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Mohan desarda
19,606 Views · 8 months ago

Video shows another patient on the second day of surgery by Dr. Desarda technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh.
“Complete cure from groin hernia is now possible with Dr.Desarda's repair technique.......”
Mesh is a foreign body. Therefore, its use in hernia repairs is known to cause all sorts of complications like pain, recurrence, infection etc. We have developed an innovative new technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh. It uses your own body muscle for repair and gives virtually complete cure from inguinal hernia problem. An undetached strip of the external oblique aponeurosis is stitched on the weak area between the muscle arch and the inguinal ligament to form a new, strong and physiologically dynamic posterior wall that gives protection and prevents re-herniation. Normally patient goes home in a day after surgery and can drive car and go to office in 3-4 days time. This "Dr.Desarda's hernia repair" is now followed in many countries all over the world. We are surprised to see the enquiries from many patients in the developed countries asking for this repair in their country. This is because this operation does not use any foreign body like mesh for repair and therefore there are no complications that are seen in mesh repairs. A visit to Topix or other hernia forums show thousands of posts showing sufferings of many patients due to mesh repairs. But still why surgeons from developed countries are interested in mesh repairs is a big question for us.
Please visit our website for more details: Our cell number: +91 9373322178

Mohan desarda
30,153 Views · 8 months ago

Video shows how fast patient recovers after inguinal hernia repair without mesh by Dr.Desarda technique. Patient normally can drive car and go to office within 3-4 days.No recurrence, no pain.
Mr. David said that he did not wish to insert a foreign body like mesh in his body for hernia repair. He had heard from his friends and well wishers and also read and learnt from the internet about complications of a foreign body or mesh and the chances of recurrences after mesh repair. He made an immense research on the internet for any available technique of hernia repair that does not use mesh. He found to his amazement that there are only two centers all over the world which specialize in pure tissue repair of hernia. One is ‘Shouldice center’ in Canada and another is ‘Desarda Center’ in India. This is how he came to know about ‘Desarda’s Repair’ while searching on internet and liked it because it is without mesh or any foreign body and virtually free from recurrences thereafter.
David Williamson, a 37 years patient from Los Angeles, USA came to Pune to Dr. Desarda for getting operated for his groin hernia. Mr. David flew from USA and reached Mumbai and then Pune at 4AM in the morning on 7.10.2007. He was operated at 11 AM in Poona Hospital on the same day and was allowed to move out of bed and go to bathroom within 4-5 hours after surgery. He was permitted to move freely all around as and when he wanted. There were no restrictions. He was freely moving all around the ward on second day. He came down the staircase on third day with his hand bag luggage, took auto-rickshaw and went on his own to ATM centre to withdraw the money. On 4th day he went to Rajneesh Oschio Ashram and spent whole day there to attend there various course activities. A local patient is discharged from the hospital on the same day or next day morning and he is advised to attend all his routine work without any restrictions thereafter.
The story of Mr. Ted and Mr. Ron who also came to India for their hernia surgery is also similar to this story. If American surgeons had adopted this technique in their practice, many patients like David who wish to have no foreign body inserted for hernia repair could get easily operated there and could avoid this long distance journey and other hassles of going to some other country for such operation.
“Complete cure from groin hernia is now possible with Dr.Desarda's repair technique.......”
Mesh is a foreign body. Therefore, its use in hernia repairs is known to cause all sorts of complications like pain, recurrence, infection etc. We have developed an innovative new technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh. It uses your own body muscle for repair and gives virtually complete cure from inguinal hernia problem. An undetached strip of the external oblique aponeurosis is stitched on the weak area between the muscle arch and the inguinal ligament to form a new, strong and physiologically dynamic posterior wall that gives protection and prevents re-herniation. Normally patient goes home in a day after surgery and can drive car and go to office in 3-4 days time. This "Dr.Desarda's hernia repair" is now followed in many countries all over the world. We are surprised to see the enquiries from many patients in the developed countries asking for this repair in their country. This is because this operation does not use any foreign body like mesh for repair and therefore there are no complications that are seen in mesh repairs. A visit to Topix or other hernia forums show thousands of posts showing sufferings of many patients due to mesh repairs. But still why surgeons from developed countries are interested in mesh repairs is a big question for us.
Please visit our website for more details: Our cell number: +91 9373322178

32,694 Views · 8 months ago

Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare

27,367 Views · 8 months ago

A music video describing the life of a medical student

15,428 Views · 8 months ago

The video describes ECG findings in case of pulmonary Embolism. Please see website for discalimer.

18,599 Views · 8 months ago

esophago-gastro- duodinoscopy
Gastroduodinoscopy requires special training and considerable experience but affords valuable information.
By its implement the whole of the interior of the stomach as well as esophagus, the first part and the proximal section of the second part of the duodenum and both efferent and afferent loops of the gastrojujenostomy if present can be scrutinized.
Gastroscopy is valuable in the diagnosis of gastric ulcers, in checking the results of medical treatment of chronic gastric ulcer. Gastroduodinoscopy is valuable in differential diagnosis between chronic peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma, in diagnosis of small gastric neoplasm, in the detection of certain forms of gastritis, in examination of a stoma, in cases of gastrojujenostomy, in cases of duodinitis and duodenal ulcer.
Now its' the Era of
Direct means of diagnosis of upper G.I. diseases
Continuous Video recording of the entire procedure is there by which
we can review the whole procedure by playing the Video.
We are doing final diagnosis of upper G.I. lesions with biopsy.
Treatment becomes easy and to the point.
Early detection of pre malignant and malignant lesions is appreciable.

11,919 Views · 8 months ago

Gall Stones

15,372 Views · 8 months ago

The Miracle in the Human Brain

16,632 Views · 8 months ago

The video is second of three to discuss the topic of pulmonary embolism. Please see website for disclaimer.

14,059 Views · 8 months ago

Muscle Biopsy

19,724 Views · 8 months ago

Bloodless accurate atraumatic and efficient strengthening of a medial rectus.Non magnetic steel sutures used.All cutting is done by Fugo blade.Postoperative reaction is nil.The child goes to school 2 days after surgery.

11,345 Views · 8 months ago

Implantation of a hard intraocular lens

16,097 Views · 8 months ago

Subtotal Thyroidectomy

15,410 Views · 8 months ago

This video show a lip biopsy on a 38-year old man with a swelling of the lower lip of unknown origin.

28,072 Views · 8 months ago

A video showing the total thyroidectomy operation

23,711 Views · 8 months ago

A Video showing a fine needle biopsy guided with ultrasound of a thyroid nodule

Dr.Neelesh Bhandari
41,228 Views · 8 months ago

Medical Animations from India

15,839 Views · 8 months ago

Spigelian Hernia on Ultrasound

18,817 Views · 8 months ago

Hip Dislocation Reduction

Mohamed Ibrahim
14,441 Views · 8 months ago

Arterial Blood Gas Sampling ABG

Showing 348 out of 349