Histology and Histopathology

36 Views · 1 year ago

Join the Amoeba Sisters a they explore different muscle tissues and then focus on the sliding filament theory in skeletal muscle! This video also briefly talks about muscle naming, some vocabulary (such as agonists and antagonists) before focusing on the sliding filament model. Video also mentions general roles of tropomyosin and troponin.
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
0:39 Muscle Tissue Types
1:58 Muscle Characteristics
2:33 Skeletal Muscle Naming and Arrangement
3:26 Actin Myosin and Sarcomere
4:32 Sliding Filament Model
6:55 Tropomyosin an Troponin
Factual References:

Betts, J. Gordon, et al. “10.3 Muscle Fiber Contraction and Relaxation - Anatomy and Physiology 2e | OpenStax.” Openstax.org, 20 Apr. 2022, openstax.org/books/anatomy-and-physiology-2e/pages/10-3-muscle-fiber-contraction-and-relaxation.

Urry, Lisa A, et al. Campbell Biology. 11th ed., New York, Ny, Pearson Education, Inc, 2017.
Further Reading Recommendations:

What about I and A bands? What actually initiates the power stroke? How does calcium get released and from where? Remember, there is a lot more detail! We recommend this page from Openstax to learn more:

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3 Views · 1 year ago

The dentin is a hard tissue that forms the bulk of the tooth. It is similar to bone but is slightly harder, although softer than enamel. The dentin has numerous dentinal tubules that run across its length. Each dentinal tubule houses the cytoplasmic process of an odontoblast (odontoblastic process).
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References and further reading:
💡Berkovitz BKB, Hollan GR, Moxham BJ. Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier; 2009.
💡Nanci A. Tencate’s Oral Histology. Development, Structure and Function. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2013.
💡Kumar GS. Orban’s Oral Histology and Embryology.13th ed. Elsevier; 2011.
💡Avery JK. Oral development and Histology. 3rd ed. Thieme Medical Publishers; 2002.

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2 Views · 1 year ago

Histology of all the different types of cartilage. This video is a part of our Histology Video Course (https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

All Histology Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLnr1l7WuQdDynxT

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4 Views · 1 year ago

In order to be able to look at tissues under a microscope, we need to first stain them with the right technique. Learn the main staining techniques used in histology today on our full video: https://khub.me/aux9w

Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We created the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: https://khub.me/e0th1

As you probably know, histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues. So we use staining methods to visualize and distinguish the different parts of cells and tissues since cells and their structures are usually transparent or colorless. The types of dyes used to color cells and their components can either be specific to particular structures, chemical groups or even molecules, and it can also be non-specific in which case most of the cell is stained in the same way.

When staining tissue samples, dyes that are used are either acidic or basic or a combination of the two. And why is that, you might be asking. Well, cellular structures such as nucleic acids or proteins have charged groups which are known as phosphate groups or carboxyl groups, just to name a couple. The dyes used in histology are colored organic compounds which also have a charge. Acidic dyes carry a negative charge and so they bind to positively-charged cell structures.

In the full version of this tutorial, we will cover some of the most common types of dyes used in histological staining of cells and their structures:
- basic dyes vs acidic dyes vs neutral dyes;
- hematoxylin and eosin;
- PAS - staining;
- Golgi method;
- Toluidine blue;
- Masson's trichrome;
- Osmium tetroxide;

To master this topic, click on the link and carry on watching the full video (available to Premium members): https://khub.me/aux9w !

Want to test your knowledge on the different types of cells and tissues? Take this quiz: https://khub.me/3g19f

Read more on how to interpret different histological sections on this complete article which goes through the different stains used in histology https://khub.me/saimh

For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to https://khub.me/pkvz2

6 Views · 1 year ago

10 Views · 1 year ago

What’s the difference between skeletal muscle, cardiac, and smooth muscle? And how can we tell them apart under a microscope? In this video, we’ll also go over the connective tissue surrounding the heart (pericardium, epicardium, endocardium).


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A full annotated, fact checked version of the script can be found here:

💊A B O U T 💊
Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history.

