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Carlin Vickery
5,590 Views · 8 months ago

5th Avenue Millennium Aesthetic Surgery Patient ( speaks about her CoolSculpting by Zeltiq NYC procedure.

Mostafa Yakoot
2,183 Views · 8 months ago

دكتور مصطفى ياقوت بحث عن علاج جديد للارق من زيت بذر الخس Lettuce Seed Oil for Insomnia By Dr. Mostafa Yakoot

News Canada
2,395 Views · 8 months ago

The importance of being fully informed about serious heart conditions like atrial fibrillation

Mohammad Torabi Nami
8,848 Views · 8 months ago

Sleepiness, tiredness and fatigue are complaints which must be thoroughly analyzed to eliminate blur and ambiguity.
Physiological sleepiness (“sleep pressure”) increases while being awake and additionally underlies the circadian rhythm with a lower threshold to fall asleep during night time.
Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is considered normal only after sleep deprivation. Clinically, EDS manifests by frequents daytime napping and/or reduced alertness with automatic behavior or - in its extreme form - in recurrent attacks of sudden, uncontrollable compulsion to sleep also in inappropriate situations (= “sleep attacks”).
EDS is “objectively” addressed by measuring the mean sleep latency to four to five nap opportunities throughout the day using the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) or the maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT).
EDS denotes both, a ready entrance into sleep as well as difficulty in staying awake during daytime or accordingly in inappropriate situations. These two partially independent aspects of EDS are separately assessed by the “passive” MSLT and the “active” MWT respectively.
For that reason the MSLT and MWT only weakly correlate with each other when tested over a broad range of patients with EDS. It is important to keep in mind, that these tests are importantly influenced by a great variety of factors such as mood, anxiety, and motivation.
“Vigilance” comprises wakefulness, alertness and attention and therefore is more than just the reciprocal to sleepiness. Cognitive performance tasks such as Steer Clear Reaction Time Test (SCRTT) or driving simulators require the complete integrity of vigilance to achieve normal results. Hypersomnia is usually broadly defined as the combination of abnormally prolonged night-time sleep (regularly >10 h) with EDS during ≥1 months.
On the other hand, the term hypersomnia has also been used in a narrower scene for the isolated abnormality of a prolonged night-time sleep need (>10 h). “Tiredness”, also in colloquial language often used for sleepiness, in a broader sense also describes the feeling of lack of energy, motivation and initiative.

These patients seek rest rather than sleep. They often cannot fall asleep when given the opportunity in spite of feeling tired, and hence, in an MSLT, do not show an abnormally short sleep latency. Furthermore, tiredness (and fatigue) as opposed to sleepiness has a mental (“central”) and physiological (bodily or “peripheral”) component, which the patients can readily distinguish. Patients with insomnia, mild sleep apnea syndrome, or depression rather suffer from mental tiredness than sleepiness during the day.
The simple subjective self-assessment using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) quite reliably differentiates between sleepiness and mental tiredness (without sleepiness), which makes it a widely used test. The term “fatigue” is also heterogeneously used.
In physiology the “fatigue” implied a “time on task performance decrement” to describe decreasing muscle force during a sustained physical effort. In clinical medicine one distinguishes physical (“peripheral”) from mental (“central”) fatigue and the term usually denotes a chronic and more abnormal situation than tiredness.
In a broad sense “fatigue” implies a deficiency in coping satisfactorily with mental and physical work load. The chronic fatigue syndrome entails both mental as well as a physical fatigue (so called “leaden paralysis” of limbs). Depressive states are often associated with insomnia and fatigue, but there are also cases with hypersomnia rather than insomnia ( non organic hypersomnia , “atypical depression” or “hypersomnolent depression”)
Sometimes these patients have a tendency to spend much of the day lying in the bed without actually sleeping (so called clinophilia). The basic and clinical aspects of fatigu

