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samer kareem
3,476 Views · 8 months ago

Although techniques of vascular anastomosis after trauma are numerous in type and form, most surgeons will default to the one associated with the greatest comfort and ease. This report offers a rapid and reliable repair using a conceptually and operationally simple technique. Its methodology is appropriate for all repairs, including cases mandating the insertion of vascular conduit. We have employed this technique for the past 15 years in nearly all patients with vascular injuries, regardless of the site and size of the vessel. This has included vessels of the neck, torso, upper and lower extremities. There have been no obvious complications associated with its use. Major advantages include: 1) the operating system is always oriented towards the surgeon, 2) the posterior row of sutures is placed as both ends are readily visualized, avoiding the need for potentially obscuring traction stitches, and 3) flushing is easily performed prior to completing the anterior suture row.

samer kareem
7,256 Views · 8 months ago

Depending on the fracture, the bone fragments may be fixed using screws, a plate and screws, or different wiring techniques. Because there is such a wide range of injuries, there is also a wide range of people's specific recovery time for ankle fracture surgery. It takes at least 6 weeks for the broken bones to heal.

samer kareem
26,993 Views · 8 months ago

TAA is performed either under general anesthetic or nerve block. A tourniquet is used at the time of surgery to control bleeding and improve visualization during the surgery. The ankle is approached from the front or the side depending on the type of implant being used. Bone is then cut, allowing for placement of the metal and plastic components that re-create the ankle joint. Sometimes the patient will have a tight calf muscle or tight Achilles tendon that needs to be lengthened to improve range of motion of the ankle. The wounds are then closed using stitches or staples, and a splint is applied. A period of non-weightbearing in either a cast or cast boot is necessary to allow the implants to heal in place.

samer kareem
2,258 Views · 8 months ago

Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique is similar to the echolocation used by bats, whales and dolphins, as well as SONAR used by submarines. In ultrasound, the following events happen: The ultrasound machine transmits high-frequency (1 to 5 megahertz) sound pulses into your body using a probe. The sound waves travel into your body and hit a boundary between tissues (e.g. between fluid and soft tissue, soft tissue and bone). Some of the sound waves get reflected back to the probe, while some travel on further until they reach another boundary and get reflected. The reflected waves are picked up by the probe and relayed to the machine. The machine calculates the distance from the probe to the tissue or organ (boundaries) using the speed of sound in tissue (5,005 ft/s or1,540 m/s) and the time of the each echo's return (usually on the order of millionths of a second). The machine displays the distances and intensities of the echoes on the screen, forming a two dimensional image like the one shown below.

samer kareem
1,121 Views · 8 months ago


samer kareem
19,327 Views · 8 months ago

This surgery is usually done while you are under general anesthesia. That means you will be asleep and pain-free. Healthy skin is taken from a place on your body called the donor site. Most people who are having a skin graft have a split-thickness skin graft. This takes the two top layers of skin from the donor site (the epidermis) and the layer under the epidermis (the dermis). The donor site can be any area of the body. Most times, it is an area that is hidden by clothes, such as the buttock or inner thigh. The graft is carefully spread on the bare area where it is being transplanted. It is held in place either by gentle pressure from a well-padded dressing that covers it, or by staples or a few small stitches. The donor-site area is covered with a sterile dressing for 3 to 5 days. People with deeper tissue loss may need a full-thickness skin graft. This requires an entire thickness of skin from the donor site, not just the top two layers. A full-thickness skin graft is a more complicated procedure. Common donor sites for full-thickness skin grafts include the chest wall, back, or abdominal wall.

samer kareem
4,210 Views · 8 months ago

The definition of DDH is not universally agreed upon. Typically, the term DDH is used in referring to patients who are born with dislocation or instability of the hip, which may then result in hip dysplasia. More broadly, DDH may be defined simply as abnormal growth of the hip. Abnormal development of the hip includes the osseous structures, such as the acetabulum and the proximal femur, as well as the labrum, capsule, and other soft tissues. This condition may occur at any time, from conception to skeletal maturity. The author prefers to use the term hip dysplasia, considering it both simpler and more accurate. Internationally, this disorder is still referred to as congenital dislocation of the hip.

