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jabran ashraf
4,898 Views · 8 months ago

Intensive Care Moisturizer, Daytime & Night Time Cream, Burn Relief Cream, Anti-Oxidant Vitamin Cream Eye & Throat Cream After best acne treatment Soulation, this is best acne treatment, i will tell you how to remove acne scars we have more skin care products. Acne Killer ingredients are Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, Avocado Oil, Vitamin B, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Soluble Collagen and several humectants, anti aging & skin soothing ingredients.

Jamil Alkhoury
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Steven James
4,479 Views · 8 months ago Having trouble urinating in the presence of others? Is a friend or family member struggling with this problem? The following article offers some insight into this social anxiety disorder.
What is Shy Bladder Syndrome?
shy or bashful bladder syndrome, is properly titled Paruresis.It is a phobia that involves fear and avoidance of using public toilets. It should be mentioned that this form of urinary retention is not the result of a physical blockage in the body. People who suffer from paruresis have trouble urinating in the presence of others or put another way paruresis is the fear of not being able to urinate unless one is in absolute privacy.The symptoms can vary in severity . This social anxiety disorder can affect a person's quality of life in many ways. Paruretics are confronted with problems at work with a prime example being when they have to submit a urine sample for drug testing, traveling on long journeys via airplane or train to every day social situations that the rest of us take for granted.
What causes paruresis?
The cause of paruresis is hotly debated and not easily determined in some cases. It could start as a toddler in preschool, in adolescence, or even in adulthood. While not all paruretics can point to an event in their life that could have lit the fuse to their shy bladder syndrome, some look to a traumatic incident in their past including embarrassment by a parent, teasing by schoolmates or freinds and siblings, harassment in public bathrooms or even sexual abuse as the catalyst.
How common is Shy Bladder?
While definitive numbers are hard to find with regard to how many people suffer from shy bladder surveys performed over the last few decades show that the numbers could range from less than one percent to more than 25 percent of Americans. There was a study done in 1994 called the National Comorbidity Surveywhich showed that 6.6 percent (17 million people) of the populationare fearful of using the toilet away from home, although it is uncertain how many of these fears were related to the difficulties initiating urinating in public bathrooms.
Paruresis symptoms?
A common scenario for how shy bladder syndrome evolves in a person's life is as follows: After an initial unpleasant experience, the person anticipates difficulty urinating whenever entering a bathroom. After trying to make themselves overcome this fear and failing, the associated anxiety with performance reduces the individual's chances even further of the possibility of urinating in a public restroom. The sufferer then adjusts to the condition by urinating as much as possible while at home, restricting how much they drink and avoiding social events that will keep them away from home for too long.

How is Shy Bladder Syndrome treated?
It is recommended that a sufferer of paruresis should first visit a urologist to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with them.
The urologist will:
A) make sure there are no underlying physical problems.
B)Let the patient know they are not alone and that any other people suffer with the same problem
C) Offer guidance as to approaches for coping with the condition such as scheduling urination, and, for men making use of an enclosed cubicle as opposed to the urinal.
4) Discuss the possibility of self-catheterization if the patient feels that would work for them. It is a way to offer an instant way to improve their quality of life through being able to be more social.
5) Referring them out to a specialist dealing with anxiety disorders for cognitive and graduated exposure therapy.

There is new hope for sufferers of shy bladder syndrome with the "Paruresis Treatment System" which is helping people lead different and better lives.
To learn more visit:-

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959 Views · 8 months ago

Insulina, Sintomi Iperglicemia, Dolci Per Diabetici Ricette, Giornata Mondiale Del Diabete

Abbassa il livello di zucchero nel sangue e liberati dall’insulina in tre settimane o meno ... GARANTITO!

Ogni giorno, negli Stati Uniti, vengono diagnosticati più di 2000 nuovi casi di diabete.

Con l'attenzione focalizzata sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e insulina, tuttavia, la causa di tutta la devastazione è stata trascurata.

Questo ebook rivoluzionario rivela la causa principale del diabete e come invertire il processo.

Il diabete è una malattia che se non si prende un'azione efficace contro di essa, peggiora sempre di più.

