Reproductive Health

samer kareem
19,816 Views · 8 months ago

Prompted by the hormone prolactin, the alveoli take proteins, sugars, and fat from your blood supply and make breast milk. A network of cells surrounding the alveoli squeeze the glands and push the milk out into the ductules, which lead to a bigger duct.

samer kareem
20,915 Views · 8 months ago

In breastfeeding, the latch is the moment everything comes together: Your baby takes a big mouthful of your nipple and areola (or "latches on"), begins to suck, and draws out your milk. When your baby has established a good latch, your nipple soreness is minimized and your little one gets the nourishment he needs. How do you pull all that off? First and most important, have faith in yourself and your baby. "Babies are designed to breastfeed," says Emily Pease, R.N., international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), of Swedish Hospital's Breastfeeding Center in Seattle. "They are born with instincts that help them find Mom's breast and latch on often with very little assistance. And if problems do come up, there are lots of ways to troubleshoot." Here are more steps to get a good latch right from the start.

samer kareem
8,240 Views · 8 months ago

This video is intended primarily for mothers in the developing world, but may be helpful to breastfeeding mothers worldwide.

samer kareem
11,408 Views · 8 months ago

FemTouch Vaginal Rejuvenation Laser

samer kareem
19,612 Views · 8 months ago

ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal tightening treatment for women who want to reclaim what childbirth or aging may have taken away. Using the same technology that’s used in ThermiTight and ThermiSmooth, radiofrequency energy is sent to the desired area (internally or externally), heating the tissue and stimulating the body’s own collagen. ThermiVa is performed in three treatments over the course of three months.

samer kareem
8,583 Views · 8 months ago

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten a woman’s vagina, by removing excess lining and repairing the surrounding soft tissues. It is designed to decrease the diameter of the vagina, resulting in increased friction during intercourse to make the experience more pleasurable for both partners.

samer kareem
23,988 Views · 8 months ago

A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the vagina. This is done by removing excess vaginal lining and tightening the surrounding soft tissues and muscles. During delivery of a baby the vagina and surrounding tissues and muscles become stretched. After delivery the vagina may return to a more “normal” size, but it often fails to return to its’ pre pregnancy diameter. Generally, the more vaginal deliveries, the worse the condition gets. Many women will complain of decreased sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse. Commonly this is due to a lack of friction. Often their partner may notice a change although he may say nothing. Kegel exercises are often recommended but rarely succeed in restoring vaginal tightness.

samer kareem
7,629 Views · 8 months ago

The inflatable penile prosthesis consists of two attached cylinders -- a reservoir and a pump -- which are placed surgically in the body. The two cylinders are inserted in the penis and connected by tubing to a separate reservoir of saline. The reservoir is implanted under the rectus muscles in the lower abdomen. A pump is also connected to the system and sits under the loose skin of the scrotal sac, between the testicles. This penile prosthesis is referred to as a 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis, due to the three different components. A 2-piece inflatable penile prosthesis consists of only two components: the attached cylinders and the combined reservoir and pump unit. Instead of the reservoir being placed behind the groin, it is combined with the pump into one housing unit that fits comfortably within the scrotum. The advantage of a 2-piece prosthesis in that the surgery is shorter and less complicated and there is no device parts in the abdomen. The disadvantage of the 2-piece prosthesis is that the smaller reservoir may not result in adequate erections in some men. To inflate the prosthesis, the man presses on the pump. The pump transfers saline from the reservoir to the cylinders in the penis, inflating them and causing an erection. Pressing on a deflation valve at the base of the pump returns the fluid to the reservoir, deflating the penis and returning it to the normal flaccid state.

samer kareem
13,471 Views · 8 months ago

A penile prosthesis is another treatment option for men with erectile dysfunction. These devices are either malleable (bendable) or inflatable. The simplest type of prosthesis consists of a pair of malleable rods surgically implanted within the erection chambers of the penis. With this type of implant the penis is always semi-rigid and merely needs to be lifted or adjusted into the erect position to initiate sex. This type of implant is a good choice for men with spinal cord injuries and/or limited hand strength. Today, many men choose a hydraulic, inflatable prosthesis, which allows them to have an erection when they choose, and it's easier to conceal. It is also more natural. A penile implant is usually used when there is a clear medical cause for ED and when the problem is unlikely to resolve or improve naturally or with other medical treatments. Sometimes a penile prosthesis is implanted during surgery to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve (Peyronie's disease). Penile implant surgeries take about an hour and are typically done in an outpatient center. A man can resume sexual intercourse by 6 weeks after surgery.

