Surgical Examination

9,503 Views · 6 months ago

Examination of Neck Swelling

11,400 Views · 6 months ago

Examination of Varicose Veins

mark edeh
1,297 Views · 6 months ago

breast self examination

40,013 Views · 6 months ago

A video showing the examination of femoral hernia.

9,257 Views · 6 months ago

An endoscopy showing celiac disease

wayne roberts
10,688 Views · 6 months ago Equine Video Endoscope Endoscopy Systems

55,779 Views · 6 months ago

A new video illustrating the horizontal breast exam technique whihc is performed by doctors for any breast masses or abnormalities.

16,523 Views · 6 months ago

Two small diverticuli are seen on the way in

18,599 Views · 6 months ago

esophago-gastro- duodinoscopy
Gastroduodinoscopy requires special training and considerable experience but affords valuable information.
By its implement the whole of the interior of the stomach as well as esophagus, the first part and the proximal section of the second part of the duodenum and both efferent and afferent loops of the gastrojujenostomy if present can be scrutinized.
Gastroscopy is valuable in the diagnosis of gastric ulcers, in checking the results of medical treatment of chronic gastric ulcer. Gastroduodinoscopy is valuable in differential diagnosis between chronic peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma, in diagnosis of small gastric neoplasm, in the detection of certain forms of gastritis, in examination of a stoma, in cases of gastrojujenostomy, in cases of duodinitis and duodenal ulcer.
Now its' the Era of
Direct means of diagnosis of upper G.I. diseases
Continuous Video recording of the entire procedure is there by which
we can review the whole procedure by playing the Video.
We are doing final diagnosis of upper G.I. lesions with biopsy.
Treatment becomes easy and to the point.
Early detection of pre malignant and malignant lesions is appreciable.

11,918 Views · 6 months ago

Gall Stones

14,058 Views · 6 months ago

Muscle Biopsy

15,409 Views · 6 months ago

This video show a lip biopsy on a 38-year old man with a swelling of the lower lip of unknown origin.

23,711 Views · 6 months ago

A Video showing a fine needle biopsy guided with ultrasound of a thyroid nodule

15,837 Views · 6 months ago

Spigelian Hernia on Ultrasound

Mohamed Ibrahim
17,584 Views · 6 months ago

Small colon polyp (redish bump)and many diverticuli (small outpouches in wall of the colon)

16,984 Views · 6 months ago

A 76 year-old, female, presented with a three day history of melena without any abdominal pain. She had one episode of hematemesis (about 100 ml blood) in the emergency room, patient has a strong alcoholic drink abuse.
An upper endoscopy with magnification was performed.
multiple ulcers were detected across of the gastric camera,
esophageal varices was also detected

12,204 Views · 6 months ago

Gallbladder "Lumigram" - shows the common bile duct(being probed) and the cystic duct (the duct YOU WANT TO CUT)

9,704 Views · 6 months ago

Mesenteric artery illuminated with luciferase

11,723 Views · 6 months ago

The use of breast MRI as part of the screening for breast cancer.

17,681 Views · 6 months ago

An older patient with stomach pain, and the typical heart burning. We did some biopsies for evaluation of dyplasia.

Showing 4 out of 5