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If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries:
patkellyteaches [at] gmail.com

#corporis #anatomy #medicalhistory

9 Views · 1 year ago

In this video, I am talking about the best histology resources available on the internet. All the links to the resources I talked are here -
1. Amit's lectures - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCwdAyZnA6FEE0Iqsw
2. VIBS histology - https://www.youtube.com/c/VIBSHistology/featured
3. Dr. Eman Sadek Histology Queen - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCHXGb5GphBKKN-xD3
4. BIOC 21 Histology lectures - https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLKnI3Jl97pW
5. https://medicalschoolpathology.com/
7. Udemy - https://clnk.in/qfEB

Buy this awsm book for Histology - https://amzn.to/3wSX1Oh

6 Views · 1 year ago

The most popular and one of the principal stains in histology is hematoxylin and eosin stain. It gives us an overview of the tissue and its structure. Hematoxylin binds with basophilic structures – for example DNA and RNA. So we can observe nuclei stained in blue or purple color. Eosin binds to acidophilic substances such as positively charged amino acid side chains. So as the result cytoplasm is pink or orange. All samples in laboratory are stained with H&E. There are several different types of hematoxylins and eosins used in histology which will give us different results.

In this video you will see, how we stain slides with different types of hematoxylins and eosins. Finally, we will compare the results.

• Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BioVitrumEN

• Watch other videos about histological process: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLw4LQHit0MU

• Our website: http://en.biovitrum.ru/

12 Views · 1 year ago

#anatomy #histology #biology #bytesizemed

✨If you would like my help studying the structure of bones, check out my long-form video on it.
🔅Structure of Bone : https://youtu.be/MYInVEnnS_I

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📚Factual References & for Further Reading:
- DiFiore's Atlas of Histology
- Junqueira's Basic Histology
- Gartner's Concise Histology
- Openstax Anatomy and Physiology
- Openstax Biology
(The last two are links to open-source references. They are NOT affiliate links)

🌤 Note:
These are just a collection of my notes. So use them the way you would use borrowed notes from a friend. 📝
The images in this video are hand-drawn for illustration and explanation only.✍️ Hence, they may not be anatomically accurate. I am just one person making these videos. If there are any errors, that is unintentional. I try super hard to avoid them. Please let me know if you find any, so it gets clarified for other viewers. Science constantly evolves and changes. New discoveries are made everyday. So some of the information in these videos may become outdated. If you notice that, please let me know so I can update them.

These videos are NOT a substitute for a medical textbook. Textbooks are written by experts (which I do not claim to be), edited, proofread and referenced. Please use them.
The information has been sourced from multiple references as mentioned above. I draw all the pictures myself. But if I have inadvertently infringed on any copyright, that is completely unintentional. I only make these videos to impart education. If I have accidentally violated copyright in any way, do let me know so I can make the necessary changes or give credit to anyone who is owed the same.
These videos are NOT intended for patient education. They are NOT a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, so that they can address your individual needs.

🔅They are ONLY meant to help students of medicine and health sciences with studying, and should be used for just that purpose and absolutely nothing else.

Byte Size Med. All Rights Reserved.

4 Views · 1 year ago

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This video “Connective Tissue” is part of the Lecturio course “Histology” ► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/connectivetissue

- Cells and Basic Tissue
- Nerve Tissues
- Muscle Tissues
- Epithelial Tissues
- Connective Tissues

► THE PROF: Your lecturer is Professor Geoff Meyer. He is currently teaching at the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia (UWA). As a leading anatomy and histology expert he is also coordinating the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). Besides medical research on the ovarian function, steroidogenesis, corpus luteum, angiogenesis, and microcirculation, Geoff Meyer’s research activities also focus on developing innovative, computer-aided learning and teaching tools. For his inventiveness, Geoff Meyer has received a number of awards, including the Australian University Teaching Award.

