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samer kareem
4,490 Views · 8 months ago

Sebaceous Cyst, Hematoma and Growth Removal

samer kareem
71,663 Views · 8 months ago

A doctor pops a giant cyst on a boy's eye and films the whole thing. As the big cyst pops, puss oozes out.

samer kareem
43,726 Views · 8 months ago

Grape Jelly Abscess on the Butt

6,648 Views · 8 months ago

Watch a successful venipuncture on an 82 year old patient with a history of failed IV access. Veinlite makes one-stick venipuncture possible on even the most challenging patients.

4,309 Views · 8 months ago

Loa loa filariasis (also known as loiasis, loaiasis, Calabar swellings, Fugitive swelling, Tropical swelling and African eyeworm) is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm, loa loa. Humans contract this disease through the bite of a Deer fly or Mango fly (Chrysops spp), the vectors for Loa loa. The adult Loa loa filarial worm migrates throughout the subcutaneous tissues of humans, occasionally crossing into subconjunctival tissues of the eye where it can be easily observed. Loa loa does not normally affect one's vision but can be painful when moving about the eyeball or across the bridge of the nose.The disease can cause red itchy swellings below the skin called "Calabar swellings". The disease is treated with the drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC), and when appropriate, surgical methods may be employed to remove adult worms from the conjunctiva.

Alicia Berger
19,777 Views · 8 months ago

Oral sex can be an enjoyable, healthy part of an adult relationship. But there are some things that many people don't know about oral sex. Here are four facts that might surprise you. 1. Oral sex is linked to throat cancer. Cancer? Yes, you can get throat cancer from oral sex, says American Cancer Society Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley, MD. It's not oral sex, per se, that causes cancer, but the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be passed from person to person during sex, including oral sex.

samer kareem
1,324 Views · 8 months ago

There are several types of hematomas and they are often described based on their location. Examples of hematomas include subdural, spinal, under the finger or toenail bed (subungual), ear, and liver (hepatic).

samer kareem
1,280 Views · 8 months ago

A hematoma is a common complication of surgical procedures. A large, expanding hematoma can result in necrosis of the overlying skin (1,2) or adjacent subcutaneous fat, increased incidence of infection, scarring, skin hyperpigmentation, tissue edema and a prolonged convalescence.

samer kareem
12,490 Views · 8 months ago

MASSIVE Goose Egg Drained

samer kareem
67,438 Views · 8 months ago

Hematoma Removal! Surgery, Blood, Popping

samer kareem
5,882 Views · 8 months ago

This video demonstrates a step-by-step technique for using the TFN-Advanced™ Proximal Femoral Nailing System (TFNA).

samer kareem
19,400 Views · 8 months ago

This pressure can also cause problems with crowding of the other teeth or require orthodontic treatment to straighten other teeth. Cysts. The wisdom tooth develops in a sac within the jawbone. The sac can fill with fluid, forming a cyst that can damage the jawbone, teeth and nerves.

samer kareem
5,154 Views · 8 months ago

Distal Humerus Fractures of the Elbow. A distal humerus fracture is a break in the lower end of the upper arm bone (humerus), one of the three bones that come together to form the elbow joint. A fracture in this area can be very painful and make elbow motion difficult or impossible.

samer kareem
4,143 Views · 8 months ago

University of California, Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.

samer kareem
11,716 Views · 8 months ago

Video to help understand hearing loss and hearing impairment by explaining how hearing works. Cochlear implants can help children and adults with hearing loss

samer kareem
1,798 Views · 8 months ago

This video describe the clinical managment of a patient with hyperprolactinemia, including the approach to diagnosis, important endocrine testing, and management options.

samer kareem
7,882 Views · 8 months ago

This video is designed for my introductory A&P course to study the endocrine system. This tutorial will take you through the various endocrine organs, hormones produced, and effects at each tissue. Prolactin is one of the 5 hormones we are studying of the anterior pituitary. SHOW MORE

samer kareem
6,194 Views · 8 months ago

I have elevated prolactin levels. What does this mean? What can I do to regulate my hormones? watch to learn more

samer kareem
3,066 Views · 8 months ago

ACE Inhibitor Mechanisms. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are agents used to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. They prevent an enzyme from producing angiotensin II, which narrows blood vessels and raises blood pressure, meaning the heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body.

samer kareem
6,555 Views · 8 months ago

This animated video covers statins, fibrates, niacin, bile resins, and ezetimibe. We will discuss mechanisms of action, which part of the lipid profile is affected by each drug, and common side effects.

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