugh, at other times, she would of course properly refer to me as "daddy", and not "nanny". She is well aware of the differences between these words and is fully capable of using phonemic substitution to change any of the letters in the words to make other words. Give your child a head start, and.. pave the way for a bright, successful future..Click here to learn how to easily and quickly teach your child to read.

27,428 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Huge Stomach Tumor Removal Medical Surgery

16,961 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Thyroid Removal Surgery

Ali Arar
1,266 Views ยท 8 months ago

SINUS LIFT SURGERY surgical procedure which aims to increase the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla (upper jaw bone), in the area of the premolar and molar teeth, by lifting the lower Schneiderian membrane (sinus membrane) and placing a bone graft.

marin vinasco
1,084 Views ยท 8 months ago

Dieta Alcalina Pdf, Tabla De Alimentos Alcalinos, Beneficios Del Agua Alcalina, Frutas Para Adelgazar--- --- Eligiendo los alimentos para una Dieta Alcalina Es en verdad fรกcil adoptar una dieta rica en alimentos alcalinos. La mayorรญa de las frutas y vegetales son excelentes opciones. La carne roja no es una buena opciรณn, pero puedes aรฑadir abundante proteรญnas a tus comidas usando los productos a base de soya, deliciosos frijoles, legumbres y tanto nueces como almendras. Deberรญas eliminar las grasas insalubres de tu dieta, pero puedes consumir las grasas buenas como el aceite de oliva, canola y la semilla de lino. El alto contenido graso de los productos lรกcteos debe ser evitado, pero puedes beber leche de soya y de cabra. Los quesos hechos de leche de soya y cabra tambiรฉn serรญan buenas opciones. Remplaza las calorรญas vacรญas de la soda con delicioso tรฉ frรญo de hierbas, tรฉ verde y agua con limรณn. El cafรฉ debe ser evitado, pero puedes tomar bebidas calientes a base de tรฉ o tรฉ verde. Remplaza la pasta con cereales integrales como arroz integral (salvaje), mijo y quinoa. Cuando endulces tus comidas, usa productos naturales como stevia y miel. Como puedes ver, tendrรกs muchas opciones nutritivas, todas deliciosas y altas en propiedades alcalinizantes. Descubre como la dieta alcalina funciona & por quรฉ los alimentos alcalinos son altamente recomendados para tu salud. Haz clic aquรญ

23,778 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of Doctors Removed 30 Pounds Of Poop From Manโ€™s Colon

marin vinasco
4,258 Views ยท 8 months ago

How To Deal With Anxiety, How To Not Be Depressed, Natural Remedies For Anxiety, Help For Depression---- --- Treatments for Depression, Depression is a mental disorder which affects about 350 million people worldwide. Its symptoms include, but are not limited to; Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. loss of interest in daily activities, appetite or weight changes, insomnia or oversleeping, anger or irritability, loss of energy. self-loathing, reckless behavior, concentration problems, unexplained aches and pains and also suicidal thoughts. Current popular treatments for depression include antidepressant medications and talk therapy such as counselling or psychotherapy. Unfortunately, these treatments have many drawbacks. AD medication is associated with a high risk of side effects and a low success rate, while therapy sessions are notoriously expensive. And often unaffordable or unobtainable for most people. Medical Treatments. Medication for depression comes in the form of antidepressants. There are typically 4 classes of AD medication, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), atypical antidepressants, tricyclics antidepressants and MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). step-by-step guide on exactly what you need to do to naturally and safely cure your depression in just a few weeks - without any medication or expensive therapy sessions. For more information. click here.

marin vinasco
5,028 Views ยท 8 months ago

Anti Anxiety Medication, Is Depression A Mental Illness, How To Overcome Depression, Depression Cure--- --- Symptoms of Depression, Signs and symptoms of depression include: Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. A bleak outlookโ€”nothing will ever get better, and thereโ€™s nothing you can do to improve your situation. Loss of interest in daily activities. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. Youโ€™ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure. Appetite or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gainโ€”a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month. Sleep changes. Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping. Anger or irritability. Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low, your temper short, and everything and everyone gets on your nerves. Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete. Self-loathing. Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes. Reckless behavior. You engage in escapist behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports. Concentration problems. Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things. Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain. DESTROY Depression The Natural Way! Click Here

13,733 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of Bodybuilder's Colon Full of 10 lbs of Meat Worms Removal

10,775 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video to know What Happens When People are Struck With Lightning ?

