
Mohamed Ibrahim
14,127 Views · 9 months ago

Cardiac Catheterization Video

Emery King
10,281 Views · 9 months ago

DMC Heart Imaging Specialist Doctor Mukarram Siddiqui uses minimally invasive surgery to install a pacemaker and defibrillator on patients, preventing the onset of heart failure and dramatically increasing quality of life. ~ Detroit Medical Center

31,720 Views · 9 months ago

In this animation it depicts an artery with cholesterol plaque (the yellowish area) which is blocking most of the inside of this artery. Then small cells called platelets become clumped together and cause the red blood cells to form a clot. This is what causes a HEART ATTACK.

38,441 Views · 9 months ago

The anatomy and function of the heart

67,341 Views · 9 months ago

Normal Heart Sounds With the aid of a stethoscope you can hear the characteristic sounds of the normal heartbeat, typically described as a "lub-dub." These sounds are produced by the closure of the heart valves. The first heart sound or "lub" results from closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves. It is a rather low-pitched and a relatively long sound which, as indicated in, represents the beginning of ventricular systole. The second heart sound, or "dub," marks the beginning of ventricular diastole. It is produced by closure of the aortic and pulmonary (pulmonic) semilunar vanes when the intraventricular pressure begins to fall. This "dub" sound is typically heard as a sharp snap because the semilunar valves tend to close much more rapidly than the AV valves. Because diastole occupies more time than systole, a brief pause occurs after the second heart sound when the heart is beating at a normal rate. Therefore, the pattern that one hears is one of: "lub-dub" pause, "lub-dub" pause, and so on. Sometimes, especially in young normal individuals, a third heart sound can be heard. This sound is produced by the very rapid influx of blood into the partially filled ventricle. It is typically very faint and as such difficult to hear.

16,326 Views · 9 months ago

How to deal with heart attack and with stroke

16,431 Views · 9 months ago

Examination of the heart from the USMLE collection

38,712 Views · 9 months ago

Heart sounds S3, S4

32,316 Views · 9 months ago

Heart sounds S1, S2

48,298 Views · 9 months ago

Auscultation of the heart

45,829 Views · 9 months ago

Review of heart sounds

41,678 Views · 9 months ago

Examination of the heart

78,751 Views · 9 months ago

Fetal heart sound by sonique

53,862 Views · 9 months ago

Examination of the heart and lungs with heart sounds

Mohamed Ibrahim
62,360 Views · 9 months ago

full examination of the heart

Showing 17 out of 17