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samer kareem
1,462 Views · 9 months ago

ABGs Made Easy | Arterial Blood Gas | Acid Base Balance: Everything You Need To Know!

samer kareem
1,393 Views · 9 months ago

Sepsis occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body. This can cause a cascade of changes that damage multiple organ systems, leading them to fail, sometimes even resulting in death. Symptoms include fever, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, fast heart rate, and mental confusion. Treatment includes antibiotics and intravenous fluids.

samer kareem
1,441 Views · 9 months ago

Phlebitis may occur with or without a blood clot. It can affect surface or deep veins. When caused by a blood clot, it's called thrombophlebitis. Trauma to the vein, for instance from an IV catheter, is a possible cause. Symptoms include redness, warmth, and pain in the affected area. Treatments may include a warm compress, anti-inflammatory medication, compression stockings, and blood thinners.

samer kareem
3,650 Views · 9 months ago

Homan’s sign test also called dorsiflexon sign test is a physical examination procedure that is used to test for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). A positive Homan’s sign in the presence of other clinical signs may be a quick indicator of DVT. Clinical evaluation alone cannot be relied on for patient management, but when carefully performed, it remains useful in determining the need for additional testing (like D-dimer test, ultrasonography, multidetector helical computed axial tomography (CT), and pulmonary angiography) [1][2].

samer kareem
7,077 Views · 9 months ago

Pain in the upper thigh can be difficult to diagnose because this area of the body contains many muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This kind of pain may often be due to minor muscle injuries that are treatable at home. When the pain is intense or does not go away, however, it may signal a more serious problem. In this video, we examine some common causes of pain in the upper thigh, along with any symptoms that may occur alongside. We also take a look at the treatment options and how to prevent this type of pain.

samer kareem
1,806 Views · 9 months ago

Thigh pain is most often caused by injuries to bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues or blood vessels. These injuries are often caused during sports competition, or strain from overuse, obesity, or pregnancy.

Aleksandr Senin
2,806 Views · 9 months ago

New Treatment for sinusitis. Yamik procedure

Aleksandr Senin
1,801 Views · 9 months ago

Nasal catheter YAMIK - is a new drug delivery sistem for topical treatment for sinusitis. The introduction of a large volume of the #drugsolution directly into all the paranasal #sinuses - provides new opportunities in the #treatment of #sinusitis! #YamikprocedureNasal catheter YAMIK is a new device for topical sinonasal delivery of medication during rhinosinusitis treatment. Administration of therapeutic solution with YAMIK catheter is called YAMIK procedure. The following features differs YAMIK procedure from all other topical sinonasal delivery techniques: - Medication is delivered into the all paranasal sinuses at one side of nose regardless of their involvement in the inflammatory disease. -Specific position of patient’s head. Patient should lay on the side of of the sinuses, into which solution will be administered. This position is physiological and comfortable for patients, including children and elders. The LHL position was suggested to be the most favorable position for patients to adopt - Therapeutic solutions reliably penetrates into without previous sinus surgery sinuses with natural ostia size. - Paranasal sinuses are filling with medicinal solution by gravity. To accelerate process, it is used small pressure gradient, which created by motion of syringe plunger with amplitude 1 - 2 ml during administration of solution. - It is provided contact of the whole sino-nasal mucosa with medication. - Prolonged time of the contact of sino-nasal mucosa with medicine provides administration of the therapeutically significant dose. Therapeutic solution administered into paranasal sinuses is considered as a STORE. Thanks to affect mucociliary clearance, therapeutic solution is gradually evacuated from sinuses through ostia. Thereby, prolonged nasal irrigation is performed. - Due to extended contact with saline (NaCl 0,9%), viscous colloidal pathological substance filling paranasal sinuses is dissolved. As a result, its viscosity decreases, and substance is removing by mucociliary clearance. Thereby, drainage function of the ostia are returned some time after finish YAMIK method procedure. -The procedure is performing under local anesthesia. - There is no need in active involvement of the patient. Blowing, pronouncing any sounds like “cuckoo”, holding any things and so on is unnecessary. If is performed by a qualified medical professional the procedure is more effective. - Medication contacts only with nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. Thus, it is provided topical drug therapy. - YAMIK procedure is call sinonasal delivery techniques of a therapeutic solution. It differs from nasal techniques, because medicinal solution contacts not only with nasal mucosa, but with mucous membrane of paranasal sinuses. - The only used drug formulation is a solution. - It is possible non-invasive sample extraction from mucosa of paranasal sinuses (for bacteriological, immunological, cytological and a number of others investigation methods).

5,549 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that video of a Man Survives Chainsaw Blade in His Neck

56,447 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that video of Bodybuilder's Colon Contains 10 lbs of Meat Worms

15,449 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that video of the 10 Most Invasive Parasites in the World

17,285 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that Ectopic Pregnancy Abortion Surgery

14,064 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that video to know How to Get Rid of Saggy Breasts Naturally

samer kareem
19,779 Views · 9 months ago

Watch Spinal Stenosis Videos Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal cord in the neck (cervical spine) or the spinal nerve roots in the lower back (lumbar spine) are compressed. Symptoms of lumbar stenosis often include leg pain (sciatica) and leg tingling, weakness, or numbness. Arm pain is a typical symptom of cervical spinal stenosis. For cervical spinal stenosis with myelopathy, difficulty with coordination often occurs. Stenosis treatment may include non-surgical options (exercise, anti-inflammatory medication, epidural injections, and activity modification) or back surgery.

samer kareem
2,528 Views · 9 months ago

Spinal stenosis can put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves within the spine. It commonly occurs in the neck and lower back. The condition is often caused by age-related wear and tear. Symptoms, if they occur, include pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and impaired bladder or bowel control. Treatment includes medication, physical therapy, and possibly surgery

120,829 Views · 9 months ago

Watch that video of Popping Huge Epidermoid Cyst

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