Health and Fitness

samer kareem
1,805 Views · 9 months ago

The virus was first discovered in 1964 when Sir Michael Anthony Epstein and Ms. Yvonne Barr found it in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line. In 1968, the virus was linked to the disease infectious mononucleosis. Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is common and usually occurs in childhood or early adulthood. EBV is the cause of infectious mononucleosis (also termed "mono"), an illness associated with fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and sometimes an enlarged spleen. It is also known as human herpes virus 4. Although EBV can cause mononucleosis, not everyone infected with the virus will get mononucleosis. Less commonly, EBV can cause more serious disease. Symptoms caused by EBV are usually mild and self-limited, but the virus persists in the body for life. It can be reactivated quietly without causing symptoms and may contaminate saliva. Thus, otherwise healthy people can spread the virus to uninfected people through kissing or sharing

samer kareem
849 Views · 9 months ago

Acute bronchitis and pneumonia share many of the same symptoms, and some people with acute bronchitis are at risk for getting pneumonia. Although acute bronchitis usually goes away within a few weeks, pneumonia can be a serious condition, especially in older adults. The following table outlines some differences between acute bronchitis and pneumonia. There are variations in symptoms of both conditions, so if you think you might have pneumonia, always check with your doctor.

samer kareem
1,722 Views · 9 months ago

Your Little Finger Reveals What Kind of a Person You Are

samer kareem
3,279 Views · 9 months ago


samer kareem
2,547 Views · 9 months ago

Although most women have had enough experience to know how to pleasure a man in the bedroom, but you can be sure that are several girls who would be virgins when you first take them to bed. Though most Indian men actually prefer to make love with a virgin. There are also numerous men who dislike the idea due to the pressure of making love to someone with no experience. So if you happen to be dating a virgin then there are a few important things that you should always keep in mind when you take her to bed. Though you have made love to different women before, you need to understand that this one being a virgin will know little or nothing about what is expected of her in bed. Because she will be anxious and nervous, you have to be all the more careful to ensure that she gets to enjoy her first time with you. Kiss her Whether you are doing it with a virgin or someone with a record that would put Pam Anderson to shame, you should take your time to make love to her just with your lips. Use your lips with passion, and kiss her parts that other guys tend to ignore. Kiss her lips, her hips, her shoulders, her hands, nuzzle her ears - parts which aren’t necessary sexual. Give your girl a hand Okay this one may look straight out of a B-grade south Indian movie, but starting off with a sensual full body massage is an excellent way of warming her up. So use some nice aromatic oils like lavender or Yang-Yang to massage her body. If you are more experienced, you would be aware the various erogenous zones of a woman’s body. Start with the nape of her neck and slowly work your way down to her back, gently knead her breasts and play with her nipples, gently flick at them and manipulate them to erection. Get her to lie on her stomach and massage her inner thighs. Lovingly caress her buttocks and move your hands close to her valley of pleasure. She might be too shy to tell you, but her ultimate pleasure point would be dying for your attention. Gently, stroke her outer lips or the labia. Whatever, apprehensions or fears she may have had about sex will all disappear once your finger start creating magic in her nether regions. Never criticise her Remember, she has never felt a man’s body before, which essentially means that when she tries to explore your body you may not necessarily enjoy it. So let her hold your penis and fondle it, let her lick and nibble you and tickle you body. You may not find her amateurish attentions very arousing but don’t make her feel like an amateur in bed. If she does something right let her know how much you are enjoying it. Guide her fingers to your pleasure points and tell her what you would like a girl to do in bed. Being the more experienced partner you should be like her loving mentor, and teach her the intricacies of pleasuring a man. Make her touch herself While she may or may not have masturbated before, by getting her to touch herself you would be able to make her feel the unknown. Tell her how badly you want to see her masturbate. The idea is open her to own sexuality. Its time to penetrate When you think that she is finally ready to be penetrated, enter her as gently as possible. Also make sure that she is producing enough lubrication to facilitate the act. Keep your strokes slow and shallow and avoid pushing too deep during your first few strokes. If you are able to make her feel comfortable and safe, any pain that she may experience in the beginning will soon disappear, and be replaced by moans of ecstasy. The first time can be nerve racking for most men. Just remember how nervous you were when you had sex for the first time. So when your take your virginal girlfriend to bed for first time makes the experience as pleasurable for her as possible.

samer kareem
18,725 Views · 9 months ago

Thalassemia (thal-uh-SEE-me-uh) is an inherited blood disorder characterized by less hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells in your body than normal. Several types of thalassemia exist, including alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia intermedia, Cooley's anemia and Mediterranean anemia. Hemoglobin is the substance in your red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen. The low hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells of thalassemia may cause anemia, leaving you fatigued. If you have mild thalassemia, you may not need treatment. But, if you have a more severe form of thalassemia, you may need regular blood transfusions. You can also take steps on your own to cope with fatigue, such as choosing a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

samer kareem
1,391 Views · 9 months ago

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized by less hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells in your body than normal. Several types of thalassemia exist, including alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia intermedia, Cooley's anemia and Mediterranean anemia. Hemoglobin is the substance in your red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen. The low hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells of thalassemia may cause anemia, leaving you fatigued. If you have mild thalassemia, you may not need treatment. But, if you have a more severe form of thalassemia, you may need regular blood transfusions. You can also take steps on your own to cope with fatigue, such as choosing a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

