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Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance that can be found in all parts of your body. It helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D. The cholesterol in your blood comes from two sources: the foods you eat and your liver. But your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs.
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Methotrexate Metabolism and rheumatoid arthritis
Smoking and Breast Feeding
Eye Pressure Test
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term that describes a disease of the heart or blood vessels. Blood flow to the heart, brain or body can be reduced as the result of a blood clot (thrombosis), or by a build-up of fatty deposits inside an artery that cause the artery to harden and narrow (atherosclerosis).
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If you have an active lifestyle or are often on the go with work, travel or family, then peritoneal dialysis at home may be the right choice. Home peritoneal dialysis offers additional freedom and flexibility as a treatment option thatโs closest to natural kidney function and may require fewer dietary restrictions and medications. To learn more about Home PD, visit
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The lumps may be hard or rubbery and can appear as a single breast lump that may be large or small. Fibrocystic changes also can appear as thickening of the breast tissue. Fibrocystic changes can occur in one or both breasts and are the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women age 35 to 50.
A Pap smear (also called a Pap test) is a screening procedure for cervical cancer. It tests for the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells on the cervix, the opening of the uterus. It's named after the doctor who determined that this was a useful way to detect signs of cervical cancer.
Revision knee replacement operation shows trialling after preparation of the bone. For the femur since there is little bone loss,a primary femoral prosthesis is used. For the tibia, a standard tibial base plate is connected to a stem
Vaginal Speculum and Bimanual Exam
A Big Size Fibrodenoma Removal Under Local Anesthesia
Best Foods For Blocked Arteries
Top 10 Foods that Can Kill You
Spinal stenosis can put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves within the spine. It commonly occurs in the neck and lower back. The condition is often caused by age-related wear and tear. Symptoms, if they occur, include pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and impaired bladder or bowel control. Treatment includes medication, physical therapy, and possibly surgery
Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus (the myometrium). Adenomyosis can cause menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before menstrual periods and can result in heavy periods.
Endoscopic Atraumatic Coronary Artery Bypass EndoACA