Mostafa Yakoot
1,189 Views · 8 months ago

مرض التوحد عند الأطفال

Mohammad Torabi Nami
5,369 Views · 8 months ago

M.Torabi Nami MD, PhDc Department of Neuroscience Institute for Cognitive Science Studies (ICSS), Tehran 15948 Iran Abstract Sleepiness, tiredness and fatigue are complaints which must be thoroughly analyzed to eliminate blur and ambiguity. Physiological sleepiness (“sleep pressure”) increases while being awake and additionally underlies the circadian rhythm with a lower threshold to fall asleep during night time. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is considered normal only after sleep deprivation. Clinically, EDS manifests by frequents daytime napping and/or reduced alertness with automatic behavior or - in its extreme form - in recurrent attacks of sudden, uncontrollable compulsion to sleep also in inappropriate situations (= “sleep attacks”). EDS is “objectively” addressed by measuring the mean sleep latency to four to five nap opportunities throughout the day using the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) or the maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT). EDS denotes both, a ready entrance into sleep as well as difficulty in staying awake during daytime or accordingly in inappropriate situations. These two partially independent aspects of EDS are separately assessed by the “passive” MSLT and the “active” MWT respectively. For that reason the MSLT and MWT only weakly correlate with each other when tested over a broad range of patients with EDS. It is important to keep in mind, that these tests are importantly influenced by a great variety of factors such as mood, anxiety, and motivation. “Vigilance” comprises wakefulness, alertness and attention and therefore is more than just the reciprocal to sleepiness. Cognitive performance tasks such as Steer Clear Reaction Time Test (SCRTT) or driving simulators require the complete integrity of vigilance to achieve normal results. Hypersomnia is usually broadly defined as the combination of abnormally prolonged night-time sleep (regularly >10 h) with EDS during ≥1 months. On the other hand, the term hypersomnia has also been used in a narrower scene for the isolated abnormality of a prolonged night-time sleep need (>10 h). “Tiredness”, also in colloquial language often used for sleepiness, in a broader sense also describes the feeling of lack of energy, motivation and initiative. These patients seek rest rather than sleep. They often cannot fall asleep when given the opportunity in spite of feeling tired, and hence, in an MSLT, do not show an abnormally short sleep latency. Furthermore, tiredness (and fatigue) as opposed to sleepiness has a mental (“central”) and physiological (bodily or “peripheral”) component, which the patients can readily distinguish. Patients with insomnia, mild sleep apnea syndrome, or depression rather suffer from mental tiredness than sleepiness during the day. The simple subjective self-assessment using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) quite reliably differentiates between sleepiness and mental tiredness (without sleepiness), which makes it a widely used test. The term “fatigue” is also heterogeneously used. In physiology the “fatigue” implied a “time on task performance decrement” to describe decreasing muscle force during a sustained physical effort. In clinical medicine one distinguishes physical (“peripheral”) from mental (“central”) fatigue and the term usually denotes a chronic and more abnormal situation than tiredness. In a broad sense “fatigue” implies a deficiency in coping satisfactorily with mental and physical work load. The chronic fatigue syndrome entails both mental as well as a physical fatigue (so called “leaden paralysis” of limbs). Depressive states are often associated with insomnia and fatigue, but there are also cases with hypersomnia rather than insomnia ( non organic hypersomnia , “atypical depression” or “hypersom

Frank Vela
1,376 Views · 8 months ago
---Lap Band Success Stories And Pictures. "My Journey With The Lap Band Has Been Rough... In Fact, I Almost Took Matters Into My Own Hands, And Ended That Journey A few Years Ago...
But the fact that I'm still here today -- slim and happy, is proof that it is possible to overcome, and end your emotional reliance on food, and get the body and life you've always wanted!
Let Me Tell You My Story...
It was the worst week I had since my surgery -- Thanksgiving week. I was at a point where all I was thinking about all day, was food. I had to actually fight to resist my strong cravings...
I just wanted to take one bite of that turkey... just eat one piece of pumpkin pie! I just wanted to be able to taste some of the same things everyone else was eating!
Not Only Was I Still Obese, But I Couldn't Even Enjoy My Own Life!
My cravings were driving me insane, but I did my best to resist the temptation. When I got onto the scales that week, I was dumb-founded - My weight loss had stalled! All the agony and deprivation I'd suffered... was for nothing!
I was so angry at myself for even putting me in such a low, pitiful state in the first place! I was to blame for the way I looked! I was frustrated and... I felt helpless!
My Weight Loss Had Stalled...
Ok, so maybe I needed another refill but nothing could improve my emotional state-of-mind...
I became so disillusioned that I could not remember my reasonsfor wanting to lose weight, and how critical it was for me to resist my favorite foods. All I thought, was that the lap band was not working for me... and I gave in!
I Was Once Too Embarrassed To Share My Story With Anyone, But I'm Telling It To You Today, So You'll Know That You're Not Alone!...

