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Microcalcifications in the breast can be the first sign of cancer. They are, as the name says, very small and clustered. A precise biopsy without pain under stereotactic guidance is the standard procedure. What makes this Spirotome different from the vacuum assisted biopsies is that only a few biopsies are needed and that the approach of the needle towards the microcalcifications is direct and frontal. There is no damage to the surrounding tissues making this procedure rather painfree and with minimal bleeding.
Macrobiopsy of breast lesions is a complicated procedure when performed with vacuum assisted biopsy tools. The Spirotome is a hand-held needle set that doesn’t need capital investment, is ready to use and provides tissue samples of high quality in substantial amounts. In this way quantitative molecular biology is possible with one tissue sample. The Coramate is an automated version of this direct and frontal technology
Learn about electromagnetic navigation diagnostic bronchoscopy, a new technology used to diagnose small lung cancer tumors as small as a pencil eraser before they have the chance to spread. Cleveland Clinic physician Dr. Thomas Gildea demonstrates how this endobronchial ultrasound procedure, which involves using a small camera probe inserted thru the nose into the lungs, allows doctors to reach possible cancer in the lungs that they could never reliably get to before
Embolization is a medical advance that shrinks uterine fibroids. One tiny incision allows us to solve the problem quickly, safely and without surgery
Macrobiopsy of breast lesions is a complicated procedure when performed with vacuum assisted biopsy tools. The Spirotome is a hand-held needle set that doesn't need capital investment, is ready to use and provides tissue samples of high quality in substantial amounts. In this way quantitative molecular biology is possible with one tissue sample. The Coramate is an automated version of this direct and frontal technology.
Soft tissue biopsy from osteolytic lesions is a challenge for the interventionist. The Spirotome Bone is conceived for this intervention. The procedure is straigthforward and produces tissue specimens of high quality in sufficient amounts to allow quantitative molecular biology.
Subtle pneumonia. How to diagnose pneumonia on chest x-ray. Please visit my website for disclaimer. Multiple choice questions are also available for those who might want to enhance their knowlege or test themselves.
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Please see disclaimer on my website. MCQs are also available.
As above. Please see disclaimer on my website.
HCC-Ain Shams Clinic video showing percutaneous RFA from ainshams university. A case of male patient 70 years old, He is complaining of a pain in the right hypochondrium of 6 months duration, The patient is a known case of chronic liver disease, He had an attack of hematemesis 2 years ago, Upper GIT Endoscopy was performed and esopageal varices were revealed and were injected by a sclerosing material.
This video shows the many alternatives of hysterectomy and the advantages of each method
A hystroscopy showing a case of 2 intramural fibroids
The Closure Procedure for Varicose Veins is a clinically proven, minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins and their underlying cause, venous reflux, with little or no pain. Closure patients can walk away from the vein procedure and be back to everyday activities – either at home or at work – typically within a day.
Embospheres Microspheres are round particles which give them some extra advantages when they are used in embolization. This video gives a full idea about their advantages and use
Dr. Samir Abd Elghaffar, Associate professor of Intervntional Radiology at Ain Shams University, Faculty of Medicine is illustrating a live Microwave Ablation of Hepatic Focal Lesion discussing the differences between Radio Frequency ablation RFA and Microwave Ablation.
Dr. Samir Abd Elghaffar, Associate professor of Intervetional Radiology at Ain Shams University , Faculty of Medicine is being interviewed and showing a case of a patient who has been successfully treated from Hepatocellular Carcinoma HCC by Radio Frequency Ablation RFA on the the famous satellite channel MBC.
الأستاذ الدكتور سمير عبد الغفار أستاذ الاشعة التداخلية في كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس يظهر في برنامج التفاح الأخضر على قناة ال ام بي سي ليبشر مرضى سرطان الكبد بالعلاج الجديد بالتردد الحراري مع احد المرضى
أ.د/ سمير عبد الغفار في برنامج الصحة و الجمال يتحدث عن الطرق العلاجية المختلفة لعلاج الأورام الليفية في الرحم و خاصة بالطرق التي تتفادى استئصال الرحم.
أ.د/ سمير عبد الغفار هو استشاري العمليات التداخلية بدون جراحة في كلية الطب بجامعة عين شمس
للمزيد من المعلومات عن الأورام الليفية في الرحم:
Associate Professor Dr. Samir Abd Elghaffar spekaing in the famous TV show "Health and Beauty" discussing various non invasive techniques of curing fibroids and leiomyomas stressing on the interventional radiology techniques.
Dr. Samir Abd Elghaffar is the consultant of interventional radiology and non invasive procedures in Ain Shams Faculty of medicine.
Nucleoplasty using Coblation of the Lumbar Spine of herniated disc
A video showing Cool-tipCool-tip(TM) Radiofrequency Ablation System