Purtroppo, i farmaci curano solo i sintomi del diabete e di solito non fanno nulla per affrontare le cause sottostanti.

come curare il diabete in modo naturale e garantito senza farmaci e insulina! CLICCA QUI:

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2,959 Views · 8 months ago

Stay active and push your body to its limit – tips on how you can mend strained muscles and prevent injury.

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How to keep those creepy crawly lice from pestering your family’s scalps– tips on prevention and removal.

2,904 Views · 8 months ago

Causas De La Diabetes, Signos De La Diabetes, Complicaciones Agudas De La Diabetes, Diabetico

Remedios Naturales Para Controlar La Diabetes

No es un hecho desconocido que en la actualidad los casos de diabetes se hayan incrementado considerablemente debido a la alimentación de la vida moderna y al estilo de vida que llevan las personas.

La diabetes tipo 2 es una enfermedad que se relaciona profundamente con la alimentación y se caracteriza por un elevado nivel de azúcar en sangre.

Este tipo de diabetes se puede controlar perfectamente llevando un estilo de vida saludable y una alimentación apropiada.

Existen muchos remedios naturales por los que puedes optar para luchar contra la diabetes:

Se trata de un remedio natural muy sencillo de realizar y que te resultará de gran utilidad para combatir la diabetes.

como eliminar la diabetes en pocos dias de manera natural y para siempre haciendo click aqui:

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3,771 Views · 8 months ago

Come Alzare Il Colesterolo Buono, Colesterolo Hdl, Abbassare Il Colesterolo

senza prendere farmaci!

Il colesterolo è una sostanza molle, cerosa che si trova in tutte le cellule del tuo corpo. Il tuo corpo ha bisogno del colesterolo per funzionare correttamente. Il tuo corpo utilizza il colesterolo per tenere insieme le cellule. Inoltre il tuo corpo usa il colesterolo per creare gli ormoni, la vitamina D, e sostanze che aiutano a digerire gli alimenti.

Tuttavia, se troppo colesterolo entra nel sangue può causare problemi. Questo è noto come il colesterolo alto.

Se hai il colesterolo alto, e non fai nulla per abbassarlo, sarai ad un maggior rischio di gravi problemi di salute, come ad esempio un attacco di cuore o ictus. Pertanto, l'abbassamento del colesterolo è una questione importante per la salute generale di tutti.

Per saperne di più su come si può seguire un piano scientificamente provato per sconfiggere il colesterolo, visita il sito:

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2,486 Views · 8 months ago

Transpire, Stop Transpiration, Transpiration Des Aisselles, Probleme Transpiration, Transpirer Moins

La transpiration des aisselles

La transpiration est à la fois positive et négative pour le corps humain.

Ce processus est à l’origine de l’élimination de toxines présentes dans l’organisme. Mais parfois certains sont gênés par les traces de sueur et l’odeur attachée à leurs vêtements.

Heureusement, il existe de nombreux moyen d’empêcher la transpiration des aisselles.

Des méthodes et des produits naturels peuvent se révéler tout aussi efficaces que des interventions chirurgicales.

La première mesure à prendre pour limiter la transpiration des aisselles est d’être attentif à votre hygiène.

Dès que vous sentez que vos aisselles sont humides, lavez-les avec un savon hypoallergénique et essuyez-les doucement avec un linge doux.

Certains antitranspirants contenant 20% de ce composant sont disponibles en vente libre.

Ainsi votre corps fonctionnera en harmonie car il sera mieux équilibré sur le plan hormonal.

Enfin! Découvrez Une Méthode Simple Pour Lutter contre la Transpiration

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2,754 Views · 8 months ago

Hair transplant is a life-altering decision. If you are worried about hair loss, or consider baldness a hindrance, then you are ready to take the next step. Now the question is what to do next? Obviously, the worst choice would be to do "nothing" at all! Secondly, you could try to preserve your existing hair with medicines, remedies and hair-care products - it might just work for you. Thirdly, you could go for a hair-piece or a wig. But if you're reading this, then the chances are that you're looking for a permanent solution for your hair problem, which can best be provided through a hair transplant -an increasingly popular method of defeating baldness and patchy hair.

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If you are unhappy with the shape and contours of your breast, then you are not alone. Millions of women around the world are unhappy with their breasts either because they are too small or too big, or too distorted.

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