23,511 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Functional Neck Dissection Surgery

19,233 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Female to Male Gender Changing Surgery

marin vinasco
1,392 Views ยท 8 months ago

Intestino Irritable Tratamiento, Colon Irritable, Tratamiento Para El Colon Irritable--- --- Si usted estรก sufriendo de Sรญndrome del Intestino Irritable SII, aquรญ hay una serie de tรฉcnicas y estrategias que se conocen para aliviar grandemente los sรญntomas a largo y corto plazo. La alimentaciรณn es la fuente de energรญa primordial que tenemos y es por eso que hay que darle una importancia suprema a la hora de querer atacar los sรญntomas del SII. Se recomienda el consumo de hierbas, tales como: manzanilla, consuelda, aceite de onagra, bรกlsamo de limรณn, hinojo, canela, nuez moscada, cรบrcuma, todas las especias y enzimas digestivas. Todas ellas producen grandes beneficios para su organismo, dentro de los cuales destacamos: La manzanilla actรบa como carminativo, asรญ como calmante y agente tonificante para el tracto digestivo. Los aceites esenciales de manzanilla tambiรฉn han contribuido a aliviar cรณlicos intestinales e irritaciรณn en los animales. La manzanilla se toma normalmente tres veces al dรญa, entre las comidas, en una forma de tรฉ. La consuelda tiene un uso como agente tรณpico para mejorar la cicatrizaciรณn de heridas, รบlceras en la piel, tromboflebitis y torceduras. Tambiรฉn se utiliza para las personas con problemas gastrointestinales, como รบlceras de estรณmago y el sรญndrome del intestino irritable, y para quienes sufren problemas pulmonares. Una combinaciรณn de menta, comino y otras dos hierbas carminativas (para aliviar los gases), semillas de hinojo y ajenjo, han resultado ser un tratamiento eficaz para los dolores abdominales. La acacia tiene un alto contenido de fibra y con frecuencia se recomienda para aliviar la irritabilidad intestinal. Las frutas como la papaya, el plรกtano, el mango, la piรฑa, las fresas y los arรกndanos son altamente recomendables. Las verduras como las patatas dulces, la calabaza y las zanahorias no pueden dejar de ser parte de su dieta. Tenga cuidado con algunos de los medicamentos recetados para el SII ya que algunos de ellos han sido retirados del mercado debido a que contenรญan ingredientes tรณxicos. Algunos ingredientes contenidos en medicamentos de venta libre para el resfriado tambiรฉn han demostrado efectos negativos en pacientes con SCI. Recomendamos las gotas de zinc como una alternativa durante un resfriado ya que no irrita el estรณmago y tiene visibles resultados de estรญmulo inmunolรณgico. Los alimentos que se deben evitar: lรกcteos, huevos (especialmente la yema debido al alto contenido de grasa), brรณcoli, maรญz, aceites hidrogenados, jarabe de maรญz alto en fructosa, manzanas (debido al alto contenido de fructosa), frijoles, chocolate (debido a la cafeรญna) , cafรฉ, tรฉ con cafeรญna. Para obtener mรกs informaciรณn sobre cรณmo poder controlar y eliminar los sรญntomas del SII, puede visitar el sitio

33,087 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Big Fibrodenoma Removal Under Local Anesthesia

158,534 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Full Real Human Body Decomposition Process

marin vinasco
1,331 Views ยท 8 months ago

Hair Regrowth, Home Remedies For Hair Fall And Regrowth, Hair Regrowth Supplements---- --- Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men , Looking for the best hair loss treatment for men? Then donโ€™t be surprised to find that there are actually not that many. The reason is very simple โ€“ each individual will have his own idea on what is considered to be the best treatment due to varying reasons and factors. For some, it might be the use of conventionally developed creams; others find medicated shampoos to be the solution, while others still think that there is no better treatment aside from hair transplant. Sure, hair transplants are indeed effective, but not many can afford the cost and conventional medications might bring about various side effects as well. Men generally play a hit or miss game where hair loss is concerned, heading for the next biggest fad in hair loss prevention and hoping that they themselves will get the solution that they have been hoping for. But what most men tend to miss is the fact that sometimes the best solution for their problem is already within their reach, they only fail to realize it due to the growing concern that they have regarding their problem. One of the most underestimated methods in treating hair would be the natural route. Many men do not even start considering using natural products until they have exhausted what is available in terms of conventional treatments and medications. Hair supplements like Ginseng, Horsetail, Nettle, Valerian, Zinc, Saw Palmetto, Black Currant Oil, Capsicum, Red Sage and others can be effectively used along with natural shampoos, creams, and gels to create an effective and highly individualized treatment that any individual will be able to benefit from. If you however would like to know more about the options available, one site that will be able to give you more facts and useful information would be, , so do check it out and start working on your best hair treatment approach today!

94,526 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of human Fetus Removal Surgery

18,259 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that video of an Ingrown hair turns into 140-pound tumor in manโ€™s stomach

20,921 Views ยท 8 months ago

Watch that Hemorrhoid Medical Removal Surgery

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