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samer kareem
3,794 Views · 8 months ago

The pituitary is a small gland found inside the skull just below the brain and above the nasal passages, which are above the fleshy back part of the roof of the mouth (known as the soft palate). The pituitary sits in a tiny bony space called the sella turcica. The nerves that connect the eyes to the brain, called the optic nerves, pass close by it.

samer kareem
11,696 Views · 8 months ago

Wound-closure technologies are becoming less painful and more efficient at closing wounds

samer kareem
5,403 Views · 8 months ago

Progeria (pro-JEER-e-uh), also known as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, is an extremely rare, progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, beginning in their first two years of life. Children with progeria generally appear normal at birth. During the first year, signs and symptoms, such as slow growth and hair loss, begin to appear. Heart problems or strokes are the eventual cause of death in most children with progeria. The average life expectancy for a child with progeria is about 13 years, but some with the disease die younger and some live 20 years or longer. There's no cure for progeria, but ongoing research shows some promise for treatment.

samer kareem
13,812 Views · 8 months ago

Alcohol septal ablation (ASA, TASH, Sigwart procedure) is a percutaneous, minimally-invasive treatment performed by an interventional cardiologist to relieve symptoms and improve functional status in severely symptomatic patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) who meet strict clinical, anatomic and physiologic ...

samer kareem
5,518 Views · 8 months ago

Doctor makes magic - Doctor hace magia (Sorprendente) - Doctor Magic

samer kareem
1,714 Views · 8 months ago

Anterior maxillary distraction for cleft retruded maxilla

samer kareem
10,647 Views · 8 months ago

The bilateral sagittal split osteotomy is an indispensable tool in the correction of dentofacial abnormalities. The technique has been in practice since the late 1800s, but did not reach widespread acceptance and use until several modifications were described in the 1960s and 1970s. Those modifications came from a desire to make the procedure safer, more reliable, and more predictable with less relapse. Those goals continue to stimulate innovation in the field today and have helped the procedure evolve to be a very dependable, consistent method of correction of many types of malocclusion. The operative surgeon should be well versed in the history, anatomy, technical aspects, and complications of the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy to fully understand the procedure and to counsel the patient.

samer kareem
9,831 Views · 8 months ago

Overbite is a type or malocclusion or an overjet. A lot of people don’t realize that they have an overbite, as they believe their condition is not serious enough to obtain dental attention. This could also for the reason that other cases of overbites are so minor to be noticeable. However, others have serious overbite condition that can make the person’s top jaw look much larger or the bottom jaw significantly smaller. But one thing to remember, overbite can actually cause some dental problems. This condition can change the structure of your face and affect the way you talk. The most popular form of overbite correction is orthodontic treatment. Your dentist will fix the overbite with the help of rubber bands and dental braces to pull the upper teeth back. Tooth extraction may be suggested if overcrowding complicates the overbite so as to provide room for your front teeth. In extreme conditions, overbite surgery may be needed to place your jaw backwards or forwards. Furthermore, if severe overbite is not corrected during adulthood, the teeth may continue to shift and trigger dental issues such as gum disease.

samer kareem
18,949 Views · 8 months ago

Forsus is an orthodontic appliance which is used to correct overjet or Class II dental malocclusion.

samer kareem
4,479 Views · 8 months ago

Orthognathic surgery presented in this video in order of appearance. 1. Advancement Genioplasty 2. Maxillary Advancement 3. Maxillary impaction 4. BSSO Mandibular Advancement 5. BSSO Mandibular Set-back 6. Maxillary Posterior Impaction

samer kareem
27,259 Views · 8 months ago

Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic (or-thog-NATH-ik) surgery, corrects irregularities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work. Making these corrections may also improve your facial appearance. Jaw surgery may be a corrective option if you have jaw problems that can't be resolved with orthodontics alone. In most cases, you also have braces on your teeth before surgery and during recovery after surgery until healing and alignment are complete. Your orthodontist can work with your oral and jaw and face (maxillofacial) surgeon to determine your treatment plan.

samer kareem
17,930 Views · 8 months ago

watch to see the Large Clot in the heart

samer kareem
6,740 Views · 8 months ago

Probes, landmarks, and general windows to obtain transthoracic echo views

samer kareem
5,700 Views · 8 months ago

"How to Perform a Transthoracic Echocardiographic Study Volume 1: Transducer Position and Anatomy" is an instructional video, offered by ASE, and can be used for professional lectures and offers an interactive section for flexible presentations. The video includes an overview of relevant cardiac anatomy, a step by step presentation of all Transducer Positions, and the sequential transducer movements to acquire standard echo images needed to complete a Transthoracic Echocardiographic Study.

samer kareem
8,621 Views · 8 months ago

This video: Blisters caused by friction or minor burns do not require a doctor's care. New skin will form underneath the affected area and the fluid is simply absorbed. Do not puncture a blister unless it is large, painful, or likely to be further irritated. The fluid-filled blister keeps the underlying skin clean, which prevents infection and promotes healing.

samer kareem
23,177 Views · 8 months ago

A cesarean delivery is a surgical procedure in which a fetus is delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus. ... According to the CDC, in 2010, almost 33% of births were by cesarean delivery.

samer kareem
19,196 Views · 8 months ago

Simple technique to harvest Connective tissue graft from the Palate.

samer kareem
19,384 Views · 8 months ago

giant systolic pulsations, known as C-V waves, were noticeable during jugular venous examination of a 33-year-old woman who had tricuspid-valve endocarditis. In video 2, transthoracic echocardiography revealed severe tricuspid regurgitation.

samer kareem
10,888 Views · 8 months ago

Hirschsprung's (HIRSH-sproongz) disease is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with passing stool. The condition is present at birth (congenital) as a result of missing nerve cells in the muscles of the baby's colon. A newborn who has Hirschsprung's disease usually can't have a bowel movement in the days after birth. In mild cases, the condition might not be detected until later in childhood. Uncommonly, Hirschsprung's disease is first diagnosed in adults.

samer kareem
9,489 Views · 8 months ago

Ebstein anomaly is a congenital malformation of the heart that is characterized by apical displacement of the septal and posterior tricuspid valve leaflets, leading to atrialization of the right ventricle with a variable degree of malformation and displacement of the anterior leaflet.

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