
samer kareem
6,722 Views · 8 months ago

Formerly called toxemia, preeclampsia is a condition that pregnant women develop. It is marked by high blood pressure in women who have previously not experienced high blood pressure before. Preeclamptic women will have a high level of protein in their urine and often also have swelling in the feet, legs, and hands.

samer kareem
18,418 Views · 8 months ago

This video describes the various positions a baby may be in prior to delivery.

samer kareem
8,044 Views · 8 months ago

posterior augmentation

samer kareem
4,109 Views · 8 months ago

Chorionic villus sampling, often referred to as CVS, is a diagnostic test for identifying chromosome abnormalities and other inherited disorders. This test may be recommended by your health care provider, if you or your partner has family medical histories that reveal potential risks.

samer kareem
22,831 Views · 8 months ago

Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus (the myometrium). Adenomyosis can cause menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before menstrual periods and can result in heavy periods.

samer kareem
5,107 Views · 8 months ago

A retroverted uterus (tilted uterus, tipped uterus) is a uterus that is tilted posteriorly. This is in contrast to the slightly "anteverted" uterus that most women have, which is tipped forward toward the bladder, with the anterior end slightly concave.

samer kareem
29,112 Views · 8 months ago

For both DCIS and invasive cancer, radiation therapy to the remaining breast tissue is generally recommended after surgery. A lumpectomy may also be called breast-conserving surgery, a partial mastectomy, quadrantectomy, or a segmental mastectomy. A mastectomy is the surgical removal of the entire breast.

samer kareem
18,467 Views · 8 months ago

Stages In Breast Cancer

samer kareem
1,548 Views · 8 months ago

ATTENTION! 5 Warning Signs Of BREAST CANCER That Many Women Ignore!

samer kareem
2,649 Views · 8 months ago

Watch out which infections could affect your baby or tend to be worse for you during pregnancy period and how to reduce your risk of getting them.

samer kareem
5,269 Views · 8 months ago

all pregnant women be screened for Chlamydia at the first prenatal visit. Women under age 25 and those at increased risk for chlamydia! Infection should have repeat testing in the third trimester. Chlamydia endometritis during pregnancy can lead to chorioamnionitis and premature delivery of the fetus. Untreated infection during pregnancy can also lead to conjunctivitis (ophthalmia neonatorum) and pneumonia in the newborn baby

samer kareem
42,039 Views · 8 months ago

Gynecology 3D Animation

samer kareem
16,784 Views · 8 months ago

-Rectocele is a relatively common condition in older women and is characterized by the displacement of the rectum through posterior vaginal wall defect(s). The condition is typically caused by damage to the rectovaginal septum incurred during vaginal childbirth and is exacerbated by periodic increases in intraabdominal pressure (e.g., when laughing or coughing) and the effects of gravity. Women with symptomatic rectoceles who are poor surgical candidates may be treated with pessaries, which are structures designed to support the vaginal wall. Pessaries should only be used in conjunction with vaginal

samer kareem
33,036 Views · 8 months ago

In patients age ;::25, HPV DNA testing is the preferred next step in management if the initial cytology shows ASC-US. In this method, samples are collected for both cytology and reflex HPV DNA. If cytology results are positive, HPV DNA testing is performed. If cytology results are negative, the sample for HPV DNA is discarded. HPV DNA testing along with Pap smear at 3 years is recommended if initial cytology shows ASC-US but HPV DNA testing is negative

samer kareem
6,504 Views · 8 months ago

-A finding of ASC on cytology requires further investigation to exclude precancerous lesions. Recommendations differ for women age 21 -24 and those age ;::25. For women age 21 -24 with ASCUS or low-grade squamous intraepitheliallesion (LSIL), current guidelines recommend repeating Pap smear in one year. In this younger patient population, HPV infection is transient and malignant transformation is rare. Therefore, colposcopy is not performed unless the patient demonstrates ASC-US or LSIL on 3

samer kareem
2,603 Views · 8 months ago

How to Check Cervical Mucus

samer kareem
7,798 Views · 8 months ago

Cervical Mucus

samer kareem
33,709 Views · 8 months ago

Most women have vaginal discharge at many different times throughout their cycle. During ovulation, white and watery discharge is common and accepted as normal. But, discharge after ovulation is widely believed to be a sign of pregnancy.

samer kareem
30,329 Views · 8 months ago

Our calculator can help you discover the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle or your “Estimated Fertility Window” based on information you provide.

samer kareem
2,347 Views · 8 months ago

You may have heard that some positions, such as your partner on top (missionary position), are better than others for getting pregnant. In fact, there's no evidence to back these theories up. Experts just haven't done the research yet. What experts have done, though, is use scanning to show what's going on inside when you're doing the deed. The research looked at two positions: the missionary position and doggy style. (Doggy style being when you're on all fours, and your partner enters you from behind). Common sense tells us that these positions allow for deep penetration. This means that they're more likely to place sperm right next to your cervix (the opening of your uterus). The scans confirm that the tip of the penis reaches the areas between the cervix and vaginal walls in both of these positions. The missionary position allows the penis to reach the area at the front of the cervix. The rear entry position reaches the area at back of the cervix. It's amazing what some experts spend their time doing, isn't it! Other positions, such as standing up, or woman on top, may be just as good for getting sperm right next to the cervix. We just don't know yet.

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