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28,627 Views · 9 months ago

his patient had spilled boiling water on his lower leg a couple days before. This isn't complicated but the teaching points should focus on draining the large blistered areas and attempting to maintain moisture as long as we can so the skin doesn't contract down on itself.

12,478 Views · 9 months ago

Ganglion Cyst Drainage

45,453 Views · 9 months ago

Nose Cyst Extraction

11,445 Views · 9 months ago

Dental Abscess Drainage and Extraction

36,759 Views · 9 months ago

Draining HUGE back abscess

samer kareem
2,868 Views · 9 months ago

This surgical glue can seal wounds in just 60 seconds

5,767 Views · 9 months ago

Chinese Sex Change Surgery

samer kareem
1,980 Views · 9 months ago

This animation demonstrates how a unilateral complete cleft lip repair is performed. This video is meant for educational purposes for patients and families. There are many ways to fix a complete cleft lip, but the technique shown here is the most common known as the Millard Rotation Advancement Repair.

samer kareem
4,506 Views · 9 months ago

This video demonstrates how a broken nose is fixed using only local anesthesia and without sedation. Of course, this can also be performed while asleep.

samer kareem
2,643 Views · 9 months ago

We are aware that the "official" way to use an ear candle is small end down into the ear, but for this video, we have elected to use it the way most "lay" public would (small end up). Ear candling is an alternative medicine practice that is thought to remove earwax. However, this video illustrates how ineffective this practice is in removing earwax... and can potentially be even harmful. And yes... It is still frequently practiced.

samer kareem
11,096 Views · 9 months ago

The is a time lapse video animation of a complicated ear infection with a ruptured eardrum causing drainage with eventual healing. The video also shows why a period of hearing loss and clogged/muffled ear sensation may occur.

samer kareem
1,854 Views · 9 months ago

This video demonstrates why ears become clogged and why ear popping helps. The video also explains why ear popping may become difficult resulting in a persistent clogged or muffled ear especially after an ear infection.

samer kareem
6,458 Views · 9 months ago

A cervical biopsy is a procedure that is sometimes done on women during an exam called a colposcopy to remove cervical tissue for examination. It is also called a punch biopsy. It is usually performed when a Pap smear result is either inconclusive or abnormal and a doctor wants to screen further for any cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.

samer kareem
1,407 Views · 9 months ago

If you're pregnant, you're likely paying extra close attention to your body. If you happen to feel a cramp you may worry that it is a sign of a miscarriage. While the first trimester is the most common time for miscarriages, there are other reasons for cramps. Whether it signals a miscarriage depends on when it occurs, the severity of the cramping, and whether you're experiencing other symptoms alongside it.

samer kareem
1,312 Views · 9 months ago

Heavy period blood can be especially alarming if it contains clots. In most cases, though, red, brown, or even black menstrual blood clots are normal—just bits of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) that are shed during menstruation.

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