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samer kareem
8,237 Views · 9 months ago

Amazing Surgery: Bilateral Nephrectomy for polycystic kidneys and cholecystectomy.

samer kareem
9,200 Views · 9 months ago

This video contains some graphic images of an ingrown toenail procedure. Ingrown toenails are a common and painful issue that many people experience. If you're suffering from chronic ingrown toenails that make it difficult to do the things you love

samer kareem
16,677 Views · 9 months ago

samer kareem
5,145 Views · 9 months ago

top 10 most incredible surgeries ever done

samer kareem
7,055 Views · 9 months ago

Ellie was born with a rare condition which stopped her jawbones from growing properly. At first, her parents didn't realize there was a problem, apart from the fact that her teeth were not aligned. But when she went to have braces fitted to straighten her teeth when she was 14, orthodontist Joy Hickman realized her jaw had not grown since she was eight. Over the next six years Hickman worked with a maxillofacial surgeon to transform Ellie's looks. Ellie, who is now 20, said the surgery was painful but paid almost immediate dividends. "About six months after it was my year 11 prom and it looked good." Ellie told the Daily Post the change in her appearance has been matched by an increase in confidence.

samer kareem
1,451 Views · 9 months ago

460-pound Zach lost over 300 pounds, but the extreme weight loss left him with a lot of excess skin.

samer kareem
3,525 Views · 9 months ago

This baby was born with an adult sized tongue - and she just completed a surgery that will change her life.

samer kareem
4,596 Views · 9 months ago

Narrated animation of stroke intervention. Video supplied by Covidien, showing the Solitaire mechanical thrombectomy device, which was the first FDA-approved device for such an indication.

samer kareem
7,144 Views · 9 months ago

Femoral Embolectomy. Back. All emboli of the lower extremity, including a proximal saddle embolus at the aortic bifurcation, can be removed through the common femoral artery using Fogarty catheters. By passing these through the embolus, and by inflating the small balloon, the clot can be withdrawn and the flow restored

samer kareem
8,871 Views · 9 months ago

popliteal embolectomy; medial approach using a 4 f fogarty catheter

samer kareem
17,057 Views · 9 months ago

Female ejaculation is characterized as an expulsion of fluid from or near the vagina during or before an orgasm

samer kareem
45,492 Views · 9 months ago

There's a small area called the Grafenberg spot, or G-spot, inside the vagina. It's located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — closest to the bellybutton. The G-spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during arousal and feels raised or bumpy

samer kareem
11,939 Views · 9 months ago

To avoid pregnancy and STDs, always remember to use a condom every time you have sex — including oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Whenever oral sex is being performed on a girl, a dental dam should be used. A guy receiving oral sex should wear a latex condom — or, if he or his partner is allergic to latex, a polyurethane condom.

samer kareem
6,973 Views · 9 months ago

Anytime you're having unprotected sex, there's always a chance that a woman can get pregnant. Pregnancy requires sperm and egg to meet up together so a woman needs to be during her most fertile time of the month, which is usually 6 days out of the month; 5 days leading up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation. For most women, ovulation happens 12-16 days before her period's going to start. So a woman is usually most fertile for a week to a week and a half after her period has ended generally speaking, if you don't want to count each and every single day. So if you have unprotected intercourse during this time, then there's a high probability that a woman can get pregnant. Now, you mentioned that your girlfriend is supposed to start her period in about five days or so. If you've had intercourse any time leading up to this, there's always a chance that she could get pregnant. But as for the mechanics of it all, in order to get pregnant, semen needs to be inserted inside the vaginal canal where the egg and sperm can then meet. So if that did not happen, then the chances of her getting pregnant are slim. But if that has happened, the chances of her getting pregnant are great. So it would be best for you and her to just wait until her period is supposed to start and if she's late, then take an over-the-counter pregnancy test and if it's positive, congratulations to both of you! If it's negative and she still doesn't start her period, then tell her to wait about 5-7 days. Take another test and then maybe at that point, it will be positive if she is indeed pregnant. If she continues to not have a period or she's concerned about anything, it would be best for her to follow up with her doctor and they can decide if further investigation or treatment is warranted. If you have any other questions for me, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at and recommend us to your friends and family, too.

samer kareem
20,145 Views · 9 months ago

Ejaculating into a partner’s mouth is a common practice during oral sex/fellatio. In a safe situation (where there is no danger of catching an STD), the semen-receiving partner may choose to spit the semen out, or to swallow it. Before you engage in fellatio, I’d recommend that you and your partner both get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If not, please use barriers for oral sex and abstaining from making contact with ejaculate. Semen is mostly water, but also contains amino acids and protein, sugars such as fructose and glucose, minerals such as zinc and calcium, vitamin C, and a few other nutrients. Sperm cells themselves make up less than one percent of semen. Semen is edible, and if swallowed, will travel down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it will be digested in the same way that food is. You can never get pregnant by swallowing semen. Some people accept the taste of semen, but others complain that swallowing semen can give them an upset stomach. In rare cases, you may have an allergy to the proteins found in semen. What does It Taste Like? The taste of semen varies. Bitter, sweet, metallic. So, one may expect to find the taste of semen anywhere from enjoyable to tasteless to disgusting. But there is a way of controlling the taste of semen, which is through diet. Keep track of the diet, and communicate with the partner about when it tastes better or worse.

samer kareem
10,866 Views · 9 months ago

The only way to completely avoid anal sex risks is to abstain from anal sex. If you engage in anal sex, it is always important to use a condom to protect against the spread of infections and diseases.

samer kareem
7,319 Views · 9 months ago

The anus is close to the vagina and sometimes it’s hard to say what’s going on inside the body. Is it possible to get pregnant from anal sex? The answer is yes and this video explains the circumstances. Please protect yourselves and stay curious.

samer kareem
3,099 Views · 9 months ago

How to Use a Menstrual Cup Fold and hold. Always start by washing your hands. ... Insert and ensure. As with tampons, gently insert the folded cup into your vagina, tilting it back to the base of your spine. ... Use it up to twelve hours. ... Remove and empty. ... Re-insert.

samer kareem
9,704 Views · 9 months ago

During your menstrual period, your uterus contracts to help expel its lining. Hormonelike substances (prostaglandins) involved in pain and inflammation trigger the uterine muscle contractions. Higher levels of prostaglandins are associated with more-severe menstrual cramps.

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