
27 Views · 8 months ago

Thanks to Ben, Addenbrooke's and neuroscientist Yaara Erez from the University of Cambridge

55 Views · 8 months ago - This brain surgery animation was used to demonstrate a young girl's craniotomy, cranioplasty, and reconstructive skull surgery after her vehicle was struck by a tractor-trailer. The procedures included the evacuation of a large epidural hematoma, the draining of the epidural space, and the reassembly of bone fragments to repair the skull.

More Brain Surgery Animations:


A teenage girl was riding home with her parents and boyfriend from a Wednesday night church service when a tractor-trailer struck the back driver’s side of their car as they were traveling through an intersection. The impact sent the car spinning into oncoming traffic where it struck another vehicle. When paramedics arrived, the 17-year-old was unresponsive with bleeding from her left ear and a laceration from behind her left ear.

She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent a series of CT scans that showed a severely comminuted open skull fracture with an underlying 1.1 cm subdural hematoma. She was taken to the operating room where an emergency craniotomy was performed to evacuate the hematoma and reassemble the skull fragments. The patient gradually began to wake up and was discharged six days later, after she showed she could maneuver up and down the hallway.

The biggest challenge in a traumatic brain injury case like this - where most of the damages are deeply underlying and undetectable on the surface - is that the only visual evidence is in the form of 2D black-and-white radiographic films. This can look ambiguous to the typical juror because it’s often difficult to discern where these snapshots are located inside the person’s skull. Tony Seaton, Esq., and Robert Bates, Esq., needed to reinforce this 2D radiographic evidence with maximum 3D context.

We equipped them with a custom Diagnostic Slice Chooser: an interactive presentation that presents radiographic slides within a three-dimensional model of the patient’s head. We also designed the model accurately to the patient’s likeness and colorized the films to highlight key areas of damage. The attorneys could show the complete depth and magnitude of his client’s injuries at every level both before and after the surgery. After establishing the full extent of damages, we also created an animation to walk viewers through the surgical experience the patient would undergo as a result of her injuries.

The visual presentation helped jurors understand the destructive impact this collision had on this young teenager’s life, and Mr. Seaton and Mr. Bates, Esq., were able to acquire a $4.5M settlement for his client.

Read the Full Case Study:

2 Views · 8 months ago

: Frederick Lang, M.D., and Jeffrey Weinberg, M.D., neurosurgeons at MD Anderson Cancer Center, answer frequently asked questions about what to expect when you’re having brain tumor surgery.

Learn more about the MD Anderson Brain and Spine Center:

Request an appointment at MD Anderson by calling 1-877-632-6789 or online:

11 Views · 8 months ago

Brain tumor survivor Robert Alvarez and neurosurgeon Sujit Prabhu, M.D., explain why and how Robert played the guitar during his surgery for a grade II astrocytoma. It was the first time a brain tumor patient played a musical instrument during an awake craniotomy at MD Anderson.

Read Robert Alvarez's story:

Learn about awake craniotomy for brain tumors:

Request an appointment at MD Anderson by calling 1-877-632-6789 or online at:

5 Views · 8 months ago

Watch as neurosurgeon Dr. Shawn Hervey-Jumper performs awake brain surgery on a 31-year-old woman with a brain tumor at UCSF Health.
Learn more here:

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