samer kareem
2,484 Views · 8 months ago

Dental Abscess extending into Submandibular space

samer kareem
14,545 Views · 8 months ago

Have you ever seen Alzheimer's Brain Vs. Normal Brain?

samer kareem
1,690 Views · 8 months ago

Occlusal Stamp Technique.Make Occlusal Anatomy Easily

samer kareem
1,205 Views · 8 months ago

Male babies leave their DNA in the mother

samer kareem
6,041 Views · 8 months ago

If your ear is leaking pus, you may have a hole in your eardrum.Your eardrum is stretched across the inner end of your ear canal. It vibrates when sound waves reach it, so you can hear. A hole in your eardrum can be caused by an ear infection. Fluid builds up behind the eardrum. The pressure of the fluid can tear the eardrum. Some people get a hole in the eardrum for other reasons, like hearing a very loud noise. If this happens, the ear may get infected because germs (bacteria) get through the hole. Ear infections happen to adults and children, but they're more common in children. Some things can make you more likely to get an ear infection with discharge. They include getting lots of colds and coughs, living in overcrowded housing, and eating a poor-quality diet

samer kareem
1,141 Views · 8 months ago

While it is unclear whether high heel shoes may or may not cause back pain, it is common for high heels to exacerbate an already present spinal condition. ... This pain in the back may also result from foot or leg fatigue that results from wearing these shoes and this can affect whole body mechanics.

samer kareem
2,567 Views · 8 months ago

An abscess is a collection of pus. Pus is a thick fluid that usually contains white blood cells, dead tissue and germs (bacteria). The usual cause of an abscess is an infection with bacteria. Certain bacteria are more likely to be 'pus-forming' as they make chemicals (toxins) that can damage the body's tissues.

samer kareem
1,509 Views · 8 months ago

Baby Mucus Removal - Is This Right Way???

samer kareem
1,933 Views · 8 months ago

Reiter syndrome is a type of reactive arthritis that happens as a reaction to a bacterial infection in the body. The infection usually happens in the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract. Reiter syndrome includes redness, joint swelling and pain, often in knees, ankles, and feet, along with inflammation of the eyes and urinary tract. It is not contagious. But the bacteria that trigger it can be passed from one person to another. There is no cure for Reiter syndrome, but you can control the symptoms. For most people, symptoms go away in 2 to 6 months.

samer kareem
1,577 Views · 8 months ago

Reactive arthritis is a painful form of inflammatory arthritis (joint disease due to inflammation). It occurs in reaction to an infection by certain bacteria. Most often, these bacteria are in the genitals (Chlamydia trachomatis) or the bowel (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia). Chlamydia most often transmits by sex. It often has no symptoms, but can cause a pus-like or watery discharge from the genitals. The bowel bacteria can cause diarrhea. If you develop arthritis within one month of diarrhea or a genital infection – especially with a discharge – see a health care provider. You may have reactive arthritis. - See more at:

samer kareem
6,380 Views · 8 months ago

Keratoderma Blennorrhagicum is a manifestation on the skin that appears in patients diagnosed with reactive arthritis (this condition was previously known as Reiter syndrome). The condition manifests itself by lesions that appear on the skin, initially on the palm of the hands and soles of the feet. The lesions have the tendency to spread, affecting other parts of the body, such as the scrotum, scalp or trunk. Because of their appearance, the lesions might be easily confused with the ones from psoriasis. Keratoderma blennorrhagicum is one of the symptoms that can be used for the clinical diagnosis of reactive arthritis.

samer kareem
2,421 Views · 8 months ago

Most C-sections are done under regional anesthesia, which numbs only the lower part of your body — allowing you to remain awake during the procedure. A common choice is a spinal block, in which pain medication is injected directly into the sac surrounding your spinal cord

samer kareem
2,910 Views · 8 months ago

Old Blister Popping

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