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marin vinasco
2,800 Views · 8 months ago

Come Rimanere Incinta Velocemente, Per Restare Incinta, Rimanere Incinta A 45 Anni, In Gravidanza--- -- Farti rimanere incinta rapidamente e allo stesso tempo invertire l'infertilità. E' un dato di fatto. Il 92% delle donne che usano trattamenti convenzionali per aumentare le loro probabilità di concepire non riescono a rimanere incinta e, a volte, la loro situazione peggiora anzichè migliorare. Ora tu puoi decidere di far parte del 8% delle donne che sono guarite dall'infertilità per sempre, imparando a lavorare sinergicamente con il tuo corpo. Contrariamente agli approcci convenzionali, lavorando con il tuo corpo, eliminando la causa principale e specifica della tua infertilità (come: cisti ovariche, fibromi uterini, endometriosi, livelli di follitropina alti, sindrome dell'ovaio policistico, ecc), migliorando contemporaneamente la tua mentalità, il tuo stato emotivo e biologico-riproduttivo, rimarrai velocemente incinta e darai alla luce un bimbo sano e forte, indipendentemente dalla tua età, dal numero di tentativi andati male o dalla gravità della tua situazione. Farti rimanere incinta olisticamente. E' un dato di fatto, non potrai mai rimanere incinta naturalmente e curare la tua infertilità affrontando solo uno dei tanti fattori responsabili dell'infertilità. Ad esempio, se hai già provato trattamenti come le pillole ormonali, posizioni sessuali o diete differenti, e non hai ottenuto nessun risultato probabilmente è perchè ti sei concentrata solo su un aspetto della tua condizione. Il mio sistema non ti insegnerà solo l'unico modo per rimanere incinta naturalmente, ma imparerai anche l'unico modo per invertire la tua infertilità per sempre, in modo olistico. Questo Rivoluzionario Sistema E' Talmente Unico ed Efficace che Ha il Potere di... Clicca sul link

samer kareem
12,707 Views · 8 months ago

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of disorders that affect the connective tissues that support the skin, bones, blood vessels, and many other organs and tissues. Defects in connective tissues cause the signs and symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which vary from mildly loose joints to life-threatening complications. Previously, there were more than 10 recognized types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, differentiated by Roman numerals. In 1997, researchers proposed a simpler classification that reduced the number of major types to six and gave them descriptive names: the classical type (formerly types I and II), the hypermobility type (formerly type III), the vascular type (formerly type IV), the kyphoscoliosis type (formerly type VIA), the arthrochalasia type (formerly types VIIA and VIIB), and the dermatosparaxis type (formerly type VIIC). This six-type classification, known as the Villefranche nomenclature, is still commonly used. The types are distinguished by their signs and symptoms, their underlying genetic causes, and their patterns of inheritance. Since 1997, several additional forms of the condition have been described. These additional forms appear to be rare, affecting a small number of families, and most have not been well characterized.

11,533 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of a Huge Cyst Infection Popping

samer kareem
8,816 Views · 8 months ago

Your body needs bile, but if it has too much cholesterol in it, that makes gallstones more likely. It can also happen if your gallbladder can't empty properly. Pigment stones are more common in people with certain medical conditions, such as cirrhosis (a liver disease) or blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia.

17,570 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of Unbelievable Mutations and Medical Conditions

samer kareem
3,548 Views · 8 months ago

Is There A Way To Know If I Have An Aortic Aneurysm Before It Ruptures?

samer kareem
2,363 Views · 8 months ago

Nephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome

samer kareem
3,083 Views · 8 months ago

What Your Handwriting Says About You

9,935 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of Mystery of Ice Frozen woman came back to life

94,527 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of human Fetus Removal Surgery

samer kareem
13,938 Views · 8 months ago

Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen: Laparoscopic Exploration and Repair of Small Bowel Injury.

samer kareem
6,569 Views · 8 months ago

A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood outside the brain. Subdural hematomas are usually caused by severe head injuries. The bleeding and increased pressure on the brain from a subdural hematoma can be life-threatening.