I had lost all hope of losing weight, that I began to out-eat my band, and find ways to cheat it...

One of my favorite foods before the surgery was french fries dipped in a mix of mayonnaise and ketchup. Since I couldn't have it after the lap band, I improvised... and blended it!
I Would Actually Put Fries, Mayo And Ketchup Into A Blender... And Then Drink It!
If you've ever fallen off the wagon then I don't have to tell you about theguilt that sets in after-wards...
I'd drink it, then I'd feel guilty and start to cry...
It would make me sick... but I did it anyway!
I hated myself for doing it... but I did it anyway!
When the scales began to creep back up again, I knew why... but I didn't know what to do about it!
I felt like my life was in a tail-spin. The worst part was that I was just too embarrassed & humiliated to talk to anyone about it!
Have you ever felt that way?
To find out what happened next, scroll down!
In an amazing twist of fate, find out how I found it easier to lose the last 132 lbs than it ever was to lose the first 60 lbs!"
By April Cannon

Lap, Band, Success, Stories, And, Pictures, Laparoscopic, gastric, Banding, costs, stomach, surgery, diet, successfull, Raisa Khan, April Cannon

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How revolutionizing advancements helps patients with metastatic melanoma kick start the body’s immune system to increase survival.

Mohan desarda
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Inguinal hernia repair without mesh, Desarda Repair, no recurrence, no pain, no mesh hernia surgery, hernia operation, no mesh, without mesh, hernia operation, hernia surgery, new method

Health news
5,250 Views · 8 months ago

In the video, Dr Hilary Jones talks about the important role the gut has in the immune system and the valuable role second generation prebiotics such as Bimuno IMMUNAID can play.

The winter season is upon us and with it comes the dreaded flu season. Some people are more susceptible than others and so, it’s important to be aware that not only does the gut play a central role in your immune system but there are positive measures we can take to support it. In this video, Dr Hilary Jones talks about the important role the gut has in the immune system and the valuable role second generation prebiotics can play.

Bimuno IMMUNAID RRP £9.99 for 30 pastilles. Available from Boots and Find us on Facebook and follow us on twitter @BimunoUK

Mona Choo
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How ESC therapy rejuvenates our body?

Mona Choo
6,528 Views · 8 months ago

How ESC therapy treats diseases?

Mona Choo
6,898 Views · 8 months ago

ESC therapy technology in China since 2006

Mona Choo
6,645 Views · 8 months ago

ESC therapy helps in treatment of aging problems, degenrative diseases, heart & kidney failures, spinal cord injury, parkinson's , alzheimer, diabetes etc.

drjamil hashmi
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Treatment for Piles,Fistula,hemorrhoids, Hydrocele Without Operation or surgery in pakistan Dr Jamil Ahmad Hashmi ( haripur hazar pakistan )... +923009885511 ---
Treatment for Piles,Fistula,Hydrocele Without Operation piles treatment with 60 days Quickly! pain free treatment full life Piles Medicine dr jamil ahmad hashmi ( haripur hazar pakistan ) +923009885511 piles treatment with 60 days Quickly! pain free treatment full life Piles Medicine dr jamil ahmad hashmi...

Marco Arones
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Aprenda Cómo Vencer La Diabetes y Recuperar Su Salud

Te sugiero conocer un metodo que ayudó finalmente a muchas personas
que padecian de problemas de Diabetes

Ingresa AQUI

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With healthy ingredients in the comfort of your home in no time flat

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With a portable pump controlled by a wireless handheld device that automatically delivers insulin.

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