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samer kareem
5,958 Views · 8 months ago

The most common symptoms of infection from animal bites are redness, pain, swelling, and inflammation at the site of the bite. You should seek immediate medical treatment if any of these symptoms continue for more than 24 hours. Other symptoms of infection include: pus or fluid oozing from the wound

samer kareem
1,795 Views · 8 months ago

Whether the result of an accident or biting on a piece of food that’s too hard, mouth injuries can cause teeth to become cracked, broken, or knocked out/dislodged. It is important to see a dentist because if left untreated, a dental emergency can lead to serious complications.

samer kareem
1,297 Views · 8 months ago

finger pulp abscess drainage EXPLOSION of pus

samer kareem
1,866 Views · 8 months ago

Ovarian dermoid cyst and mature cystic ovarian teratoma are terms often used interchangeably to refer to the most common ovarian neoplasm. These slow-growing tumours contain elements from multiple germ cell layers and are best assessed with ultrasound.

samer kareem
2,106 Views · 8 months ago

Debulking epithelial ovarian cancer. The other important goal of surgery is to remove as much of the tumor as possible − this is called debulking. Debulking is very important in any patient with ovarian cancer that has already spread widely throughout the abdomen at the time of surgery.

samer kareem
7,996 Views · 8 months ago

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. It ends menstruation and the ability to become pregnant. Depending on the reason for the surgery, a hysterectomy may also involve the removal of other organs and tissues such as the ovaries and/or fallopian tubes.

samer kareem
3,149 Views · 8 months ago

The surgical procedure uses your own fat, so it is the most natural way to augment your buttocks. Over the last few years, the buttocks have received more press coverage than ever before. People of all ages and body types are having the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure.

1,720 Views · 8 months ago

Amazing animation: General Dentistry in 3D

21,379 Views · 8 months ago

A prenatal ultrasound (also called a sonogram) is a noninvasive diagnostic test that uses sound waves to create a visual image of your baby, placenta, and uterus, as well as other pelvic organs. It allows your healthcare practitioner to gather valuable information about the progress of your pregnancy and your baby's health. During the test, an ultrasound technician (sonographer) transmits high-frequency sound waves through your uterus that bounce off your baby. A computer then translates the echoing sounds into video images that reveal your baby's shape, position, and movements. (Ultrasound waves are also used in the handheld instrument called a Doppler that your practitioner uses during your prenatal visits to listen to your baby's heartbeat.) You may have an early ultrasound at your practitioner's office at 6 to 10 weeks to confirm and date the pregnancy. Or you may not have one until the standard midpregnancy ultrasound between 16 and 20 weeks. That's when you may learn your baby's sex, if you like. (The technician will probably present you with a grainy printout of the sonogram as a keepsake.) You may also have a sonogram as part of a genetic test, such as the nuchal translucency test, chorionic villus sampling, or amniocentesis, or at any other time if there are signs of a problem with your baby. You'll have more frequent ultrasounds if you have diabetes, hypertension, or other medical complications.

20,644 Views · 8 months ago

A tonsillolith lodged in the tonsillar crypt. Specialty. Otorhinolaryngology. Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are clusters of calcified material that form in the tonsillar crypts, the crevices of the tonsils. While they occur most commonly in the palatine tonsils, they may also occur in the lingual tonsils.

Alicia Berger
3,118 Views · 8 months ago

What Causes TMD? We don’t know what causes TMD. Dentists believe symptoms arise from problems with the muscles of your jaw or with the parts of the joint itself. Injury to your jaw, the joint, or the muscles of your head and neck -- like from a heavy blow or whiplash -- can lead to TMD. Other causes include: Grinding or clenching your teeth, which puts a lot of pressure on the joint Movement of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket of the joint Arthritis in the joint Stress, which can cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth

samer kareem
3,959 Views · 8 months ago

Premature Baby's Brief Life Touches Many Others

samer kareem
11,075 Views · 8 months ago

Eye cancers can be primary (starts within the eye) and metastatic cancer (spread to the eye from another organ). The two most common cancers that spread to the eye from another organ are breast cancer and lung cancer. Other less common sites of origin include the prostate, kidney, thyroid, skin, colon and blood or bone marrow. Melanomas (choroidal, ciliary body and uveal) -Early stages has no symptoms (the person does not know there is a tumor until an ophthalmology examination). As the tumor grows, symptoms can be blurred vision, decreased vision, double vision, eventual vision loss and if they continue to grow the tumor can break past the retina causing retinal detachment.

samer kareem
2,849 Views · 8 months ago


samer kareem
1,731 Views · 8 months ago

Bone cancer symptoms. Possible symptoms of bone cancer include: Bone pain: Pain is the most common sign of bone cancer, and may become more noticeable as the tumor grows. Bone pain can cause a dull or deep ache in a bone or bone region (e.g., back, pelvis, legs, ribs, arms).

samer kareem
983 Views · 8 months ago

Some common signs of spinal tumors may include the following: Pain (back and/or neck pain, arm and/or leg pain) Muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs. Difficulty walking. General loss of sensation. Difficulty with urination (incontinence) Change in bowel habits (retention) Paralysis to varying degrees.

samer kareem
1,649 Views · 8 months ago

Removal of spinal cord tumor (meningioma): Spine Tumor Surgery

samer kareem
1,129 Views · 8 months ago

Brain Surgery: Microvascular Decompression of facial nerve for hemifacial spasm

samer kareem
17,285 Views · 8 months ago

Glioblastoma is a type of astrocytoma, a cancer that forms from star-shaped cells in the brain called astrocytes. In adults, this cancer usually starts in the cerebrum, the largest part of your brain

samer kareem
2,295 Views · 8 months ago

A meningioma is a tumor that arises from the meninges — the membranes that surround your brain and spinal cord. Most meningiomas are noncancerous (benign), though rarely a meningioma may be cancerous (malignant). Some meningiomas are classified as atypical, meaning they're neither benign nor malignant but, rather, something in between.

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