2,094 Views · 9 months ago Gesunde Ernährung, Ernährung Umstellen, Marcumar Ernährung, Paleo Lebensmittel, Paleo Rezept. Wahrscheinlich wirst du dich als Paleo-Anhänger schon einmal gefragt haben, warum die Steinzeiternährung Getreide meidet wie die Pest. Gut, die Begründung, dass Menschen vor Tausenden von Jahren ebenfalls kein Getreide hatten, ist ja schön. Aber das kann ja nicht alles sein. Ist es auch nicht. Wie immer liegt der Teufel im Detail. Hauptverantwortlich für die große „Angst“ vor Getreideprodukten sind vor allem Gluten, sogenannte Anti-Nährstoffe. Bereits dieser Name ist angsteinflößend. Und das durchaus zu Recht. Denn Gluten besitzen nur wenige positive, dafür jedoch umso mehr negative Eigenschaften, die sich längerfristig schlecht auf deine Gesundheit auswirken können. Was ist Gluten und welche Lebensmittel enthalten Gluten? Gluten ist ein Eiweiß mit besonders starken Klebeeigenschaften. Dies ist auch der Grund, weswegen beispielsweise Brotteig so gut zusammenklebt. Gluten findet sich hauptsächlich in Getreide, beispielsweise ein Roggen oder Gerste, Dinkel oder Weizen und Hafer. Hieraus ergibt sich zwangsläufig, dass auch viele Lebensmittel des täglichen Lebens jede Menge Gluten enthalten. Hierzu gehören nicht nur Schokolade oder Bier, Reis oder Nudeln, sondern auch Pommes oder Milcherzeugnisse. Auch in den meisten Fertiggerichten ist Gluten vorzufinden.

2,190 Views · 9 months ago Corner Of Mouth Cracked, Angular Cheilitis, Home Remedies For Angular Cheilitis, Angular Cheilitis How to Treat Angular Cheilitis Effectively Thousands or even millions of people are searching every year for an effective treatment that will get them rid for good of Angular Cheilitis. Some manage to relieve themselves from the pains this skin conditions causes, while others continue to struggle for months with this terrible skin condition. For those who are still trying to get rid of Angular Cheilitis but still have not yet found a good result, here are some tips which may make your fight easier. As you probably know, the first thing you have to do when the first signs of Angular Cheilitis appear is to discover the cause which determined the apparition of this skin condition. You can make an examination of the area and see if there have been folds where moisture could be retained. If you have had some teeth pulled out or if you are wearing dentures, such folds may appear in time. If this is the issue, you should fix that by making an appointment to your dentist. Also, some blood tests will show you if your body has all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function properly. In most of the cases, the Angular Cheilitis is triggered by malnutrition and anemia, thus making these tests will help you see whether this is your case, too. Once you know the results of the blood tests you should know if you should take vitamin supplements or your Angular Cheilitis was only a surface problem, caused by excessive moisture in the corners of your mouth. Apart from addressing the problem from the interior to the exterior, you will also have to apply some creams or ointments which will alleviate your suffering and at the same time will actively work on the sores. What most Angular Cheilitis treatments do is create a dry environment in which the bacteria cannot develop and trap them between the layer of cream and the layer of skin, thus killing them. Hydrocortisone, Mycolog II cream (which contains triamcinolone acetonide and nystatin) and Miconazole are the most popular medications prescribed by dermatologists in such conditions.

samer kareem
2,634 Views · 9 months ago

An estimated 90% of men who have sex with men and as many as 5% to 10% of sexually active women engage in receptive anal intercourse. Often referred to simply as anal sex, anal intercourse is sexual activity that involves inserting the penis into the anus. People may engage in anal intercourse, which has health risks, because the anus is full of nerve endings, making it very sensitive. For some recipients of anal sex, the anus can be an erogenous zone that responds to sexual stimulation. For the giving partner, the anus may provide a pleasing tightness around the penis. While some people find anal sex enjoyable, the practice has downsides and requires special safety precautions. Is Anal Sex Safe? There are a number of health risks with anal sex, and anal intercourse is the riskiest form of sexual activity for several reasons, including the following: The anus lacks the natural lubrication the vagina has. Penetration can tear the tissue inside the anus, allowing bacteria and viruses to enter the bloodstream. This can result in the spread of sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Studies have suggested that anal exposure to HIV poses 30 times more risk for the receptive partner than vaginal exposure. Exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV) may also lead to the development of anal warts and anal cancer. Using lubricants can help some, but doesn't completely prevent tearing. The tissue inside the anus is not as well protected as the skin outside the anus. Our external tissue has layers of dead cells that serve as a protective barrier against infection. The tissue inside the anus does not have this natural protection, which leaves it vulnerable to tearing and the spread of infection. The anus was designed to hold in feces. The anus is surrounded with a ring-like muscle, called the anal sphincter, which tightens after we defecate. When the muscle is tight, anal penetration can be painful and difficult. Repetitive anal sex may lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in feces until you can get to the toilet. However, Kegel exercises to strengthen the sphincter may help prevent this problem or correct it. The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also lead to vaginal and urinary tract infection

