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samer kareem
13,597 Views ยท 9 months ago

Benex II Surgical Extraction System

13,583 Views ยท 9 months ago

Ligation around a hemostatic Clamp

13,580 Views ยท 9 months ago

A clue cell appears smudged, with indistinct contents and fuzzy, poorly defined borders.

samer kareem
13,577 Views ยท 9 months ago

A tapeworm is a ribbon-shaped parasite that lives in human or animal intestines. They are uncommon in developed countries. There are a number of different types which all have slightly different life cycles. Tapeworm infection can come from animals such as pigs, sheep, cattle, fish, dogs and cats. Eating undercooked food contaminated with tapeworm cysts and eggs causes the infection. Tapeworm eggs are shed in stools and it is possible for infection to spread from person to person through the oral/anal route.

Emery King
13,574 Views ยท 9 months ago

Thanks to a new, state-of-the-art procedure for total knee replacement developed by surgeons at the Detroit Medical Center's Sinai-Grace Hospital, the rehabilitation time for patients has been reduced from six months to six weeks. ~ Detroit Medical Center

13,565 Views ยท 9 months ago

Watch that Massive Big Skin Wart Removal

Mohamed Ibrahim
13,548 Views ยท 9 months ago

The goal of breast cancer surgery is to remove the entire tumor from the breast. Some of the lymph nodes in the underarm area (axillary nodes) may also be removed to see if cancer cells are present.

Mohamed Ibrahim
13,547 Views ยท 9 months ago

Triangular flap fornix based trabeculectomy in POAG using MMC

13,538 Views ยท 9 months ago

An educational video demonstrating ultrasound-guided amniocentesis of the amniotic fluid

Alicia Berger
13,537 Views ยท 9 months ago

In this video a real case of the extremely rare disease "Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva" or what is called the "FOP" This disease is commonly misdiagnosed and usually end up by unnecessary surgery which exaggerate the disease. Children born with FOP characteristically have deformed great toes, possibly missing a joint or simply presenting with a notable lump at the minor joint. The first "flare-up" that leads to the formation of FOP bones usually occurs before the age of 10. FOP is a genetic disease. The bone growth progresses from the top downward, just as bones grow in fetuses. A child with FOP will typically develop bones starting at the neck, then on the shoulders, arms, chest area and finally on the feet. However it does not necessarily occur in this order due to injury-caused flare-ups. Often, the tumor-like lumps that characterize the disease appear suddenly. The gene that causes ossification is normally deactivated after a fetus' bones are formed in the womb, but in patients with FOP, the gene keeps working. Aberrant bone formation in patients with FOP occurs when injured connective tissue or muscle cells at the sites of injury or growth incorrectly express an enzyme for bone repair during apoptosis (self-regulated cell death), resulting in lymphocytes containing excess bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) provided during the immune system response. Since the incorrect enzyme remains unresolved within the immune response, the body continues providing the incorrect BMP4-containing lymphocytes. BMP4 is a product that contributes to the development of the skeleton in the normal embryo.

samer kareem
13,534 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video: Claudication is pain caused by too little blood flow, usually during exercise. Sometimes called intermittent claudication, this condition generally affects the blood vessels in the legs, but claudication can affect the arms, too. At first, you'll probably notice the pain only when you're exercising, but as claudication worsens, the pain may affect you even when you're at rest. Although it's sometimes considered a disease, claudication is technically a symptom of a disease. Most often, claudication is a symptom of peripheral artery disease, a potentially serious but treatable circulation problem in which the vessels that supply blood flow to your legs or arms are narrowed. Fortunately, with treatment, you may be able to maintain an active lifestyle without pain.

13,532 Views ยท 9 months ago

An animated video showing an MRI of the brain

13,529 Views ยท 9 months ago

The video will describe the process of metabolism. Please see disclaime on my website

13,528 Views ยท 9 months ago

What are the disadvantages of male condoms? a moderately high failure rate when used improperly or inconsistently. the potential for diminished sensation. skin irritation, such as contact dermatitis, due to latex sensitivity or allergy. allergic reactions to spermicides, lubes, scents, and other chemicals in the condoms.

Mostafa Yakoot
13,526 Views ยท 9 months ago

Lecture presented by Dr. "Yakoot M" to the International Congress of Pediatric Hepatology Sharm 2009. It is one of a series of lectures discussing the Alternative medicine practices with critical appraisal and measure the evidence.

13,517 Views ยท 9 months ago

An excerpt from the award-winning documentary โ€œExposure: Environmental Links to Breast Cancerโ€ about the effects of radiation. Featuring Olivia Newton-John, Dr. Rosalie Bertell and Dr. Susan Love.

13,515 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video demonstrates pelvic adhesions found in a patient with endometriosis during laparoscopic surgery.

13,507 Views ยท 9 months ago

Recently a group of affected females from Cameroon has started raising the voices against an old cultural "Female Abuse" tradition which is "Breast Ironing". The point of this tradition is to inhibit the growth of the female breast so that they will avoid getting raped.

13,504 Views ยท 9 months ago

In PRK the epithelium (top layer of the cornea) is scraped off and then the laser treatment is applied. A contact lens is used as a "bandage" to decrease discomfort. The epithelium then grows back over the bare area during the next few days.

In LASEK the epithelium is exposed to 20% alcohol which helps separate epithelium from the cornea. The epithelium is pushed to one side and laser treatment applied. The epithelial layer is replaced back onto the eye and held in place with a contact lens. The contact lens is then removed a few days later. LASEK is hence a "no knife"/flap operation.

Epi-Lasik is a similar procedure that uses a keratome like that used for Lasik, but engineered to only separate the epithelium. The epithelium is left on a hinge, laser treatment applied and flap replaced.

Mohamed Ibrahim
13,500 Views ยท 9 months ago

Dense Hair transplantation with Micro FUE and the Implanter Pen

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