► LECTURIO is your single-point resource for medical school:
Study for your classes, USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, MCAT or MBBS with video lectures by world-class professors, recall & USMLE-style questions and textbook articles. Create your free account now: http://lectur.io/connectivetissue

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► READ TEXTBOOK ARTICLES related to this video:
Types of Tissue: Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Epithelial Tissue, and Nervous Tissue

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7 Views · 1 year ago

Give away to who ever that will correctly mention the sample specimen used to make this video? (Be specific)

2 Views · 1 year ago

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► If you’re an medical educator or faculty member, visit: http://lectur.io/medytb2u

► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/histology3

- Overview of the course
- Cells and basic tissues
- Human organ system

Your lecturer is Professor Geoff Meyer. He is currently teaching at the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia (UWA). As an leading anatomy and histology expert he is also coordinator of the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). Aside from medical research on the ovarian function, steroidogenesis, corpus luteum, angiogenesis and microcirculation Geoff Meyer’s research activities focus on developing innovative, computer-aided learning and teaching tools. Being such innovative, Geoff Meyer has received a number of awards for his work, including the Australian University Teaching Award.

► LECTURIO is your single-point resource for medical school:
Study for your classes, USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, MCAT or MBBS with video lectures by world-class professors, recall & USMLE-style questions and textbook articles. Create your free account now: http://lectur.io/histology3

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2 Views · 1 year ago

Between areolar and reticular, dense regular and dense irregular, the beginner anatomy student is expected to tell the difference between a bunch of types of connective tissue. In this video, I tried to simplify the types of connective tissue, and give some tips and tricks to learning connective tissue histology.
Flowchart link: https://drive.google.com/file/....d/1H4H7ifINimhnTaY8E


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📜 S O U R C E S 📜
A full annotated, fact checked version of the script can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40051365

💊A B O U T 💊
Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history.

💻 C O N T A C T 💻
If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries:
patkellyteaches [at] gmail.com

#corporis #anatomy #medicalhistory

6 Views · 1 year ago

Today on Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology, Hank breaks down the parts and functions of one of your body's unsung heroes: your epithelial tissue.

Pssst... we made flashcards to help you review the content in this episode! Find them on the free Crash Course App!
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Introduction 00:00
Proper Epithelium & Glandular Epithelium 1:38
We're All Just Tubes! 2:12
Cell Shapes: Squamous, Cuboidal, or Columnar 3:34
How Form Relates to Function 4:15
Layering: Simple or Stratified 5:26
Epithelial Cells: Apical & Basal Sides 7:06
Glandular Epithelial Tissue Forms Endocrine & Exocrine Glands 8:20
Review 9:16
Credits 9:54

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2 Views · 1 year ago

► Sign up here and try our FREE content: http://lectur.io/freecontentyt
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This video “Epithelium” is part of the Lecturio course “Histology” ► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/epithelium

- Introduction: Epithelial Tissue
- Summary of structure and function
- Epithelium
- Three characteristics of any Epithelium
- Epithelium: Classification
- Epithelium: Epithelial Cells Exhibit Polarity
- Epithelium: How Are Epithelial Cells Joined Together?
- Epithelium: Surfaces of Epithelial Cells
- Epithelium: Basement Membrane

► THE PROF: Your lecturer is Professor Geoff Meyer. He is currently teaching at the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia (UWA). As a leading anatomy and histology expert he is also coordinating the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). Besides medical research on the ovarian function, steroidogenesis, corpus luteum, angiogenesis, and microcirculation, Geoff Meyer’s research activities also focus on developing innovative, computer-aided learning and teaching tools. For his inventiveness, Geoff Meyer has received a number of awards, including the Australian University Teaching Award.

► LECTURIO is your single-point resource for medical school:
Study for your classes, USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, MCAT or MBBS with video lectures by world-class professors, recall & USMLE-style questions and textbook articles. Create your free account now: http://lectur.io/epithelium

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► READ TEXTBOOK ARTICLES related to this video:
Epithelium — Functions and Types of Epithelial Tissue

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16 Views · 1 year ago

This week! The histology of the nervous system!


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📜 S O U R C E S 📜
A full annotated, fact checked version of the script can be found here:

💊A B O U T 💊
Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history.

