Surgical Examination

15,042 Views · 6 months ago

A quick look at an early stage stomach abnormality.

40,466 Views · 6 months ago

This video clip shows an upper track endoscopy of A 75 year-old female, presented with severe adominal pain since three days. Endoscopy displays a deep ulcer at the lesser curvature of the stomach. This patient has a klatskin´s tumor (bile duct bifurcation).

79,813 Views · 6 months ago

On screening colonoscopy, this abnormality was encountered in the cecum. This round worm is Ascaris Lumbricoides, one of the most common human parasites in the world. When ingested, the durable Ascaris eggs hatch in the small intestine releasing larva that migrate through the intestinal wall, and t...ravel both hematogenously and lymphatically to the heart and lungs. Over the next several days, the larva mature in the alveoli, then migrate up the trachea to be swallowed back into the gastrointestinal tract. These larva will then mature in the small bowel; adults couples will succeed in producing an extraordinary number of eggs, over 200,000 ova per day. The adults live one to two years. The majority of Ascaris infections are as in this example asymptomatic. Symptoms are a consequence of either the immunologic hypersensitivity of the host to the worm as in the pulmonary stage referred as Loffler's syndrome or to mechanical obstruction of lumen by the worm. Heavy worm burden can result in intestinal obstruction and migrating worms can cause pancreatitis and/or cholangitis when involving the pancreatobiliary tree. Multiple medical therapies are approved for its treatment including mebendazole. Epidemiologically, infections are most common in areas of lower socio-economic conditions. This man manages a pig farm in China that is used to test pharmaceutical agents. From an endoscopic standpoint it is noteworthy that the worms do not like light and will move away fro the attention it is receiving. In this example, the endoscopist was too slow to snare his prey which succeeded in escaping temporarily into the cooler and darker confines of the small bowel out of reach of the endoscope but not from the soon to be consumed anti-helminthic therapy.

11,083 Views · 6 months ago

Chromoendoscopy of Colon Polyps

25,377 Views · 6 months ago

The colonoscope is slowly withdrawn during this screening colonoscopy down from the transverse colon, back around the splenic flexure, and down the descending colon, and reveals this finding a colonic diverticula. Diverticulosis is a common, acquired, age-related occurrence affecting over 50% of the... western adult population over the age of 50. It is seen rarely in Africa and Asia where the dietary fiber content is traditionally higher. Thus most investigators feel that low fiber diets are related to the development of this condition. Ironically, colonic diverticula are not true diverticula but rather pseudodiverticula in that the sac includes layers of the mucosa and submucosa that push through rather than include the outer muscular layer. As with the small bowel the colon has an inner circular muscular layer, but the outer longitudinal layer is composed of three bands of muscle that run the length of the colon known as teniae. Diverticula occur in rows between the mesenteric and two antimesenteric teniae where the colonic wall is further weakened by the defect caused by the perforating vasa recti artery which supplies the colonic mucosa. Occasionally, the anatomic propensity of diverticula to form in rows is quite apparent as seen when this clip is replayed in slow motion. Most often, however, the arrangement of the diverticula appears random due to the angulation of the bowel and thickening of the semi lunar folds. The conditions that cause these pulsion diverticula are not know with certainty but may include high intrahaustral pressures, muscular hypertrophy, and age related alterations in collagen cross linking. Diverticula can bleed or can abscess and perforate. The incidence of diverticulitis or diverticular bleeding is in the range of 1:1,000 patients with diverticulosis.

12,431 Views · 6 months ago

This 81 year old man with severe CAD and CHF was referred for VCE following a negative endoscopic workup for chronic guaiac positive stools. Seen on only three frames, this sequence reveals a single mid small bowel telangectasia, a possible source for his chronic GI blood loss. He has been managed c...onservatively and continues to require intermittent transfusions despite oral iron therapy.

30,204 Views · 6 months ago

Defecography showing Rectocele

18,276 Views · 6 months ago

Defecography showing Internal Rectal Prolapse

18,143 Views · 6 months ago

Defecography showing Anterior Rectal Wall Prolapse

14,040 Views · 6 months ago

Defecography showing Enterocele

27,366 Views · 6 months ago

Defecography showing Normal Defecation

46,916 Views · 6 months ago

A video showing normal colonoscopy

19,504 Views · 6 months ago

This 40 yr male had upper abdominal pain for 3 months. A video-endoscopic examination of esophagus, stomach and duodenum was performed. A large 2.5x2.5 cm chronic ulcer was detected in the first part (bulb) of duodenum. A gastric biopsy was taken for diagnosis of Helicobacter infection and a rapid urease test done which was positive. He received triple therapy (2 antibiotics and acid suppressive drug for one week) to eradicate Helicobacter pylori infection. Ulcer disease showed rapid clinical and endoscopic healing. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection led to permanent ulcer cure.

14,575 Views · 6 months ago

Bleeding from Duodenal Ulcer

77,318 Views · 6 months ago

Educational video of male patient receiving an anoscopy.

12,782 Views · 6 months ago

Endoscopy of Mammary Ducts with Micro-Endoscope called Mammary Ductoscopy. Indication:- Nipple Discharge. In this case Papilloma seen quite clearly. Biopsy can also be possible with Ductoscopy. Mammary Ductoscopy is very useful for diagnosis of Breast Cancer in early stage.

21,138 Views · 6 months ago

Symptoms of carcinoma of the breast

100,810 Views · 6 months ago

A video describing the procedure of colonoscopy or flexible fibre-optic examination of the colon.

20,343 Views · 6 months ago

Examination of varicose veins

15,804 Views · 6 months ago

Examination of the shoulder

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