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samer kareem
21,408 Views · 9 months ago

Cosmetic facial plastic surgery is surgery performed to enhance visual appearance of the facial structures and features. Common procedures include facelifts, eye lifts, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implants, liposuction, and procedures to correct facial wrinkles.

samer kareem
55,138 Views · 9 months ago

Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells. After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm

samer kareem
1,770 Views · 9 months ago

An ingrown toenail may be painful, but most you can treat at home. Here's how -- and when to call a doctor:

samer kareem
5,055 Views · 9 months ago

Bone tumors include abnormal healing of an injury, inherited conditions, radiation therapy. It can also be caused by bone cancer or another cancer that has spread to the bone from other parts of the body. A bone tumor may cause a painless mass. Some people have dull, aching pain. And in some cases, minor injury causes a fracture near the tumor. Treatments include surgery and radiation. Some noncancerous tumors go away without treatment

samer kareem
2,046 Views · 9 months ago

Ewing's sarcoma typically occurs in children and young adults. It often begins in the legs, bones of the pelvis, and arms. Bone pain, localized swelling, and tenderness are symptoms. In rare cases bone fractures may also be found. Treatments include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation.

Ayman Kamol
2,091 Views · 9 months ago

wearable dialysis - and we expect to begin clinical trials in 2018 see more

Ayman Kamol
1,476 Views · 9 months ago

Actual Footage of Cell Division (Kidney Cells) see more

Ayman Kamol
1,293 Views · 9 months ago

How surgeons remove kidney stones كيف يقوم الجراحون بإزالة حصى الكلى see more

samer kareem
9,559 Views · 9 months ago

Throughout your life, your skin will change constantly, for better or worse. In fact, your skin will regenerate itself approximately every 27 days. Proper skin care is essential to maintaining the health and vitality of this protective organ.

samer kareem
2,372 Views · 9 months ago

Kneecap dislocation Email this page to a friend Print Facebook Twitter Google+ Kneecap dislocation occurs when the triangle-shaped bone covering the knee (patella) moves or slides out of place. The problem usually occurs toward the outside of the leg. Causes Kneecap (patella) dislocation is often seen in women. It usually occurs after a sudden change in direction when your leg is planted. This puts your kneecap under stress.

27,355 Views · 9 months ago ----- White Spots On Shaft, Pearly Penile Papules Treatment Cream, Single Red Bump On Shaft, Ppp Surgery. Common Home Made Remedies for Pearly Penile Papules. When it comes to treating pearly penile papules many people find it very difficult to reach one of the medical treatments. This is mainly because they are highly expensive and not many people can afford spending large amounts of money on surgery and recovery. In addition to that, these procedures have been reported as being quite risky, which make the men suffering from pearly penile papules think twice before going for one of the available surgeries. This is why, along the time, many homemade, natural treatments have been experienced, so that a cheaper and less risky way of curing pearly penile papules would be found. Some of the methods which have been tried proved to be very less effective, while some did not have any effect at all. Yet, there have also been methods which not only proved to be effective, but they were also considered to be much better than the medical treatment. Most of those who have tried the tea tree oil treatment reported significant diminish of the number of the papules from their penises. In addition to the clearing of the skin, they have also noticed that there were no side effects and the skin remained soft after the papules were removed. As the method was quite simple to put in practice (it requires the application of tea tree oil on the affected area with a cotton swab for three or four times per day), many men decided this was indeed a great solution to their problem.