💻 C O N T A C T 💻
If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries:
patkellyteaches [at] gmail.com

#corporis #anatomy #medicalhistory

1 Views · 1 year ago

What's the difference between an artery and vein on an anatomical level? In this video, I'll go over the anatomy and histology of arteries, veins, and variations of capillaries.


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💪Kinesiology and Biomechanics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2rpvfNeooN

📜 S O U R C E S 📜
A full annotated, fact checked version of the script can be found here:

💊A B O U T 💊
Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history.

💻 C O N T A C T 💻
If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries:
patkellyteaches [at] gmail.com

#corporis #anatomy

1 Views · 1 year ago

How to approach histology for Human Anatomy students. Using a key will help get you through it! Add some penguin fairy dust will help too!

Please note: I mis-spoke and said "striated" instead of "stratified epithelium" a couple of times... apologies!

There are lots of histology keys out there, but the one I showed in the video is here: http://www.penguinprof.com/upl....oads/8/4/3/1/8431323

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Tissue in the human body:

Epithelial: Is made of cells arranged in a continuous sheet with one or more layers, has apical & basal surfaces.

A basement membrane is the attachment between the basal surface of the cell & the underlying connective tissue.

Two types of epithelial tissues: (1) Covering & lining epithelia and (2) Glandular Epithelium.

The number of cell layers & the shape of the cells in the top layer can classify epithelium.

Simple Epithelium - one cell layer
Stratified epithelium - two or more cell layers
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium - When cells of an epithelial tissue are all anchored to the basement Membrane but not all cells reach the apical surface.
Glandular Epithelium -- (1) Endocrine: Release hormones directly into the blood stream and (2) Exocrine - Secrete into ducts.

Connective: contains many different cell types including: fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and adipocytes. Connective Tissue Matrix is made of two materials: ground substance - proteins and polysaccharides, fiber -- reticular, collagen and elastic.

Classification of Connective Tissue:
Loose Connective - fibers & many cell types in gelatinous matrix, found in skin, & surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and organs.
Dense Connective - Bundles of parallel collagen fibers& fibroblasts, found in tendons& ligaments.
Cartilage - Cartilage is made of collagen & elastin fibers embedded in a matrix glycoprotein & cells called chondrocytes, which was found in small spaces.
Cartilage has three subtypes:
Hyaline cartilage -- Weakest, most abundant type, Found at end of long bones, & structures like the ear and nose,
Elastic cartilage- maintains shape, branching elastic fibers distinguish it from hyaline and
Fibrous Cartilage - Strongest type, has dense collagen & little matrix, found in pelvis, skull & vertebral discs.

Muscle: is divided into 3 categories, skeletal, cardiac and smooth.
Skeletal Muscle -- voluntary, striated, striations perpendicular to the muscle fibers and it is mainly found attached to bones.
Cardiac Muscle -- involuntary, striated, branched and has intercalated discs
Smooth Muscle -- involuntary, nonstriated, spindle shaped and is found in blood vessels & the GI tract.

Nervous: Consists of only two cell types in the central nervous system (CNS) & peripheral nervous system (PNS):
Neurons - Cells that convert stimuli into electrical impulses to the brain, and Neuroglia -- supportive cells.
Neurons -- are made up of cell body, axon and dendrites. There are 3 types of neurons:
Motor Neuron -- carry impulses from CNS to muscles and glands,
Interneuron - interpret input from sensory neurons and end responses to motor neurons
Sensory Neuron -- receive information from environment and transmit to CNS.
Neuroglia -- is made up of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells and microglia in the CNS, and schwann cells and satellite cells in the PNS.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Epithelial tissue histology can be tricky — it’s everywhere around our body. In this video, I’ll teach you most of the different types of epithelium seen under a microscope including squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional, and keratinized epithelium.


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⚰️Medical History playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2rpvfNeooN
🔬Anatomy Basics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2rpvfNeooN
💪Kinesiology and Biomechanics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2rpvfNeooN

📜 S O U R C E S 📜
A full annotated, fact checked version of the script can be found here:

💊A B O U T 💊
Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history.

💻 C O N T A C T 💻
If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries:
patkellyteaches [at] gmail.com

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