Health and Fitness

12,846 Views · 6 months ago

The video is a clip from ABC 7 News, KGO-TV. The video details the new FDA approved device Insight eNO system which uses exhaled nitric oxide for effective asthma management, in both adults and children.
Insight eNO has revolutionized asthma treatment. Apieron’s asthma products help in managing asthma for patients suffering from acute asthma attacks by detecting exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) present in the human breath.

6,842 Views · 6 months ago

CDC's Dr. Joe Bresee describes how to prevent giving and getting novel H1N1 flu.

32,194 Views · 6 months ago

Wound healing, or wound repair, is the body's natural process of regenerating dermal and epidermal tissue. When an individual is wounded, a set of complex biochemical events takes place in a closely orchestrated cascade to repair the damage. These events overlap in time and may be artificially categorized into separate steps: the inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling phases (Some authors consider healing to take place in four or more stages, by splitting different parts of inflammation or proliferation into separate steps.). In the inflammatory phase, bacteria and debris are phagocytized and removed, and factors are released that cause the migration and division of cells involved in the proliferative phase.

7,388 Views · 6 months ago

Over 60 million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn. Get the basics on acid reflux

11,693 Views · 6 months ago

En este video, Ana Rivera, Asesor de Salud Publica para los CDC, describe la influenza o gripe porcina: sus signos y síntomas, cómo se transmite, los medicamentos para su tratamiento, las medidas que las personas pueden tomar para protegerse de esta enfermedad y lo que deben hacer las personas si se enferman

8,781 Views · 6 months ago

This podcast discusses the use of antiviral drugs for treating and preventing the H1N1 flu virus.

8,952 Views · 6 months ago

This podcast, intended for the general public, demonstrates how to put on and take off disposable respirators that are to be used in areas affected by the influenza outbreak.

8,080 Views · 6 months ago

Swine Flu Avoid

11,885 Views · 6 months ago

In this video, Dr. Joe Bresee, with CDC's Influenza Division, describes the symptoms of H1N1 (swine flu) and warning signs to look for that indicate the need for urgent medical attention.

9,994 Views · 6 months ago

This podcast discusses the actions and goals of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, related to the current outbreak of H1N1 flu (swine flu).

15,054 Views · 6 months ago

In this video, Dr. Joe Bresee, with the CDC Influenza Division, describes swine flu - its signs and symptoms, how it's transmitted, medicines to treat it, steps people can take to protect themselves from it, and what people should do if they become ill.

19,315 Views · 6 months ago

Clean hands can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, such as flu. This podcast explains the proper way to wash your hands.

23,255 Views · 6 months ago

Vaccines are extremely safe. Adverse reactions are uncommon. The most common reaction is pain and swelling at the vaccine site, which is easily treated, and has no longterm problems. An allergic reaction to vaccines are rare. Dr. Michael Davis dispells this and other vaccine myths, including myths about autism and vaccines.

27,131 Views · 6 months ago

living with chronic fatigue syndrome

32,694 Views · 6 months ago

Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare

97,455 Views · 6 months ago

A video showing the delivery of the placenta

457,175 Views · 6 months ago

Female breast exam video

Showing 34 out of 34