samer kareem
6,800 Views · 8 months ago

Implant comparison: Coloplast vs AMS for Penile Implants

samer kareem
4,643 Views · 8 months ago

A penile prosthesis is another treatment option for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). These devices are either malleable or inflatable. The simplest type of prosthesis consists of a pair of malleable (bendable) rods surgically implanted within the erection chambers of the penis. With this type of implant the penis is always semi-rigid and merely needs to be lifted or adjusted into the erect position to initiate sex. Today, many men choose a hydraulic, inflatable prosthesis, which allows a man to have an erection whenever he chooses and is much easier to conceal. It is also more natural.

samer kareem
25,632 Views · 8 months ago

The term labiaplasty refers to a procedure that reduces the length of the labia minora. It is the most commonly performed female genital plastic surgery procedure and it can relieve symptoms women experience from twisting and tugging of the labia. Women opt for surgery for a variety of reasons, including pain from twisting and tugging of the labia when riding a bike or during intercourse, itching and irritation, and self-consciousness.

samer kareem
7,458 Views · 8 months ago

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue from the labia, either for cosmetic reasons or for women who feel physical discomfort due to enlarged or elongated labia

samer kareem
30,699 Views · 8 months ago

Labia minoraplasty is an elective procedure that can reduce the size and reshape the inner vaginal lips. Large or asymmetrical labia minora can leave you feeling self-conscience in tight clothing or during intimacy. Long labia may result in rubbing, irritation or discomfort during intercourse and exercise. Certain skin conditions can cause increased sensitivity or tearing of the labia minora. In some cases, the labia minora may be fused with tissue in the labia majora and require medical correction.

samer kareem
2,359 Views · 8 months ago

Emergency contraception is a method of birth control you can use if you had sex without using birth control or if your birth control method did not work correctly. You must use emergency contraception as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Emergency contraception pills are different from the abortion pill. If you are already pregnant, emergency contraception pills do not stop or harm your pregnancy. Emergency contraception has also been called the "morning-after pill," but you do not need to wait until the morning after unprotected sex to take it. Emergency contraception is not meant to be used for regular birth control. Talk to your doctor or nurse about regular birth control to help prevent pregnancy. Nearly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned.1

samer kareem
14,025 Views · 8 months ago

There are a few different kinds of emergency contraception. The best kind for you depends on a few factors — when you had sex, your weight, whether you’re breastfeeding, and what kind is easiest for you to get. Here’s what you need to know.

samer kareem
15,567 Views · 8 months ago

Periods are considered to be one of the most taboo topics to talk about, but they can reveal a plethora of information when it comes to your health. Whether you last publicly learned about menstruation in fifth grade or during a junior high school sex ed class, it’s time to unravel what Aunt Flo and your hormonal health have to do with one another. Look before you flush not only when it comes to your urine or poop, but also your period, and find out the six things your monthly visitor can tell you about your health from what’s normal to what’s not at any age.

samer kareem
83,138 Views · 8 months ago

You may have heard that some positions, such as your partner on top (missionary position), are better than others for getting pregnant. In fact, there's no evidence to back these theories up. Experts just haven't done the research yet. What experts have done, though, is use scanning to show what's going on inside when you're doing the deed. The research looked at two positions: the missionary position and doggy style. (Doggy style being when you're on all fours, and your partner enters you from behind). Common sense tells us that these positions allow for deep penetration. This means that they're more likely to place sperm right next to your cervix (the opening of your uterus). The scans confirm that the tip of the penis reaches the areas between the cervix and vaginal walls in both of these positions. The missionary position allows the penis to reach the area at the front of the cervix. The rear entry position reaches the area at back of the cervix. It's amazing what some experts spend their time doing, isn't it! Other positions, such as standing up, or woman on top, may be just as good for getting sperm right next to the cervix. We just don't know yet. So, in the meantime, enjoy some variety in your sex life and keep it fun while you're trying for a baby. And talk to others who are hoping to get pregnant by joining our Actively trying group. Do I have to have an orgasm to conceive? Obviously, it's very important for your partner to reach orgasm if you are trying for a baby. There is no evidence, however, that you need to orgasm to conceive. The female orgasm is all about pleasure and satisfaction. It doesn't really help to get the sperm to the egg. Gentle contractions in your uterus can help the sperm along, but these happen without you having an orgasm. So, it's really not vital for you to reach orgasm after your partner, or even to reach orgasm at all, for you to conceive.

samer kareem
27,239 Views · 8 months ago

Triplet C-section

samer kareem
90,225 Views · 8 months ago

Natural birth encouragement pain and joy

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