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Loyola Medicine
56,605 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

A video from Physical Exam Series of Loyola University Health System, Chicago showing the medical examination of the abdomen

Loyola Medicine
55,276 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Loyola Full Male Exam Part 3 A video from Loyola medical school, Chicago showing the full examination of the male

Loyola Medicine
77,197 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Loyola Full Male Exam Part 4 A video from Loyola medical school, Chicago showing the full examination of the male

samer kareem
10,578 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Microsoft HoloLens. Medical Education

samer kareem
2,536 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Spinal stenosis can put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves within the spine. It commonly occurs in the neck and lower back. The condition is often caused by age-related wear and tear. Symptoms, if they occur, include pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and impaired bladder or bowel control. Treatment includes medication, physical therapy, and possibly surgery

Alicia Berger
3,019 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

When you’re depressed, it can feel like you’ll never get out from under a dark shadow. However, even the most severe depression is treatable. So, if your depression is keeping you from living the life you want to, don’t hesitate to seek help. Learning about your depression treatment options will help you decide what approach is right for you. From therapy to medication to healthy lifestyle changes, there are many effective treatments that can help you overcome depression and reclaim your life.

73 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

If you have an active lifestyle or are often on the go with work, travel or family, then peritoneal dialysis at home may be the right choice. Home peritoneal dialysis offers additional freedom and flexibility as a treatment option that’s closest to natural kidney function and may require fewer dietary restrictions and medications. To learn more about Home PD, visit https://www.FreseniusKidneyCar....e.com/ckd-treatment/

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samer kareem
1,647 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

There are many factors that will determine how quickly, or completely you recover from your meniscal tear surgery. Key elements include your age, weight, and activity demands. The older you are, the heavier you are, the longer your recovery will be. The type of surgery you had will also impact upon your recovery. In some cases we only remove the torn piece — in general you will progress faster than someone who had sutures placed to repair the meniscus tear. Whether or not arthritis was found at the time of your meniscus surgery will also significantly influence your recovery from meniscus surgery. If you have arthritis then you are missing some or all of the cartilage on the ends of the bones. Knees with arthritis are prone to being more “cranky” during the recovery process. In those cases, a knee ice compression device can provide relief of pain/swelling. Many patients note they feel better wearing a compression sleeve during recovery. People with arthritis sometimes report improvement in their symptoms with supplements like Glucosamine, Curcumin, or Hyaluronic Acid which they believe (not proven) will smooth out the surface of the joint. Many try Tart Cherry juice because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties.. In the first few months following surgery, a knee compression sleeve does actually help many feel better. Some of the variables affecting your recovery from meniscus surgery are under your surgeon’s control. We can improve your immediate response after surgery with the use of various medications we inject within the knee before the surgery. We can also block a nerve on the side of your leg which will improve your pain for 18-24 hours after surgery. Many of you will purchase a ice compression sleeve to help minimize the pain after the surgery. In general, young, healthy active people with no evidence of osteoarthritis will experience a much more rapid recovery. Typically measured in days or a few weeks. Most people are off crutches in a day, and stop taking pain medicine within a day or two. In contrast, if you are a older, heavier and have arthritis as well as a meniscus tear, then you may take longer to recover — and may not experience a “full” recovery. This group can take weeks to months to improve. To ensure a good response to surgery, we also need to look at your health before surgery. Smoking leads to an increased infection rate and poorer healing. Diabetics with poor sugar control are at higher risk for infection and delays in healing as well. Obesity is a potential problem with anesthesia, the recovery from surgery and it may lead to more rapid progression of arthritis after surgery. The better shape you are in prior to surgery can influence your recovery.

15,866 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Endoscopic Atraumatic Coronary Artery Bypass EndoACA

samer kareem
2,583 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

The "sunshine" vitamin is a hot topic. You may have recently found out that you are deficient or know someone who is. It's shocking for most people when they have never had a problem before and believe nothing has changed to make it a problem now. The truth is that a lot has changed, and vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is now a global public-health problem affecting an estimated 1 billion people worldwide. The most well-known consequences to not having enough vitamin D are rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These are far from the only problems associated with a vitamin D deficiency.

samer kareem
1,344 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

As a curious child, you might remember staring at an older relative's thick stockings at the blue, gnarled veins lying under the skin like bumpy snakes. Known as varicose veins, these blood vessels, which return blood from the legs to the heart, are actually a more superficial system. The real, working venous system for the legs lies deeper, says to Robert A. Weiss, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. This is good news, because it means that if the surface veins begin to clump up and bulge, they can be removed or destroyed without ruining circulation to the leg. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 60% of all men and women suffer from some form of vein disorder. A quarter of varicose vein sufferers are men, although Weiss notes that it is almost always women who seek help for spider veins.

34,689 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Internal hemorrhoids and loose rectal mucosa may block the exposure during the purse string suturing in stapled hemorrhooidopexy, and this may cause some complications. To retract the prolapsing rectal mucosa we modified the purse string anoscope of the PPH01 kit (Ethicon-Endosurgery, Cincinnati, O...H, USA) and produced a special anoscope. The open part of the purse string suture anoscope is covered by transparent acrylic (Orthoacryl�, Dentaurum, Pforzheim, Germany). The covering material had complete cylindrical outer and inner surfaces and was thin enough to let the anoscope easily rotate in the anal dilator and to let the 26 mm curved, round bodied needle of the 2/0 polypropilene suture move in the anoscope. A window, 3 cm long and 3-4 mm wide, was opened at the angled part of the anoscope 2 cm to the tip of the anoscope. This special anoscope was used for the purse string suture during stapled hemorrhoidopexy procedure in five patients. No postoperative complications, early or late, were encountered, and we propose that stapled hemorrhoidopexy procedure can be applied more easily by using this special anoscope.

Alicia Berger
4,230 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose and determine the severity of or treat a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers, heart disease, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurological disorders and other abnormalities within the body.

14 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Sean Langenfeld, M.D., UNMC College of Medicine

samer kareem
2,959 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Testicle pain (testicular pain) is pain that occurs in or around one or both testicles. Sometimes testicle pain actually originates from somewhere else in the groin or abdomen, and is felt in one or both testicles (referred pain).

11 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Dr.Young Cho explains what happens during a tummy tuck procedure, and what he does to get that hourglass shape.

61 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

UPMC liver surgeons are among the most experienced in the world in performing minimally invasive liver surgery. Most patients benefit from less trauma and pain, minimal scarring, a shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery than from traditional surgery.
To learn more, please visit https://www.upmc.com/services/....liver-cancer/treatme

45 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

An Abdominoplasty (commonly referred to as a “Tummy Tuck”) removes excess fat and skin around your abdomen to shape and contour your midsection. During surgery, I also restore weakened or separated muscles to help create an abdominal profile that is both; smoother and more firm. ⁠

Watch this video as we go from the operating table to her 2-month post-op results! ⁠

If you’re interested in learning more about tummy tuck surgery or any other services we offer, please DM us or give us a call today! ⁠

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samer kareem
2,156 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

Cervical cancer can often be found early, and sometimes even prevented entirely, by having regular Pap tests. If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.

21 مناظر · پہلے 1 سال

It’s not tummy tuck procedure.. it’s liposuction only.. don’t get confused with both procedure..

#beforeandafter #kmc #nose #aesthetic #antiaging #beauty #drhabibhairtransplant #peshawar #nose #islamabad #swat #kohat #nowshehra #karakin #mardan

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