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samer kareem
15,839 Views · 8 months ago

Muscles and Nerves of Lower Limb

samer kareem
12,774 Views · 8 months ago

Nerves are the organs that make up the peripheral nervous system (PNS). They serve as information pipelines that allow the brain and spinal cord to communicate with other tissues and organs. Inside the nerves are the axon processes of sensory and motor neurons (nerve cells).

samer kareem
12,906 Views · 8 months ago

A nerve transfer is a surgical technique that may be used when a patient has a nerve injury resulting in complete loss of muscle function or sensation. Median to radial transfer. Distal AIN to median recurrent motor branch transfer.

samer kareem
10,547 Views · 8 months ago

This hormone, insulin, causes the liver to convert more glucose into glycogen (this process is called glycogenesis), and to force about 2/3 of body cells (primarily muscle and fat tissue cells) to take up glucose from the blood through the GLUT4 transporter, thus decreasing blood sugar.

samer kareem
19,265 Views · 8 months ago

Enzymes, or digestive juices, produced by the pancreas are secreted into the small intestine to further break down food after it has left the stomach. The gland also produces the hormone insulin and secretes it into the bloodstream in order to regulate the body's glucose or sugar level.

samer kareem
3,608 Views · 8 months ago

Pancreatic Auto Islet Transplantation is a procedure used to maintain insulin production and secretion in patients with chronic pancreatitis that are undergoing a total pancreatectomy, or removal of the entire pancreas. When all other medical therapies fail to control the pain, removal of the pancreas may be an option; however it can leave a person diabetic, which means that the body can no longer control blood sugar levels, and will require intensive testing of blood sugar and injections of insulin. The pancreas is an organ, located in the upper abdominal cavity, behind the stomach, liver and colon. Within the pancreas, specialized clusters of cells known as islets produce insulin, which maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The pancreas also produces enzymes to help digest food. In order to alleviate pain and maintain insulin production, the pancreas is removed from the body, processed and the islets are harvested. Once the pancreas is removed, it is placed in a solution and put into a machine where the pancreas is digested. The islets are then infused into the patient’s liver. Within a short time, the islets are expected to start producing insulin. In 80% of patients, the pain from pancreatitis is relieved by a total pancreatectomy. Over time, some patients may be diabetic and will need to take insulin to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. All patients will take pancreatic enzymes to help digest food after surgery.

samer kareem
6,528 Views · 8 months ago

Squats are one of the essential exercises to do during pregnancy there are so many benefits from doing this functional type of exercise. Strengthening your glute muscles, that's your butt, helps to decrease lower back and pelvic pain.

samer kareem
6,076 Views · 8 months ago

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives your brain of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause your brain cells to die. A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke)

samer kareem
8,934 Views · 8 months ago

Large Breast Augmentation

samer kareem
4,033 Views · 8 months ago

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) uses a person's own fat to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. A plastic surgeon first performs liposuction to remove fat from other areas of the body (often the stomach, hips, and thighs), then injects that fat into the backside. Additional liposuction can be done around the butt to improve the appearance of lift and contour.

samer kareem
2,291 Views · 8 months ago

Repair of post-infarction ventricular septal defect (VSD) remains a challenging procedure with a high risk of VSD recurrence. In order to reduce this risk, a double patch and glue technique was introduced in the department in 1986. This surgical technique is hereunder presented. Since 1971, ninety-three patients have been operated on early (≪15 days) after the occurrence of a post-infarction VSD. This retrospective study allows to compare the results of this double patch and glue technique to those obtained with the conventional one, in terms of hospital death and VSD recurrence. The double patch and glue technique avoids recurrence of VSD and plays a part in reducing hospital mortality.

samer kareem
12,656 Views · 8 months ago

Ventricular septal rupture (VSR) is a rare but lethal complication of myocardial infarction (MI). The event occurs 2-8 days after an infarction and often precipitates cardiogenic shock. [1] The differential diagnosis of postinfarction cardiogenic shock should exclude free ventricular wall rupture and rupture of the papillary muscles. (See the image below.)

samer kareem
18,702 Views · 8 months ago

The two biggest considerations when choosing a suture are the location and tension of the wound. Other important considerations are tensile strength, knot strength, handling, and tissue reactivity. Sutures are divided into two major groups: Absorbable – lose the majority of their tensile strength in less than 60 days. They are generally used for buried sutures and do not require removal. Non-absorbable – maintain the majority of their tensile strength for more than 60 days. They are generally used for skin surface sutures and do require removal postoperatively. Suture needles also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Curved needles are almost exclusively used in dermatological surgery. Cutting needles move through the tissue more easily and may have their primary cutting edge on the inside of the curve (conventional cutting) or outside of the curve (reverse cutting). The benefit of reverse cutting is that the tapered puncture left by the suture is directed away from the wound edge and therefore tissue tearing is less common. Non-cutting round needles cause even less tissue tearing and may be especially useful in delicate areas and fascia.

samer kareem
12,342 Views · 8 months ago

A simple continuous stitch can be a useful technique for skin closure when speed is important, e.g. closing a scalp laceration on a screaming child. The simple running, or continuous suture, is begun in the same way as a simple interrupted suture.

samer kareem
15,223 Views · 8 months ago

Perineal repair after episiotomy or spontaneous obstetric laceration is one of the most common surgical procedures. Potential sequelae of obstetric perineal lacerations include chronic perineal pain,1 dyspareunia,2 and urinary and fecal incontinence.3–5 Few studies of laceration repair techniques exist to support the development of an evidence-based approach to perineal repair. This article discusses a repair method that emphasizes anatomic detail, with the expectation that an anatomically correct perineal repair may result in a better long-term functional outcome.

samer kareem
3,459 Views · 8 months ago

Management of postpartum hemorrhage at vaginal delivery. The approach to treatment of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) differs somewhat depending on the cause and whether hemorrhage occurs after a vaginal birth or after a cesarean delivery.

samer kareem
2,785 Views · 8 months ago

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections of the urethra, bladder, ureters, or the kidneys, which comprise the urinary tract. E. coli bacteria cause the majority of UTIs, but many other bacteria, fungi, and parasites may also cause UTIs. Females have a higher risk for UTIs than most males, probably because of their anatomy; other risk factors for UTIs include any condition that may impede urine flow (e.g., enlarged prostate, kidney stones, congenital urinary tract abnormalities, and inflammation). Patients with catheters or those who undergo urinary surgery and men with enlarged prostates are at higher risk for UTIs.

samer kareem
15,105 Views · 8 months ago

Stomach acid is natural, a valuable chemical contributor to orderly digestion. But in excess or in the wrong place, it's a menace, inflaming and irritating the esophagus, typically causing heartburn and sometimes contributing to the development of ulcers in the stomach and the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.

samer kareem
20,315 Views · 8 months ago

Gastric bypass is surgery that helps you lose weight by changing how your stomach and small intestine handle the food you eat. After the surgery, your stomach will be smaller. You will feel full with less food. The food you eat will no longer go into some parts of your stomach and small intestine that absorb food. Because of this, your body will not get all of the calories from the food you eat.

samer kareem
10,330 Views · 8 months ago

Permanent pacemaker insertion is considered a minimally invasive procedure. Transvenous access to the heart chambers under local anesthesia is the favored technique, most commonly via the subclavian vein, the cephalic vein, or (rarely) the internal jugular vein or the femoral vein.

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