Nursing Videos
This is 4th Nursing Conference in Albania
In human anatomy, the radial artery is the main blood vessel, with oxygenated blood, of the lateral aspect of the forearm.
Describe pre-procedure considerations for administering a subcutaneous injection.
Describe and demonstrate the preparation for administering a subcutaneous injection.
Describe and demonstrate needle and blood safety.
Describe and demonstrate suitable injection sites for subcutaneous injections.
Discuss the appropriate needle and syringe sizes for subcutaneous injection.
Describe and demonstrate the preparation of the substance to be injected.
Describe and demonstrate safe and correct administration of a subcutaneous injection.
Understand and apply Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines.
Understand and apply drug administration safety guidelines (seven rights).
Understand correct post-procedure considerations.
Describe and demonstrate correct documentation.
Define and demonstrate correct recording and reporting procedures.
Define and use related medical terminology.
Explain the Patient Privacy Rule (HIPAA), Patient Safety Act, and Patients' Bill of Rights.
"The act of cutting off the prepuce or foreskin of males, or the internal labia of females." Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
NURSING VIDEO ACTUAL CATHETERIZATION PROCEDURE OF MALE. FULL LENGTH VERSION Clear quality photography. This video provides an excellant clinical view of the entire procedure.
see for more info on the disease
Injection in buttocks
For nurses: a video showing how to hang an IV bag with line insertion
How to properly apply a tourniquet
Scrubbing of Surgical Hands
Male and female Foley catheter insertion into bladder. Kearn how to
Infant Urine Specimen Collection
a video showing subcutaneous injection
Another video showing how to give an intravenous injection
Residents Communication
Nursing: Role and Function on the Job