
441,738 Views · 8 months ago

Female Circumcision - FGM Female Genital Mutilation - female circumcision ختان الاناث - женское обрезание - circuncisão feminina - 女性割禮 - besnijdenis - babae pagtutuli - l'excision - κλειτοριδεκτομή - הנקבה מולה - sunat perempuan - circoncisione femminile - 女子割礼 - 여성 할례 - la circuncisión femenina - หญิง circumcision - kadın sünnet - жіноче обрізання For More read at World Health Organization web site : other sites :

Dae-Sook Eun
14,947 Views · 8 months ago

Laparoscopic cornuotomy is
1. perfect for hemostasis
2. no adjuvant treatment
3. Probaility of preservation of cornua & tube
4. Possibility of vaginal delivery in Subsequent pregnancy

21,226 Views · 8 months ago

Una revision unica de fertilizacion, desarrollo embrionario y de los procedimientos llevados acabo durante un ciclo de fertilizacion invitro. Tome un tour virtual exclusivo de unos de los laboratorios de fertilizacion invitro mas avanzados del mundo y con tecnologia de punta en reproduccion asistida para que conozca con mas detalle como RMA de NY realiza estos procedimientos bajo control estricto de calidad.
Este video proporciona documentacion acerca de la aspiracion de ovulos, inseminacion de ovulos, desarrollo embrionario desde etapa de clivaje (2-3 dias) hasta etapa de blastocisto (5-6 dias), inyeccion intracitplasmatica de esperma (ICSI)), eclosion asistida, transferencia embrionaria y congelacion de embriones.

Mexico City
Dr. Benjamin Sandler
Reproductive Medicine Associates International
Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 1232, Oficina 1213
Colonia Lomas de Bezares
Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico, Distrito Federal 11910
Tel: 011-52-55-2167-2515
Fax: 011-52-55-2167-6434

15,956 Views · 8 months ago

A rare view into fertilization, embryo development, and laboratory procedures performed during an IVF cycle. Take an exclusive look inside one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories to see how RMA of New York performs IVF and other advanced reproductive technologies using strict identification standards.

Medical and laboratory video footage documents egg retrieval, insemination, embryo development from cleavage stage (day 2-3) to blastocyst stage (day 5-6), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), assisted hatching, embryo transfer and embryo cryopreservation.

Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York

635 Madison Avenue, 10th floor
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (212) 756-5777
Facsimile: (212) 756-5770

15 North Broadway, Garden Level - Suite G
White Plains, New York 10601
Telephone: (914) 997-6200
Facsimile: (914) 997-8111

Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Long Island
400 Garden City Plaza, Suite 107
Garden City, NY 11530
Telephone: (516) 746-3633
Facsimile: (516) 746-3622

Reproductive Medicine Associates International Mexico, S.C.
Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 1232, Oficina 1213
Colonia Lomas de Bezares
Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico, Distrito Federal 11910
Telephone: 011-52-55-2167-2515
Fax: 011-52-55-2167-6434

14,119 Views · 8 months ago

To facilitate the delivery of fluids during labour, obstetric anaesthetists from Coventry designed a triple IV peripheral connector with a central high-flow anti-reflux valve. This connector, now rightly known as the Coventry valve, can be used for all theatre settings and is especially useful in obstetrics, ICU, HDU and orthopaedics. More details on

12,786 Views · 8 months ago

A unique look into laboratory techniques for egg freezing, also known as oocyte cyropreservation. Take an exclusive look inside one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories to see how RMA of New York performs egg freezing procedures using strict identification standards. Medical and laboratory video footage documents egg retrieval, egg identification from follicular fluid, preparation for preservation, and the cyropreservation and storage process for egg freezing. RMA of New York is proud to partner with Extend Fertility ™ to offer egg freezing services. To learn more, please visit Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York Or Extend Fertility 635 Madison Avenue, 10th floor New York, New York 10022 Telephone: (212) 756-5777 Facsimile: (212) 756-5770 15 North Broadway, Garden Level - Suite G White Plains, New York 10601 Telephone: (914) 997-6200 Facsimile: (914) 997-8111 Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Long Island 400 Garden City Plaza, Suite 107 Garden City, NY 11530 Telephone: (516) 746-3633 Facsimile: (516) 746-3622 Reproductive Medicine Associates International Mexico, S.C. Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 1232, Oficina 1213 Colonia Lomas de Bezares Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo Mexico, Distrito Federal 11910 Telephone: 011-52-55-2167-2515 Fax: 011-52-55-2167-6434

18,172 Views · 8 months ago

Amniocentesis,before the actual procedure, a local anesthetic is sometimes given to relieve the pain when inserting the needle used to withdraw the fluid. A needle is usually inserted through the mother's abdominal wall or at the end of the vagina, and through the wall of the uterus into the amniotic sac. With assistance from ultrasound, a physician aims towards an area of the sac that is away from the fetus and extracts a small amount of amniotic fluid for testing. The puncture heals, and the amniotic sac replenishes the liquid over a day or so. After the amniotic fluid is extracted, the fetal cells are separated from it using a centrifuge, and the fetal chromosomes are examined for abnormalities. Various genetic testing may be performed, but the three most common abnormalities tested for are Down's syndrome, Trisomy 18 and spina bifida. Amniocentesis can be performed as soon as sufficient amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus to allow a sample to be recovered relatively safely, usually no earlier than the 14th week of pregnancy. Often, genetic counseling is offered in conjunction with amniocentesis.

Mohamed Ibrahim
54,295 Views · 8 months ago

Otto Placik MD. a board certified Chicago based plastic surgeon presents Vulvar Vaginal Genital anatomy lesson reviewing the Vulva, Mons Pubis, clitoral hood, prepuce, frenulum, labia minora & majora, vagina, urethra and fourchette with surgical implications and techniques. Photos pictures and video of anatomic models are reviewed in detail on different models. Great for patients thinking about or planning before labiaplasty or vaginal cosmetic surgery

Hemant Damle
19,376 Views · 8 months ago

Fallopian Tube Diverticulus seen on Infertility workup Methylene Blue injected for tubal patency shows This. Edited by Dr Hemant Damle Prof & HOD Of Obs at SKN Medical College Pune India

Mohamed Ibrahim
33,188 Views · 8 months ago

Genipap. A home pap smear product demo.

26,927 Views · 8 months ago

Cervical Cap for Birth Control

10,283 Views · 8 months ago

Diagnose an abusive relationship and you will be on your way to ending domestic abuse. Getting a definitive, objective diagnosis can put you in the "stop-guessing" mode and into the "start-treating" mode in moments.

13,363 Views · 8 months ago

Healthcare providers are in the best position to assess for domestic violence, yet have obstacles to doing so. See the benefits to moving beyond these obstacles for those you serve. And discover an accurate, convenient and confidential way to assess for domestic abuse.

37,548 Views · 8 months ago

Laparoscopic Removal of Ovarian Cyst

54,227 Views · 8 months ago

Full Obstetric Examination and Normal Delivery medical video

13,687 Views · 8 months ago

Combined Spinal-Epidural Obstetric Anesthesia

55,353 Views · 8 months ago

As a doctor many people ask me about masturbation and if it is harmful or not. As a doctor you have already been asked this and this video will give you some hints

34,748 Views · 8 months ago

Ectopic Pregnancy

22,427 Views · 8 months ago

Treatment of bowel injury by IUD

34,661 Views · 8 months ago

Diaphragms, rings, and implants

Showing 24 out of 25