
samer kareem
4,947 Views · 8 months ago

Worst Pops! Cysts, Zits, Pimples & Blackhead Popping

samer kareem
1,501 Views · 8 months ago

People whose back or neck pain has not been relieved by back surgery or other treatments may have another option to consider: spinal cord stimulation. Around the world, some 14,000 patients undergo spinal cord stimulator implants each year. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) delivers mild electrical stimulation to nerves along the spinal column, modifying or blocking nerve activity in a non-medicinal way to minimize the sensation of pain reaching the brain.

samer kareem
1,469 Views · 8 months ago

The primary goal of treatment for each patient is to help relieve pain and other symptoms resulting from the herniated disc. To achieve this goal, each patient’s treatment plan should be individualized based on the source of the pain, the severity of pain and the specific symptoms that the patient exhibits.

samer kareem
1,542 Views · 8 months ago

Deuk Laser Disc Repair vs Traditional Spinal Fusion Comparison, Laser versus Fusion

samer kareem
4,184 Views · 8 months ago

Scientists in Switzerland proved in 2012 that electrical-chemical stimulation of the spinal cord could restore lower body movement in paralysed rats.

samer kareem
4,960 Views · 8 months ago

Syringomyelia is a cystic cavitation of the spinal cord associated with Chiari I malformation (70%) or basilar invagination (10%) or tumor. It may be a post-traumatic condition. There are 2 main forms: communicating with the central canal or subarachnoid spaces (Chiari I malformation); non communicating (trauma, tumors).

samer kareem
4,699 Views · 8 months ago

Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that mainly affects the genital skin (vulva) in women and the penis in men. It most commonly occurs in middle-aged women. Symptoms may include itch, soreness, and changes in the appearance of affected skin.

samer kareem
1,262 Views · 8 months ago

Surgery is an elective procedure done in people who have had extensive testing to decide if they are potential candidates. The following criteria are considered when determining if a person may be a good candidate for surgery. Person has failed adequate trials of two first-line seizure medicines (ones that are commonly effective in controlling the type of seizures the person is experiencing) and one combination of at least two drugs. A trial of a medication is considered adequate when it has been increased gradually to the maximum dosage that does not cause serious side effects. If the person has frequent seizures, any improvement will be obvious after a short time. If the seizures generally occur far apart, however, it may take months to determine whether a medication is helping. At some epilepsy centers, patients are offered additional conventional or experimental medications before surgery is considered. But research suggests that each time a trial of medication fails to control a person's seizures, it becomes less likely that a different medicine or combination will be successful. Since uncontrolled seizures present serious physical risks and social and psychological consequences, the trend these days is to proceed with surgery much sooner than in the past if it seems appropriate for that person.

samer kareem
3,549 Views · 8 months ago

Epilepsy surgery is reserved for people whose seizures are not well controlled by seizure medicines. This situation is sometimes called being "medically refractory" or "drug resistant." In children, the definition of medically refractory is even more individualized to the specific child's situation. Surgery may be considered for some children after weeks to months of treatment with seizure medicines.

samer kareem
1,361 Views · 8 months ago

Surgery is an alternative for some people whose seizures cannot be controlled by medications. It has been used for more than a century, but its use dramatically increased in the 1980s and 90s, reflecting its effectiveness as an alternative to seizure medicines. The benefits of surgery should be weighed carefully against its risks, however, because there is no guarantee that it will be successful in controlling seizures. People with partial epilepsy who are considered for surgery have difficult-to-control seizures that have not responded to aggressive treatment with medication. In the past, patients usually tried several medications with poor results for many years, even decades, before being considered for surgery. More recently, surgery is being considered sooner. Studies have shown that the earlier surgery is performed, the better the outcome. Surgery is now being performed on some people whose seizures have been uncontrolled for only 1 or 2 years. At least two single drugs and a combination of two or more drugs should be tried before surgery is considered. Epilepsy surgery can be especially helpful to people who have seizures from structural brain problems (such as benign brain tumors, strokes or malformations of blood vessels).

samer kareem
59,072 Views · 8 months ago

BIG wart blister after freezing with liquid nitrogen

samer kareem
8,442 Views · 8 months ago

Dr Sergio Canavero, believes he can successfully perform the world's first human head transplant in 2017. Within the medical establishment there is concern and scepticism—but either way the operation is set to be one of the big talking points of the year ahead.

samer kareem
6,856 Views · 8 months ago

8 months until the world’s first human head transplant

samer kareem
59,929 Views · 8 months ago

Plantar warts are hard, grainy growths that usually appear on the heels or balls of your feet, areas that feel the most pressure. This pressure also may cause plantar warts to grow inward beneath a hard, thick layer of skin (callus). Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus enters your body through tiny cuts, breaks or other weak spots on the bottom of your feet. Most plantar warts aren't a serious health concern and may not require treatment. But plantar warts can cause discomfort or pain. If self-care treatments for plantar warts don't work, you may want to see your doctor to have them removed.

samer kareem
36,541 Views · 8 months ago

Duct tape is one home remedy. Put a small strip over the wart and leave it on for six days. Then, remove the tape, soak the wart in water, and then gently debride it with a pumice stone or emory board. Repeat the process many times until the wart is gone.

samer kareem
14,066 Views · 8 months ago

This 13 yrs young girl has had left temporo parietal cavernous angioma ,she came with acute bleed with raised ICT ,aphasia ,right hemiparesis ,leision was excised microsurgically with excellent out come

samer kareem
3,493 Views · 8 months ago

Risks & Benefits of Epilepsy Surgery | Epilepsy

samer kareem
6,337 Views · 8 months ago

Brain Tumor and Skull-Base Surgery

samer kareem
9,228 Views · 8 months ago

brain surgery Blood Clot, removal of blood clot in brain, hematoma brain surgery

samer kareem
3,668 Views · 8 months ago

To learn how to give multiple vaginal orgasms

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