Histology and Histopathology

60 Views · 1 year ago


Purpose of the video is to help Esthetician’s review chapters in their text book to better prepare for State Bord testing, by simply reading and going over some of the material, it’s not intended to replace any teaching from any Beauty College. Every instructor does things different, Keep in mind I am in the state of Texas, also keep in mind that when in school students are to follow guidelines and might be required to do things a bit different, I teach my students the text book because that is where the state board questions come from and the goal is for them to pass their board exams. I also teach them and go over real working situations they might come across in the salon or spa.

* I am not affiliated with TDLR or PSI in any way

PSI Bulletin Link

Glymed store: https://glymedplus.io/home/index?store=0011298

email: glamandbeyondinfo@gmail.com

58 Views · 1 year ago

✨This video is on the protein fibres of connective tissue, the types, structure and synthesis of collagen and elastin. I hope it helps! ☀️

🌟What's in this video?
0:00 - Intro
0:07 - Connective Tissue Recap
0:39 - Connective Tissue Fibres
1:22 - Collagen
1:46 - Types of Collagen
3:40 - Structure of Collagen
4:40 - Collagen Synthesis
8:50 - Elastin

✨ Other videos you may need:
🔅 Connective Tissue : https://youtu.be/xw_ALdt5n-A
🔅 Cartilage : https://youtu.be/4inWF4H6pKE
🔅Epithelial Tissue: https://youtu.be/Gw5fC0zXaeU
🔅Structure of Blood Vessels: https://youtu.be/BAo2UqqyL3g
🔅Histology: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL1rG930trF2

💫 For more videos like this, subscribe to my channel!
Byte Size Med: https://youtube.com/channel/UC....ZghvlgylH3r_CWfA18eF

📚Factual References & for Further Reading:
- DiFiore's Atlas of Histology
- Junqueira's Basic Histology
- Harper's Biochemistry
- Gartner's Concise Histology
- Openstax Anatomy and Physiology
- Openstax Biology
(The last two are links to open-source references. They are NOT affiliate links)

🌤 Note:
These are just a collection of my notes. So use them the way you would use borrowed notes from a friend. 📝
The images in this video are hand-drawn for illustration and explanation only.✍️ Hence, they may not be anatomically accurate. I am just one person making these videos. If there are any errors, that is unintentional. I try super hard to avoid them. Please let me know if you find any, so it gets clarified for other viewers. Science constantly evolves and changes. New discoveries are made everyday. So some of the information in these videos may become outdated. If you notice that, please let me know so I can update them.

These videos are NOT a substitute for a medical textbook. Textbooks are written by experts (which I do not claim to be), edited, proofread and referenced. Please use them.
The information has been sourced from multiple references as mentioned above. I draw all the pictures myself. But if I have inadvertently infringed on any copyright, that is completely unintentional. I only make these videos to impart education. If I have accidentally violated copyright in any way, do let me know so I can make the necessary changes or give credit to anyone who is owed the same.
These videos are NOT intended for patient education. They are NOT a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, so that they can address your individual needs.

🔅They are ONLY meant to help students of medicine and health sciences with studying, and should be used for just that purpose and absolutely nothing else.

Byte Size Med. All Rights Reserved.

48 Views · 1 year ago

Histological features and cellular biology of exocrine glands. This video is a part of our Histology Video Course (https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

Additional YouTube Content
Biochemistry videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDzCUC
Anatomy Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDz2dK
DaVinci Cases Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDyJUl
The DaVinci Hour Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDwSm9

DaVinci Academy Website: https://www.dviacademy.com/

28 Views · 1 year ago

✨This video is on the structure and functions of the three types of cartilage (Hyaline, Elastic and Fibrocartilage). I hope it helps! ☀️

🌟What's in this video?
0:00 - Intro
0:07 - Connective Tissue Recap
1:16 - Structure of Connective Tissue
1:57 - Structural Components of Cartilage
3:38 - Types of Cartilage
3:49 - Hyaline Cartilage
8:05 - Elastic Cartilage
8:55 - Fibrocartilage

✨ Other videos you may need:
🔅 Connective Tissue : https://youtu.be/xw_ALdt5n-A
🔅 Collagen : https://youtu.be/3e2JYMNS_W4
🔅 Ossification: https://youtu.be/86V9SNWD_No
🔅Histology: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL1rG930trF2

💫 For more videos like this, subscribe to my channel!
Byte Size Med: https://youtube.com/channel/UC....ZghvlgylH3r_CWfA18eF

