
176,143 Views · 8 months ago

all you need to know about the female orgasm

24,383 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know How to Triple Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

samer kareem
55,138 Views · 8 months ago

Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells. After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm

samer kareem
14,308 Views · 8 months ago

The journey of egg and sperm. There are a lot of casualties (deaths) among the sperm as they swim toward the egg. First, many get lost in the maze of a woman's uterus where they also have to contend with acidic vaginal secretions.

Dave Sanders
4,640 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a Hepatitis B rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of Hepatitis B (fingerstick blood). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 98% Accurate. Certified GMP and ISO13485. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

Dave Sanders
5,759 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a Syphilis rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of Syphilis (fingerstick blood). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 99% Accurate. Certified GMP and ISO13485. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

Dave Sanders
3,541 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a Gonorrhea rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of Gonorrhea (swab test). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 99% Accurate. Certified GMP and ISO13485. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

Dave Sanders
3,159 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a HIV ORAL rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of HIV (oral swab test). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 99% Accurate. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

Dave Sanders
2,978 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a Chlamydia rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of Chlamydia (swab test). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 95% Accurate. Certified GMP and ISO13485. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

Dave Sanders
3,923 Views · 8 months ago

How to use a HIV rapid test kit for self-diagnosis of HIV (fingerstick blood). Convenient, Easy to Use, and over 99% Accurate. USAID approved. Test yourself at home with Complete Privacy. Buy online today at:

samer kareem
2,515 Views · 8 months ago

The Lansinoh Latch Assist has been designed to extend inverted nipples - watch this video to see how.?

samer kareem
4,776 Views · 8 months ago

What are the best positions for labour? When your labour starts, you'll probably feel restless and want to move around and keep busy. Just take care that you don't get over-tired before your labour is properly under way. s your contractions get stronger, concentrate on them. Focus on what's happening to your body and your baby, and practise your breathing and relaxation exercises. Now is the time to find the positions and movements that help you to cope with your contractions. Your midwife should encourage and help you to keep moving around and find comfortable positions, preferably ones that are upright. You may think that you'll be most comfortable lying on the bed. But keeping as upright as possible will help: you to cope with your contractions you and your baby to cope better during labour You'll be able to keep moving by shifting your weight from one foot to another, or by rocking your pelvis. Some positions make it easier for your birth partner to massage your back, or breathe with you through the contractions. You could: Lean on a work surface, or on the back of a chair. Put your arms around your partner's neck or waist, and lean on him. Lean on the bed, with the height adjusted for your comfort, or on a window-sill. Kneel on a large cushion or pillow on the floor, and lean forwards on to the seat of a chair. Sit astride a chair, resting on a pillow placed across the top. Sit on the toilet, leaning forwards, or sit astride, leaning on to the cistern. Go on to all fours. Kneel on one leg, with the other leg bent..

samer kareem
3,908 Views · 8 months ago

How to push a baby out video how to prevent tearing during labor and delivery

samer kareem
10,664 Views · 8 months ago

A water birth means at least part of your labor, delivery, or both happen while you’re in a birth pool filled with warm water. It can take place in a hospital, a birthing center, or at home. A doctor, nurse-midwife, or midwife helps you through it. In the U.S., some birthing centers and hospitals offer water births. Birthing centers are medical facilities that offer a more homelike setting than a hospital and more natural options for women having babies. The use of a birthing pool during the first stage of labor might: Help ease pain Keep you from needing anesthesia Speed up your labor The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which sets guidelines for pregnancy and childbirth care in the U.S., says a water birth during the first stage of labor may have some benefits but delivering your baby underwater should be considered an experimental procedure with risks. The first stage is from when contractions start until your cervix is fully dilated.

samer kareem
2,997 Views · 8 months ago

Woman suffers allergic reaction to nut protein in boyfriend's sperm.A British woman has become the first recorded case of someone suffering an allergic...

samer kareem
4,770 Views · 8 months ago

An ectopic pregnancy results when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. Unfortunately, there's no way to transplant an ectopic pregnancy into your uterus, so ending the pregnancy is the only option. About 2 percent of pregnancies are ectopic. Because ectopic pregnancy is potentially dangerous for you, it's important to recognize the early signs and get treatment as soon as possible.

samer kareem
25,888 Views · 8 months ago

Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix camera.gif grow out of control. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer can often be successfully treated when it's found early. It is usually found at a very early stage through a Pap test.

samer kareem
26,114 Views · 8 months ago

An abdominal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes your uterus through an incision in your lower abdomen. Your uterus — or womb — is where a baby grows if you're pregnant. A partial hysterectomy removes just the uterus, leaving the cervix intact. A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and the cervix. Sometimes a hysterectomy includes removal of one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes, a procedure called a total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy (sal-ping-go-o-of-uh-REK-tuh-me). A hysterectomy can also be performed through an incision in the vagina (vaginal hysterectomy) or by a laparoscopic or robotic surgical approach — which uses long, thin instruments passed through small abdominal incisions.

samer kareem
2,421 Views · 8 months ago

Most C-sections are done under regional anesthesia, which numbs only the lower part of your body — allowing you to remain awake during the procedure. A common choice is a spinal block, in which pain medication is injected directly into the sac surrounding your spinal cord

samer kareem
2,624 Views · 8 months ago

Your baby measures about 20.7 inches from head to toe and weighs about 6 pounds. The baby may drop lower in your abdomen, usually assuming the head-down position to prepare for birth. The brain has been developing rapidly, and your baby is practicing blinking. Mom-to-be: Your uterus has grown bigger these last few weeks and is probably up under your ribs. But you're in the home stretch! After this week, you'll see your doctor weekly. You may switch between fatigue and extra bursts of energy. You may also have an achier back and feel heaviness and discomfort in your buttocks and pelvis. Tip of the Week: Start stocking your freezer with foods that can be easily popped into the oven or microwave after you bring your baby home. Chili, casseroles, and other simple dishes can be prepared and frozen ahead of time for use later.

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