samer kareem
2,707 Views · 9 months ago

Why We French Kiss

samer kareem
1,303 Views · 9 months ago

Mouth ulcers are sores that appear in the mouth, often on the inside of the cheeks. Mouth ulcers, also known as aphthous ulcers, can be painful when eating, drinking or brushing teeth. Occasional mouth ulcers are usually harmless and clear up on their own. Seek medical advice if they last longer than 3 weeks or keep coming back. Mouth ulcers cannot be caught from someone else. Up to 1 in 5 people get recurrent mouth ulcers.

samer kareem
1,220 Views · 9 months ago

A disease of the immune system due to infection with HIV. HIV destroys the CD4 T lymphocytes (CD4 cells) of the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to life-threatening infections and cancers. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. To be diagnosed with AIDS, a person with HIV must have an AIDS-defining condition or have a CD4 count less than 200 cells/mm³ (regardless of whether the person has an AIDS-defining condition).

samer kareem
5,431 Views · 9 months ago

Among the many health benefits of sex are: Improved Immunity. People who have sex frequently (one or two times a week) have significantly higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA). ... Heart Health. ... Lower Blood Pressure. ... It's a Form of Exercise. ... Pain Relief. ... May Help Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer. ... Improve Sleep. ... Stress Relief.

samer kareem
2,224 Views · 9 months ago

Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. If you suspect that someone has heat stroke -- also known as sunstroke -- call 911 immediately and give first aid until paramedics arrive. Heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs. Although heat stroke mainly affects people over age 50, it also takes a toll on healthy young athletes. Heat stroke often occurs as a progression from milder heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion. But it can strike even if you have no previous signs of heat injury. Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures -- usually in combination with dehydration -- which leads to failure of the body's temperature control system. The medical definition of heat stroke is a core body temperature greater than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with complications involving the central nervous system that occur after exposure to high temperatures. Other common symptoms include nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness or coma

samer kareem
12,254 Views · 9 months ago

First aid - Shock and bleeding

samer kareem
1,157 Views · 9 months ago

Approximately 10%-15% of human bite wounds become infected owing to multiple factors. The bacterial inoculum of human bite wounds contains as many as 100 million organisms per milliliter and is made up of as many as 190 different species. Many of these are anaerobes that flourish in the low redox environment of tartar that lies between human teeth or in areas of gingivitis. Most injuries due to human bites involve the hands. Hand wounds, regardless of the etiology, have a higher rate of infection than do those in other a locations. (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.) Infections associated with human bites are often far advanced by the time they receive appropriate care. Patients often wait until infection is well established before seeking medical treatment. These wounds are frequently more extensive than estimated on initial examination by the inexperienced observer and are frequently managed inadequately. (See Prognosis, Presentation, Treatment, and Medication.) Human bites have been shown to transmit hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and tetanus. Evidence suggests that it is biologically possible, but quite unlikely, to transmit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through human bites. (See Pathophysiology, Presentation, and Workup.)

samer kareem
1,653 Views · 9 months ago

Skin changes are among the most visible signs of aging. Evidence of increasing age includes wrinkles and sagging skin. Whitening or graying of the hair is another obvious sign of aging. Your skin does many things. It: Contains nerve receptors that allow you to feel touch, pain, and pressure Helps control fluid and electrolyte balance Helps control your body temperature Protects you from the environment Although skin has many layers, it can generally be divided into three main parts: The outer part (epidermis) contains skin cells, pigment, and proteins. The middle part (dermis) contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis. The inner layer under the dermis (the subcutaneous layer) contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels, and fat. Each layer also contains connective tissue with collagen fibers to give support and elastin fibers to provide flexibility and strength.

samer kareem
1,874 Views · 9 months ago

Nipple Sensation After Breast Augmentation

samer kareem
2,026 Views · 9 months ago

The dog bite victim needs to be taken to a safe place away from the assailant dog to prevent further attack and injury. Since dog bites can cause significant damage beneath the skin, a type of injury that cannot always easily be appreciated, medical care should be accessed by a health care practitioner. Wounds should be kept elevated and, if possible, washing the wound with tap water may be attempted. Information should be obtained from the dog's owner about the dog's rabies immunization status, but if this is not possible, hospital, animal control centers, or law enforcement personnel will help gather any required information.

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