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17,424 Views · 8 months ago

This is a educational video for the prostate cancer patient and their family. Depending on the individual patient, a radical prostatectomy, might a procedure that your urologist could recommend as treatment.

18,076 Views · 8 months ago

HoLEP (Holmium laser enucleation of prostate)

15,437 Views · 8 months ago

Incision of the bladder neck for a small prostate

Mohamed El-Rouby
22,837 Views · 8 months ago

Gynecomastia means enlargement of male breast to resample female breast that is a common problem between males and causes many psychological problem
Dr. Mohamed El-Rouby
Consltant of Plastic surgery - Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams University

Mohamed El-Rouby
21,557 Views · 8 months ago

تضخم الثدى عند الرجال من المشاكل المنشرة جدا بين الشباب و تسبب الكثير من المشاكل النفسية و الصحية
د. محمد الروبى
استشارى جراحات التجميل - جامعة عين شمس

Mohamed El-Rouby
19,764 Views · 8 months ago

عملية تجميل أو اعادة شكل الانف
د. محمد الروبى
استشارى جراحات التجميل - جامعة عين شمس

Mohamed El-Rouby
23,549 Views · 8 months ago

تناسق القوام مطلب كل أنسان سواء رجل أو أمرأة ولذلك يجب تحديد معدل تراكم الدهون بالجسم و تحديد نوع تناسق القوام و كيفيته
د. محمد الروبي
استشارى جراحات التجميل بجامعة عين شمس

Mohamed El-Rouby
15,882 Views · 8 months ago

كيفية منع تساقط الشعر و علاج الصلع
د. محمد الروبي
استشارى جراحات التجميل - جامعة عين شمس

Mohamed El-Rouby
21,577 Views · 8 months ago

How Hair can be retsored and transplanted? natural versus biofibers?
Dr. Mohamed El Ruby
Consultant of Plastic Surgery - Ain Shams University

28,431 Views · 8 months ago

An animation illustrating carcinoma of the colon

21,140 Views · 8 months ago

Symptoms of carcinoma of the breast

15,426 Views · 8 months ago

A video showing the pathology of otitis media

17,716 Views · 8 months ago

Sinusitis Pathology (Para-nasal Sinus Anatomy)

25,382 Views · 8 months ago

This video clip shows nasolabial cyst being excised under local anesthesia

32,790 Views · 8 months ago

This video shows submandibular gland being surgically removed.

15,178 Views · 8 months ago

This video describes how to minimize injury to the facial nerve during parotid gland surgery using a nerve integrity monitor.

25,794 Views · 8 months ago

Dr Kevin Soh explains the nose and sinus anatomy using slices from a CT sinus scan. Learn sinus anatomy while listening to jazz music. The Mozart Effect at work!

12,513 Views · 8 months ago


11,157 Views · 8 months ago

Technique was suggested by Nissen as a surgical treatment for the Gastro-Esophageal Reflux GERD and a 360 degrees wrap of fundus of the stomach is fashioned by means of 3 sutures around the lower end of esophagus.
Collis was the first to perform it laparoscopic.

21,305 Views · 8 months ago

What is Esophageal Dilation?
Esophageal dilation is a procedure that allows your doctor to dilate, or stretch, a narrowed area of your esophagus [swallowing tube]. Doctors can use various techniques for this procedure. Your doctor might perform the procedure as part of a sedated endoscopy. Alternatively, your doctor might apply a local anesthetic spray to the back of your throat and then pass a weighted dilator through your mouth and into your esophagus.
Why is it Done?
The most common cause of narrowing of the esophagus, or stricture, is scarring of the esophagus from reflux of acid occurring in patients with heartburn. Patients with a narrowed portion of the esophagus often have trouble swallowing; food feels like it is "stuck" in the chest region, causing discomfort or pain. Less common causes of esophageal narrowing are webs or rings (which are thin layers of excess tissue), cancer of the esophagus, scarring after radiation treatment or a disorder of the way the esophagus moves [motility disorder].
How Should I Prepare for the Procedure?
An empty stomach allows for the best and safest examination, so you should have nothing to drink, including water, for at least six hours before the examination. Your doctor will tell you when to start fasting.
Tell your doctor in advance about any medications you take, particularly aspirin products or anticoagulants (blood thinners). Most medications can be continued as usual, but you might need to adjust your usual dose before the examination. Your doctor will give you specific guidance. Tell your doctor if you have any allergies to medications as well as medical conditions such as heart or lung disease. Also, tell your doctor if you require antibiotics prior to dental procedures, because you might need antibiotics prior to esophageal dilation as well.
What Can I Expect during Esophageal Dilation?
Your doctor might perform esophageal dilation with sedation along with an upper endoscopy. Your doctor may spray your throat with a local anesthetic spray, and then give you sedatives to help you relax. Your doctor then will pass the endoscope through your mouth and into the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The endoscope does not interfere with your breathing. At this point your doctor will determine whether to use a dilating balloon or plastic dilators over a guiding wire to stretch your esophagus. You might experience mild pressure in the back of your throat or in your chest during the procedure. Alternatively, your doctor might start by spraying your throat with a local anesthetic. Your doctor will then pass a tapered dilating instrument through your mouth and guide it into the esophagus.
What Can I Expect after Esophageal Dilation?
After the dilation is done, you will probably be observed for a short period of time and then allowed to return to your normal activities. You may resume drinking when the anesthetic no longer causes numbness to your throat, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise. Most patients experience no symptoms after this procedure and can resume eating the next day, but you might experience a mild sore throat for the remainder of the day.
If you received sedatives, you probably will be monitored in a recovery area until you are ready to leave. You will not be allowed to drive after the procedure even though you might not feel tired. You should arrange for someone to accompany you home, because the sedatives might affect your judgment and reflexes for the rest of the day.
What are the Potential Complications of Esophageal Dilation?
Although complications can occur even when the procedure is performed correctly, they are rare when performed by doctors who are specially trained. A perforation, or hole, of the esophagus lining occurs in a small percentage of cases and may require surgery. A tear of the esophagus lining may occur and bleeding may result. Complications from heart or lung diseases are potential risks

Showing 384 out of 385