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18,270 Views · 8 months ago

peptic ulcer

1,174 Views · 8 months ago

تكبير الثدي تكبير الصدر تجميل الثدي تجميل الصدر

26,374 Views · 8 months ago

Local Anaesthetic Injection

26,685 Views · 8 months ago

Digital Local Anaesthesia

29,433 Views · 8 months ago

Endotracheal Intubation During General Anaesthesia

68,103 Views · 8 months ago

Endotracheal Intubation Sample Animation

14,674 Views · 8 months ago

The video will describe aspergilloma. Please see my website for disclaimer.

15,664 Views · 8 months ago

The video will describe pneumomediastinum on a chest x-ray. Please see disclaimer on my website

30,220 Views · 8 months ago

The video will show features of tuberculosis on chest x-ray. Please see disclaimer on my website

14,343 Views · 8 months ago

After 11 years of my work on my new migraine surgery, I start to do migraine surgery in all 4 principal places - places # 1 (STA) both sides, and places # 3 - Occipital artery also from both sides. You can see my first patients; he had bifrontal migraine headaches and daily chronic headaches in occipital area and the top of the head. On 30 September I sutured the occipital artery from both sides, and on 2 October I sutured STA in places # 1 from both sides.

13,297 Views · 8 months ago

The video will describe Monod sign. Please see disclaimer on my website.

14,708 Views · 8 months ago

Anatomy of the shoulder joint

41,924 Views · 8 months ago

Anterior vaginal wall relaxation (cystocele) is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of pelvic organ prolapse in women. More than 200,000 cystocele repairs are completed yearly, however to date the procedures that are completed do not provide very high cure rates and/or poor anatomic outcomes. Successful treatment of anterior vaginal wall prolapse remains one of the most challenging aspects of pelvic reconstructive surgery we face. We have developed very good procedures that provide excellent support for the posterior wall (ie rectoceles) and the apex of the vagina (ie vaginal vault prolapse) and reproduce normal anatomy. We were one of the first centers in the country to utilize grafts in rectocele repairs and have seen improved cure rates to over 90% with minimal complications. It has been known for many years that abdominal sacralcolpopexy with placement of a mesh graft at the top of the vagina for vaginal vault prolapse is the most successful procedure in the literature. We have made advancements with this procedure as well in being able to offer our patients a laparoscopic minimally invasive approach for sacralcolpopexy, with the same excellent cure rates (>92%) and with hospital stays typically less than 24 hours and reduced complications. However the anterior wall has been one of the most difficult compartments in the vagina to get good anatomic results and high cure rates with traditional repairs and at the same time not cause sexual dysfunction, pain with intercourse, voiding dysfunction (ie incontinence or urgency/frequency syndrome), or a shortened or scarred down vagina. The transobturator approach was developed as a less invasive way to place an anterior wall graft (see below) however this still involved blind needle passes and the graft did not support the apex of the vagina, therefore the search for improvements in these procedures is ongoing.

24,078 Views · 8 months ago

Drs. Moore and Miklos are very excited to be one of the first centers in the US to offer the next step in minimally invasive treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence, the single incision Mini-sling. The procedure utilizes the same concepts of the tension-free tape mid-urethral slings, however only one incision is needed and the procedure can be completed in as little as 5-10 minutes under local anesthesia.

The procedure was initially released in September of 2006 by Gynecare with a procedure called the TVT-Secure and Dr Miklos and Moore were some of the first surgeons to evaluate and study the procedure. They liked the concept of a single incision sling, however were not enthused by the engineering and design of the Secure sling. In early 2007, with development input from Dr Moore and Miklos, American Medical Systems made several improvements to the procedure and in April, Dr Moore was the first surgeon in the United States to place the Mini-Arc mini-sling. Dr Moore’s and Miklos’s center in Atlanta, because of their reputation of being world leader’s in treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence, was chosen as the lead center in the USA to evaluate and study the Mini-Arc procedure. Dr Moore was chosen as principal investigator, leading 5 centers in the USA and the world, to study and present the initial results in the USA, which have been excellent and very exciting!

18,025 Views · 8 months ago

Bat Ears Correction Plastic Surgery

A.K. Venkatachalam
17,803 Views · 8 months ago

Video shows improvement of gait after a total knee replacement in the same patient. The sideways lurch has been abolished. This was possible by bone grafting and an advanced revision knee system.
Surgery performed at the MJRC,

A.K. Venkatachalam
16,569 Views · 8 months ago

Severe sideways lurch before a total knee replacement. This is due to late presentation and resultant bone loss.

15,003 Views · 8 months ago

the video will shed some light on congential lobar emphysema. Please visit my website for discliamer.

Liga de Cirurgia Hérnia Inguinal
49,192 Views · 8 months ago

LCHI - Hernia repair done by medical students with guidance and assistance of Professor Luiz Eduardo C. Miranda. Description of surgery is in portuguese.

Liga de Cirurgia Hérnia Inguinal
29,288 Views · 8 months ago

Direct inguinal hernia repair LCHI - Hernia repair done by medical students with guidance and assistance of Professor Luiz Eduardo C. Miranda. Description of surgery is in portuguese.

Showing 336 out of 337