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samer kareem
4,603 Views · 9 months ago

The Epley maneuver or repositioning maneuver is a maneuver used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the posterior or anterior canals

samer kareem
4,670 Views · 9 months ago

Nystagmus is a vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements. These movements often result in reduced vision and depth perception and can affect balance and coordination. These involuntary eye movements can occur from side to side, up and down, or in a circular pattern.

samer kareem
4,261 Views · 9 months ago

Central vestibular nystagmus results from stimulation, injury, disease of the central vestibular pathways of the brainstem or the cerebellum, or lesion of the vestibular nuclei. It is typically a jerk nystagmus, which can be purely horizontal, vertical or torsional.

Stuart Linder
8,997 Views · 9 months ago

Mammogram are great technologies, however, sometimes it cannot detect many things under our bodies. In this video, Dr. Linder is performing a breast implant removal and revision on a patient who has a rupture breast implants. Dr. Stuart Linder is a Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in body sculpting and reconstructive procedures including breast augmentation, reduction, lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. He is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is affiliated with the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Medical Association.

Stuart Linder
9,619 Views · 9 months ago

There many concerns and questions about how a breast augmentation procedure works. Dr. Linder a highly qualified plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, demystifies those worries. Dr. Stuart Linder is a Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in body sculpting and reconstructive procedures including breast augmentation, reduction, lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. He is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is affiliated with the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Medical Association. Website:

samer kareem
10,580 Views · 9 months ago

Cardiac arrest usually results from an electrical disturbance in the heart. It's not the same as a heart attack. The main symptom is loss of consciousness and unresponsiveness. This medical emergency needs immediate CPR or use of a defibrillator. Hospital care includes drugs, an implantable device, or other procedures.

samer kareem
8,683 Views · 9 months ago

A neuron, also known as a neurone (British spelling) and nerve cell, is an electrically excitable cell that receives, processes, and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. These signals between neurons occur via specialized connections called synapses.

samer kareem
3,970 Views · 9 months ago

t’s the brain, after all, that devises experiments and interprets their results. How the brain perceives, how it makes decisions and judgments, and how those judgments can go awry are at least as important to science as knowing the intricacies of nonbiotic experimental machinery. And as any brain scientist will tell you, there’s still a long way to go before understanding the brain will get crossed off science’s to-do list. But there has been progress. A recent special issue of the journal Neuron offers a convenient set of “perspective” papers exploring the current state of understanding of the brain’s inner workings. Those papers show that a lot is known. But at the same time they emphasize that there’s a lot we don’t know.

samer kareem
5,692 Views · 9 months ago

The cardiovascular system is a closed system if the heart and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood through a closed system of blood vessels. Blood vessels allow blood to circulate to all parts of the body. Arteries usually colored red because oxygen rich, carry blood away from the heart to capillaries within the tissues. Veins usually colored blue because oxygen poor, carry blood to the heart from the capillaries.

samer kareem
8,196 Views · 9 months ago

The heart itself is made up of 4 chambers, 2 atria and 2 ventricles. De-oxygenated blood returns to the right side of the heart via the venous circulation. It is pumped into the right ventricle and then to the lungs where carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is absorbed. The oxygenated blood then travels back to the left side of the heart into the left atria, then into the left ventricle from where it is pumped into the aorta and arterial circulation.

samer kareem
5,448 Views · 9 months ago

The cardiac cycle is the sequence of events that occurs when the heart beats. As the heart beats, it circulates blood through pulmonary and systemic circuits of the body. There are two phases of the cardiac cycle. In the diastole phase, the heart ventricles are relaxed and the heart fills with blood

samer kareem
1,550 Views · 9 months ago

EKG/ECG Interpretation Explained Clearly

samer kareem
12,882 Views · 9 months ago

A proper embolectomy should have a good proximal and distal flow to the arteriotomy :)

40,189 Views · 9 months ago

Men and women have anatomical differences when it comes to genitals, but orgasms are fundamentally very similar. The female orgasm lasts longer than the male, ranging about 20 seconds compared to 3 to 10 seconds, but men do experience more orgasms.

DermaClinix Chennai
1,566 Views · 9 months ago

Hair transplant is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures today. Get the cost of Hair Transplant Surgery in Chennai at DermaClinix Chennai. At DermaClinix, we have a well experienced and skilled team of board certified hair transplant surgeons. For More Information Visit Here:- or call:- +91-8939636222

samer kareem
5,451 Views · 9 months ago

New device claims to stimulate brain for depression treatment

samer kareem
1,499 Views · 9 months ago

Depression is a very serious mental illness that affects millions worldwide. Could a small brain implant cure it?

samer kareem
9,103 Views · 9 months ago

The mainstay of treatment is usually medication, talk therapy, or a combination of the two. Increasingly, research suggests these treatments may normalize brain changes associated with depression.

samer kareem
1,646 Views · 9 months ago

With ECT, electrodes are placed on the patient's scalp and a finely controlled electric current is applied while the patient is under general anesthesia. The current causes a brief seizure in the brain. ECT is one of the fastest ways to relieve symptoms in severely depressed or suicidal patients.

samer kareem
1,781 Views · 9 months ago

Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological, and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain. The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior, or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with thoughts of suicide. The mainstay of treatment is usually medication, talk therapy, or a combination of the two. Increasingly, research suggests these treatments may normalize brain changes associated with depression.

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