1,704 Views · 9 months ago ----- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet , Cures For Fatigue, Cure For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is variable and unpredictable, and the condition takes its toll on the patient physically, mentally and emotionally. A number of studies have been performed on CFS, with one particular study determining poor early management of the disorder as a primary risk factor for severe CFS. Among the medical community, there is still no consensus on the best course of action for CFS. Most doctors feel that there is no cure for this condition, and limit their treatment to managing the symptoms. There is controversy over different approaches, and main ones being: • Prescription medications • Lifestyle changes • Diet • Nutritional supplements • Graded exercise therapy • Cognitive behavioral therapy • Other alternative/complementary treatments As CFS affects the patients not only physically but also mentally and emotionally, a holistic approach needs to be taken. It is also important that the people around CFS patients understand the condition, and realize that the patient is not just "being lazy" or "constantly feeling down" - chronic fatigue syndrome IS a serious illness and has severe symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals to interpret their symptoms, which in turn helps the patient to shape their behavior in a way to better react to the symptoms. Graded Exercise Therapy A physical therapist can help determine the best exercises for the individual. Programs will start with low levels of exercising, increasing the intensity as the individual gradually builds strength and endurance. Lifestyle Changes Lifestyle changes will also be necessary, including individuals pacing themselves, lowering stress levels, eating a well-balanced diet, engaging in regular moderate exercise, and improving sleep habits. The individual’s work schedule may also need to be modified, as many individuals with CFS find maintaining their regular work schedule too draining. Diet and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Diet is crucial in CFS, and dietary supplements may be needed. Certain foods may need to be restricted from the diet, as these may trigger or exacerbate CFS symptoms. A diet-symptom journal can help individuals to identify problem foods. In addition, a significant number of CFS cases may be caused or worsened by un-diagnosed food allergies and intolerances. Therefore, it should be a priority for every patient to check for these using a food-symptom diary and elimination diet, especially if in addition to fatigue you experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach cramps, constipation, or diarrhea. Prescriptions and Medications Depression is often associated with CFS. Antidepressants may be prescribed to treat depression, which in turn will help individuals to cope with CFS-related problems. Studies also show antidepressants administered in low doses may help to relieve pain and improve sleep. Prescription sleep aids may also be prescribed to help individuals improve their sleep. Other drugs that may be prescribed include antiviral drugs, ADD/ADHD medications and anti-anxiety drugs. Alternative/Alternative Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment While the usefulness of alternative/complementary therapy may still be controversial in the scientific community, many patients experience tremendous benefits from these. Main ones include:

samer kareem
2,806 Views · 9 months ago

Insane Tattoo Removal Blisters

samer kareem
18,996 Views · 9 months ago

Curettage, electrosurgery, and laser surgery are more likely than cryotherapy to leave scars, so they are usually reserved for hard-to-remove or recurring warts. If you have a large area of warts, curettage may not be an effective treatment. Some surgical treatments may be too painful for some children.

samer kareem
9,611 Views · 9 months ago

Ingrown toenails occur in both men and women. According to the National Health Services (NHS), ingrown toenails may be more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Older people may also be at higher risk because toenails thicken with age. Many things can cause an ingrown toenail, including: cutting toenails incorrectly (Cut straight across, since angling the sides of the nail can encourage the nail to grow into the skin.) irregular, curved toenails footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, such as socks and stockings that are too tight or shoes that are too tight, narrow, or flat for your feet toenail injury, including stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly poor posture improper foot hygiene, such as not keeping your feet clean or dry genetic predisposition

samer kareem
5,170 Views · 9 months ago

A grand mal seizure causes a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It's the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures. A grand mal seizure — also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. Usually, a grand mal seizure is caused by epilepsy. But sometimes, this type of seizure can be triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar, a high fever or a stroke. Many people who have a grand mal seizure never have another one and don't need treatment. But someone who has recurrent seizures may need treatment with daily anti-seizure medications to control and prevent future grand mal seizures

samer kareem
3,189 Views · 9 months ago

Mini Face Lift Surgery -- Short Scars -- No Anesthesia

samer kareem
3,210 Views · 9 months ago

Simply put, there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth because our jaws don’t grow to be big enough to have enough space for them to come in. Since there isn’t enough room for them to erupt properly, wisdom teeth tend to come in at an angle or they don’t fully emerge, which causes problems for the rest of the mouth. Third molars (the wisdom teeth) routinely damage the teeth right next door, called second molars. Dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth before they become a problem and to avoid a more complicated surgery. Read more at Ask the Dentist:

samer kareem
1,630 Views · 9 months ago

Your sleeping pose can have a major impact on your slumber—as well as your overall health. Poor p.m. posture could potentially cause back and neck pain, fatigue, sleep apnea, muscle cramping, impaired circulation, headaches, heartburn, tummy troubles, and even premature wrinkles

samer kareem
11,752 Views · 9 months ago

Surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff most often involves re-attaching the tendon to the head of humerus (upper arm bone). A partial tear, however, may need only a trimming or smoothing procedure called a debridement. A complete tear is repaired by stitching the tendon back to its original site on the humerus.

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