📚Factual References & for Further Reading:
- DiFiore's Atlas of Histology
- Junqueira's Basic Histology
- Gartner's Concise Histology
- Openstax Anatomy and Physiology
- Openstax Biology
(The last two are links to open-source references. They are NOT affiliate links)

🌤 Note:
These are just a collection of my notes. So use them the way you would use borrowed notes from a friend. 📝
The images in this video are hand-drawn for illustration and explanation only.✍️ Hence, they may not be anatomically accurate. I am just one person making these videos. If there are any errors, that is unintentional. I try super hard to avoid them. Please let me know if you find any, so it gets clarified for other viewers. Science constantly evolves and changes. New discoveries are made everyday. So some of the information in these videos may become outdated. If you notice that, please let me know so I can update them.

These videos are NOT a substitute for a medical textbook. Textbooks are written by experts (which I do not claim to be), edited, proofread and referenced. Please use them.
The information has been sourced from multiple references as mentioned above. I draw all the pictures myself. But if I have inadvertently infringed on any copyright, that is completely unintentional. I only make these videos to impart education. If I have accidentally violated copyright in any way, do let me know so I can make the necessary changes or give credit to anyone who is owed the same.
These videos are NOT intended for patient education. They are NOT a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, so that they can address your individual needs.

🔅They are ONLY meant to help students of medicine and health sciences with studying, and should be used for just that purpose and absolutely nothing else.

Byte Size Med. All Rights Reserved.

77 Views · 1 year ago

Learn about the structural unit of compact bone (the osteon) and it's four basic parts: central canal, lamellae, lacunae, and canaliculi

56 Views · 1 year ago

Website : https://www.udemy.com/course/h....istology/?referralCo

Human Histology is one of the basic subject in a Medical Student career. By learning Histology in a proper way, this will help you to get a Visual memory of the Human body. Using this Visual memory, you can Learn any other subjects with little effort. 

This Course is very well organized with lot of Histology images, Line diagrams, simple presentations and clear Explanations. This course has 33 videos, 19 chapters, 6 hours long covering all topics. Every topic is made Simple and Complete. Dr Ram has a great teaching style and has a good experience in teaching medical subjects to students.

After finishing this course, you will be better in your basics, with ability to visualize the human body and this will create an intense thirst to learn more. We give 100% guarantee that you will have a complete and in-depth understanding in short time, You will start to enjoy Learning Medicine because of the visualization of human body you get from this course and you will be ready to face any Medical exams in world. 

Course features:

- Complete Histology lectures covering all chapters

- 19 chapters | 33 Videos | 6 Hours

- Clear Histology images

- Line diagrams for easy understanding

- Lot of memory tips

- High quality audio and Videos

- Can be viewed in Pc, or Phones or TV

Course content: ( 19 Chapters, 33 videos )

I The Cell - 3 Lessons

1. Nucleus

2. Cytoplasm

3. Cell Junctions

II Tissues - 11 Lessons

4. Epithelial tissues

5. Connective tissues

6. Muscular tissues

7. Nervous tissues

8. Bones

9. Cartilage

10. Lymphoid tissues

III Organ systems - 19 Lessons

11. Cardiovascular system

12. Respiratory system

13. Gastrointestinal system

14. Liver and Exocrine pancreas

15. Endocrine system

16. Urinary system

17. male reproductive system

18. Female reproductive system

19. The skin

Instructor : Dr Ram , Med Madness

71 Views · 1 year ago

Classification of epithelium, discussion on lining epithelium of 3 major system (GIT, Urogenital and Respiratory system

45 Views · 1 year ago

#anatomy #histology #bytesizemed

✨If you would like my help studying about cartilage, you can check out my long-form video linked at the bottom of the screen.
💫 For more videos like this, subscribe to my channel, Byte Size Med.

📚Factual References & for Further Reading:
- DiFiore's Atlas of Histology
- Junqueira's Basic Histology
- Gartner's Concise Histology
- Openstax Anatomy and Physiology
- Openstax Biology
(The last two are links to open-source references. They are NOT affiliate links)

🌤 Note:
These are just a collection of my notes. So use them the way you would use borrowed notes from a friend. 📝
The images in this video are hand-drawn for illustration and explanation only.✍️ Hence, they may not be anatomically accurate. I am just one person making these videos. If there are any errors, that is unintentional. I try super hard to avoid them. Please let me know if you find any, so it gets clarified for other viewers. Science constantly evolves and changes. New discoveries are made everyday. So some of the information in these videos may become outdated. If you notice that, please let me know so I can update them.

