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15,541 Views · 8 months ago

Histology of the Thyroid gland

17,860 Views · 8 months ago

Histopathology of Graves Disease

23,594 Views · 8 months ago

A video showing clinical examination of the thyroid gland

32,231 Views · 8 months ago

Video shows a fine needle biopsy with guided ultrasound of a thyroid nodule.

31,099 Views · 8 months ago

thyroid gland removal is the standard procedure for thyroid cancer treatment.
Total removal of the gland is therapeutic in most cases of thyroid cancer.

26,949 Views · 8 months ago

To record the sequence, Stephan Gordts and Ivo Brosens of the Leuven Institute for Fertility & Embryology in Belgium performed transvaginal laparoscopy, which involves making a small cut in the vaginal wall and observing the ovary with an endoscope.

"This allows us direct access to and observation of the tubo-ovarian structures without manipulation using forceps," says Gordts.

For the photos of ovulation, which only accidentally captured the critical moment, Jacques Donnez at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Brussels, Belgium, used gas to distend the organs for photography. However, Gordts and Brosens planned the procedure to coincide with ovulation and used saline solution to "float" the structures.
Perfect timing

Observation was timed for the day of the peak of the patient's luteal hormone cycle. Ovulation was predicted to occur on the evening of the day of the LH peak, and the endoscope introduced at 6 pm.

A small amount of saline was used to float the opening of the fallopian tube, its fimbriae (the "fingers" that sweep the egg into the tube) and the ovary itself. This gives a more natural appearance than gas, says Gordts.

In the video, the fimbriae can be seen sweeping in time with the patient's heartbeat. A mucus plug can be seen protruding from the ovary – this contains the egg.

"The ovum is not captured 'naked'," says Gordts. "There is no eruption like a volcano."

Gordts says that in clinical practice it is not easy to organise the observation of ovulation. "We were probably lucky to be successful at our first attempt," he says.

26,023 Views · 8 months ago

Moving Tape worm as seen by colonoscopy

100,819 Views · 8 months ago

A video describing the procedure of colonoscopy or flexible fibre-optic examination of the colon.

Mohamed Abeid
14,479 Views · 8 months ago

Spurting Gastric Varices (GOV 1), injected Cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl®).

Dr. Mohamed Abeid

From the " Endoscopy Atlas " :

Mohamed Abeid
19,230 Views · 8 months ago

Coin extraction from the upper esophagus in a child.

Dr. Mohamed Abeid

From the " Endoscopy Atlas " :

14,899 Views · 8 months ago

A video of appendectomy surgery performed by the laparoscope

46,185 Views · 8 months ago

This is the biggest known operation ever.The Whipple procedure(pancreatoduodenectomy) is the most common operation performed for pancreatic cancer and may be used to treat other cancers such as small bowel cancer. Surgeons remove the head of the pancreas, most of the duodenum (a part of the small intestine), a portion of the bile duct and sometimes a portion of the stomach. After the pancreatoduodenectomy, the surgeon reconstructs the digestive tract. At Mayo Clinic, surgeons perform more than 100 Whipple procedures annually. Patients leave the hospital in an average of 14 days.

25,122 Views · 8 months ago

Gluteal (Buttock) Augmentation plaatic surgery

39,408 Views · 8 months ago

German Video showing examination of the urinary bladder

20,345 Views · 8 months ago

Examination of varicose veins

29,557 Views · 8 months ago

varicose vein surgery stab and avulsion technique

Dr.Neelesh Bhandari
12,991 Views · 8 months ago

How to perform a lumbar puncture.

12,844 Views · 8 months ago

Dr. Jawad has been performing Bariatric Surgery in Central Florida since 1984, and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery since 1999, having completed over 2000 Bariatric Surgical Cases safely, and with great success. Here you can watch Dr. Jawad performing a Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band procedure, with audio commentary describing the procedure.

19,752 Views · 8 months ago

Dr. Jawad has been performing Bariatric Surgery in Central Florida since 1984, and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery since 1999, having completed over 2000 Bariatric Surgical Cases safely, and with great success. Here you can watch Dr. Jawad performing a Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass surgery, with audio commentary describing the procedure.

12,329 Views · 8 months ago

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Hand-Sutured Anastomosis. Dr. Dennis Smith, Advanced Obesity Surgery, Marietta, GA

Showing 389 out of 390