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samer kareem
7,720 Views · 8 months ago


samer kareem
4,998 Views · 8 months ago

-Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis for mothers colonized with group B Streptococcus can prevent early-onset neonatal disease. Adequate prophylaxis consists of ampicillin, penicillin, or cefazolin for ;::4 hours before delivery. Regardless of intrapartum treatment, all high-risk infants must be observed for ;::49 hours. A complete blood count with differential and blood culture are indicated if the infant is preterm <37 weeks or was exposed to prolonged rupture of membranes.>18 hrs.

samer kareem
9,428 Views · 8 months ago

A VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram) is a test that looks at how well your child's kidneys, ureters and bladder are working. Your child's kidneys make urine. The urine flows from the kidneys through thin tubes (called ureters) into your child's bladder.

samer kareem
7,780 Views · 8 months ago

In cases when the presentation is unclear, ultrasonography is the imaging methodology of choice. The characteristic finding is the presence of a "target sign". Ultrasonography is not required in patients with obvious clinical diagnosis (as seen in this patient). Such patients can proceed directly to treatment with diagnostic and therapeutic air (pneumatic) or water-soluble (hydrostatic contrast) enema.

samer kareem
6,869 Views · 8 months ago

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (or haemolytic-uraemic syndrome), abbreviated HUS, is a disease characterized by hemolytic anemia (anemia caused by destruction of red blood cells), acute kidney failure (uremia), and a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).

samer kareem
10,065 Views · 8 months ago

Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is a rare autosomal dominant metabolic disorder affecting the production of heme, the oxygen-binding prosthetic group of hemoglobin. It is characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase.

samer kareem
22,393 Views · 8 months ago

An antecedent upper respiratory infection is present in 50% of patients. Abdominal pain is a presenting symptom in 1 0-15% of patients. The skin lesions are symmetric, involve dependent parts of the body, and classically progress from an erythematous, macular rash to papular purpura. The joints and kidneys are also commonly involved

samer kareem
4,460 Views · 8 months ago

The word enuresis is derived from a Greek word (enourein) that means “to void urine.” It can occur either during the day or at night (though some restrict the term to bedwetting that occurs at night). Enuresis can be divided into primary and secondary forms.

samer kareem
20,881 Views · 8 months ago

Encopresis is a problem that children age four or older can develop due to chronic (long-term) constipation. With constipation, children have fewer bowel movements than normal, and the bowel movements they do have can be hard, dry, and difficult to pass. The child may avoid using the bathroom to avoid discomfort.

samer kareem
6,284 Views · 8 months ago

Bengmark Naso-Intestinal tube

samer kareem
37,547 Views · 8 months ago

Herpangina is a common childhood illness caused by a virus. It is characterized by small, blister-like ulcers on the roof of the mouth and in the back of the throat. The infection may also cause a sudden fever, sore throat, headache, and neck pain.

samer kareem
61,375 Views · 8 months ago

Atrial fibrillation vs Atrial Flutter

samer kareem
13,482 Views · 8 months ago

Bioprosthetic valves used in heart valve replacement generally offer functional properties that are more similar to those of native valves.

samer kareem
8,433 Views · 8 months ago

Learn about Bicuspid Aortic Valves in this presentation. Bicuspid Aortic Valves are present in about 2% of the population and are the most common congenital disorder. Find out more about a Bicuspid Aortic Valve by visiting the following link:

samer kareem
6,976 Views · 8 months ago

Device that keeps a donor heart beating

samer kareem
7,813 Views · 8 months ago

New Device can keep heart beating perfectly forever

samer kareem
1,597 Views · 8 months ago

This is a brief overview of antifungal agents, their mechanisms of action, and some fungi that they affect.

samer kareem
7,772 Views · 8 months ago

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1) is a genetic (inherited) condition – it is passed from parents to their children through their genes. Alpha-1 may result in serious lung disease in adults and/or liver disease at any age.

samer kareem
5,095 Views · 8 months ago

Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA; also known as Churg-Strauss syndrome [CSS] or allergic granulomatosis) is a rare autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of small and medium-sized blood vessels (vasculitis) in persons with a history of airway allergic hypersensitivity (atopy).

samer kareem
4,398 Views · 8 months ago

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a condition characterised by an exaggerated response of the immune system (a hypersensitivity response) to the fungus Aspergillus (most commonly Aspergillus fumigatus). It occurs most often in patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis.

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