These videos are NOT a substitute for a medical textbook. Textbooks are written by experts (which I do not claim to be), edited, proofread and referenced. Please use them.
The information has been sourced from multiple references as mentioned above. I draw all the pictures myself. But if I have inadvertently infringed on any copyright, that is completely unintentional. I only make these videos to impart education. If I have accidentally violated copyright in any way, do let me know so I can make the necessary changes or give credit to anyone who is owed the same.
These videos are NOT intended for patient education. They are NOT a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, so that they can address your individual needs.

🔅They are ONLY meant to help students of medicine and health sciences with studying, and should be used for just that purpose and absolutely nothing else.

Byte Size Med. All Rights Reserved.

38 Views · 1 year ago

► Sign up here and try our FREE content: http://lectur.io/freecontentyt
► If you’re an medical educator or faculty member, visit: http://lectur.io/medytb2u

This video “Respiratory Histology” is part of the Lecturio course “Histology” ► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/respiratoryhistology

- The cellular components of epithelium
- Structure and function of the conchae
- The cellular components of olfactory epithelium
- Components of the true vocal cord
- Function of the epiglottis
- The difference between bronchus, bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole
- Alveolar duct and Alveolar sac
- Components that make up the interalveolar septum
- Type I and Type II of alveolar cells, macrophages and endothelium
- Two separate blood supplies to the lungs and their functions
- Summary of the functions and the system of the respiratory system

► THE PROF: Your lecturer is Professor Geoff Meyer. He is currently teaching at the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia (UWA). As a leading anatomy and histology expert he is also coordinating the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). Besides medical research on the ovarian function, steroidogenesis, corpus luteum, angiogenesis, and microcirculation, Geoff Meyer’s research activities also focus on developing innovative, computer-aided learning and teaching tools. For his inventiveness, Geoff Meyer has received a number of awards, including the Australian University Teaching Award.

► LECTURIO is your single-point resource for medical school:
Study for your classes, USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, MCAT or MBBS with video lectures by world-class professors, recall & USMLE-style questions and textbook articles. Create your free account now: http://lectur.io/respiratoryhistology

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► READ TEXTBOOK ARTICLES related to this video:
Histology of the Airways

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0:00 Introduction
2:00 Respiratory system Summary of structure and function
3:32 Conducting portion
7:49 The Nasal cavities
11:27 The nasal cavity
13:06 Respiratory mucosa
15:26 Olfactory mucosa
17:13 Olfactory receptor
21:16 The larynx (and the epiglottis)
25:44 The trachea
29:16 The bronchi
31:35 Bronchiole
38:50 Alveolus
40:45 Air blood barrier
43:36 Alveolar macrophages
45:35 Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the pulmonary lobule

13 Views · 1 year ago

#GIT #Esophagus #histology

12 Views · 1 year ago

Covers the histological structure for adipose tissue and relevant cellular physiology for adipocytes. This video is a part of our Histology Video Course (https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

All Histology Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

Thank you to our sponsor Doc2Doc Lending, the Personal Lending platform designed for Doctors, by Doctors. Check out https://doc2doclending.com/davinci to learn more today.

DaVinci Academy Merch - Coffee mugs, T-shirts, hoodies and more: https://my-store-d90f46.creator-spring.com

Additional YouTube Content
Biochemistry videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDzCUC
Anatomy Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDz2dK
DaVinci Cases Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDyJUl
The DaVinci Hour Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDwSm9

DaVinci Academy Website: https://www.dviacademy.com/

28 Views · 1 year ago

Types of Human Body Tissue
In this video, I review four types of tissue.
Connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue.
Tissues are made up of cells working together.
For more Life Science videos and summaries see,

10 Views · 1 year ago

An animated description of the composition of bones.

Visit www.orthofilms.com for more videos and info.

20 Views · 1 year ago


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histology slide identification tricks
histology slides identification tricks
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histology slides
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histology slides identification connective tissue
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link- https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOwFgEJmJL/

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For Tag :-
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19 Views · 1 year ago

© 2023 Elsevier. All rights reserved. Histologically the cervix is different from the rest of the uterus and also has a mucosa that doesn’t shed during menstruation.

Find our full video library only on Osmosis Prime: http://osms.it/more.

Join over 3 million current & future clinicians who learn by Osmosis, and over 130 universities around the world who partner with us to make medical and health education more engaging and efficient. We have unparalleled tools and materials to prepare you to succeed in school, on board exams, and as a future clinician. Sign up for a free trial at http://osms.it/more. If you're interested in exploring an institutional partnership, visit osmosis.org/educators to request a personalized demo.