samer kareem
14,163 Views · 8 months ago

Diabetes is a growing global health concern, as is obesity. Diabetes and obesity are intrinsically linked: obesity increases the risk of diabetes and also contributes to disease progression and cardiovascular disease. Although the benefits of weight loss in the prevention of diabetes and as a critical component of managing the condition are well established, weight reduction remains challenging for individuals with type 2 diabetes due to a host of metabolic and psychological factors. For many patients, lifestyle intervention is not enough to achieve weight loss, and alternative options, such as pharmacotherapy, need to be considered. However, many traditional glucose-lowering medications may lead to weight gain. This article focuses on the potential of currently available pharmacological strategies and on emerging approaches in development to support the glycemic and weight-loss goals of individuals with type 2 diabetes. Two pharmacotherapy types are considered: those developed primarily for blood glucose control that have a favorable effect on body weight and those developed primarily to induce weight loss that have a favorable effect on blood glucose control. Finally, the potential of combination therapies for the management of obese patients with type 2 diabetes is discussed.

samer kareem
5,589 Views · 8 months ago

Worlds Most Amazing Medical Case

samer kareem
2,272 Views · 8 months ago

What is gestational trophoblastic disease? Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas of the body. To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer? Gestational trophoblastic (jeh-STAY-shuh-nul troh-fuh-BLAS-tik) disease (GTD) is a group of rare tumors that involve abnormal growth of cells inside a woman's uterus. GTD does not develop from cells of the uterus like cervical cancer or endometrial (uterine lining) cancer do. Instead, these tumors start in the cells that would normally develop into the placenta during pregnancy. (The term gestational refers to pregnancy.) GTD begins in the layer of cells called the trophoblast (troh-fuh-BLAST) that normally surrounds an embryo. (Tropho- means nutrition, and -blast means bud or early developmental cell.) Early in normal development, the cells of the trophoblast form tiny, finger-like projections known as villi. The villi grow into the lining of the uterus. In time, the trophoblast layer develops into the placenta, the organ that protects and nourishes the growing fetus.

14,887 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video of Closing Ejaculation Canal to Stop Sperm Surgery

samer kareem
3,044 Views · 8 months ago

The eyes A close up of a young person's eyes. The eyes are responsible for four-fifths of all the information our brain receives. Here you can find out a bit more about how they work, common problems that affect vision and the work Sightsavers does to treat and prevent avoidable blindness. You can also find out more about the people whose lives have been changed thanks to donations from people like you. How do eyes work? (click image to see enlarged version or click here for text alternative) Graphic of an eye with information about its different parts The images we see are made up of light reflected from the objects we look at. This light enters the eye through the cornea. Because this part of the eye is curved, it bends the light, creating an upside down image on the retina (this is eventually put the right way up by the brain). The retina is a complex part of the eye, but only the very back of it is light sensitive. This part of the retina has roughly the area of a 10p coin, and is packed with photosensitive cells called rods and cones. Cones are the cells responsible for daylight vision. There are three kinds – each responding to a different wavelength of light: red, green and blue. The cones allow us to see images in colour and detail. Rods are responsible for night vision. They are sensitive to light but not to colour. In darkness, the cones do not function at all. How do we see an image? The lens focuses the image. It can do this because it is adjustable – using muscles to change shape and help us focus on objects at different distances. The automatic focusing of the lens is a reflex response and is not controlled by the brain. Once the image is clearly focused on the sensitive part of the retina, energy in the light that makes up that image creates an electrical signal. Nerve impulses can then carry information about that image to the brain through the optic nerve.

samer kareem
6,195 Views · 8 months ago

Genital warts are growths on the skin of the genital area and around the anus. They are caused by certain types of the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are more than 100 types of HPV. Some types of HPV produce warts on different parts of the body, like plantar warts on the feet and common hand warts. There is no specific treatment for HPV, but there are treatments for health problems caused by HPV. Genital warts can be treated by your healthcare provider, or with prescription medication. HPV-related cancers are more treatable when diagnosed and treated promptly. For more information, visit

117,506 Views · 8 months ago

Watch that video to know How to Get Pregnant Fast and Easy

samer kareem
6,041 Views · 8 months ago

If your ear is leaking pus, you may have a hole in your eardrum.Your eardrum is stretched across the inner end of your ear canal. It vibrates when sound waves reach it, so you can hear. A hole in your eardrum can be caused by an ear infection. Fluid builds up behind the eardrum. The pressure of the fluid can tear the eardrum. Some people get a hole in the eardrum for other reasons, like hearing a very loud noise. If this happens, the ear may get infected because germs (bacteria) get through the hole. Ear infections happen to adults and children, but they're more common in children. Some things can make you more likely to get an ear infection with discharge. They include getting lots of colds and coughs, living in overcrowded housing, and eating a poor-quality diet

Showing 127 out of 381