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Our Vision: Everyone who cares for someone will learn by Osmosis.
Our Mission: To empower the world’s clinicians and caregivers with the best learning experience possible. Learn more here: http://osms.it/mission

Medical disclaimer: Knowledge Diffusion Inc (DBA Osmosis) does not provide medical advice. Osmosis and the content available on Osmosis's properties (Osmosis.org, YouTube, and other channels) do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. © 2023 Elsevier. All rights reserved.

27 Views · 1 year ago

Excerpt from my Normal Skin Histology video: https://kikoxp.com/posts/3660.

A complete organized library of all my videos, digital slides, pics, & sample pathology reports is available here: https://kikoxp.com/posts/5084 (dermpath) & https://kikoxp.com/posts/5083 (bone/soft tissue sarcoma pathology).

Please check out my Soft Tissue Pathology & Dermatopathology survival guide textbooks: http://bit.ly/2Te2haB

Also, in the past I used "keratinocyte" and "squamous cell" interchangeably (this is because in dermatopathology, we see and talk about squamous cell carcinomas all the time, and those tumors are composed of keratinocytes). But technically, in normal skin histology, "squamous cell" refers only to the flattened keratinocytes in the superficial epidermis. Thankfully, a histology PhD colleague pointed this out to me and corrected my lazy nomenclature!

This video is geared towards medical students, pathology or dermatology residents, or practicing pathologists or dermatologists. Of course, this video is for educational purposes only and is not formal medical advice or consultation.

Presented by Jerad M. Gardner, MD. Please subscribe to my channel to be notified of new pathology teaching videos.

Follow me on:
Snapchat: JMGardnerMD
Twitter: @JMGardnerMD
Instagram: @JMGardnerMD
Kiko: https://kikoxp.com/profile/jer....ad_gardner1/content?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JMGardnerMD/

16 Views · 1 year ago

This sqadia.com short video clip is a brief explanation of Epithelium.

Epithelium is one of the four basic tissues of the body and is derived from all three germ layers.

It is composed of very closely packed, contiguous cells, with very little or no extracellular material in the extracellular spaces.

Histology Lectures Collection -

Epithelial membranes can be: Simple squamous epithelium, Simple cuboidal epithelium, Simple columnar epithelium, and Pseudostratified epithelium.

5500+ Medical Videos
Try for FREE! - https://www.sqadia.com/categories/free

When there are two or more layers of cells epithelia is referred to as stratified, hence can be stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal and stratified columnar.

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13 Views · 1 year ago

Histology lab video reviewing the structure and cells of thin skin, thick skin, and skin sensory structures on digital histology slides. This video is a part of our Histology Video Course (https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

All Histology Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

Thank you to our sponsor Doc2Doc Lending, the Personal Lending platform designed for Doctors, by Doctors. Check out https://doc2doclending.com/davinci to learn more today.

DaVinci Academy Merch - Coffee mugs, T-shirts, hoodies and more: https://my-store-d90f46.creator-spring.com

Additional YouTube Content
Biochemistry videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDzCUC
Anatomy Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDz2dK
DaVinci Cases Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDyJUl
The DaVinci Hour Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDwSm9

DaVinci Academy Website: https://www.dviacademy.com/

6 Views · 1 year ago

This tutorial is an introduction to the histology of the different tissues in the human body and the cells they are made of. Test yourself on our cells and tissue histology quiz at https://khub.me/jnhny

Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We created the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: https://khub.me/1fcwd

A tissue is a group of cells that has a similar structure and acts together to perform one or more specific functions. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the 4 main types of tissues in the human body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue creates protective boundaries and is involved in the diffusion of ions and molecules, whereas connective tissue underlies and supports other tissue types.

Muscle tissue contracts to initiate movement in the body and nervous tissue transmits and integrates information through the central and peripheral nervous systems.

In this video tutorial we will take a closer look at the histology of the main cells and tissues under the microscope.

- 0:33 introduction to histology
- 1:22 epithelial tissue histology and types
- 5:45 function of the basement membrane
- 6:20 connective tissue histology and structure
- 10:53 muscle tissue and types of muscle cells
- 13:11 basics of the nervous system

Want to test your knowledge on the cells and tissues of the human body? Take this quiz: https://khub.me/jnhny

Why don't you jump into the introduction of the cell and its components with our free article next? Find it here: https://khub.me/apv1d

For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to https://khub.me/wcyx7

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