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samer kareem
6,652 Views ยท 9 months ago

What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple.

samer kareem
4,123 Views ยท 9 months ago

Developmental Delay at Age 3 | Child Development

samer kareem
26,285 Views ยท 9 months ago

Internal Bleeding Detection

samer kareem
64,626 Views ยท 9 months ago

-The cremasteric reflex test is considered positive if there is elevation of the testis in response to stroking the upper inner thigh. This reaction is typically absent in testicular torsion and boys under the age of 6 months. Although not completely reliable in older boys and adults, an absent cremasteric reflex is highly suggestive of torsion. Patients with epididymitis usually have a normal cremasteric reflex, with pain and swelling isolated to

samer kareem
5,569 Views ยท 9 months ago

TransMedicsโ€™ proprietary Organ Care System (OCS) is the first commercial and portable warm blood perfusion organ transport system. With the OCS, doctors are able to perform โ€œliving organ transplants,โ€ where organs are kept warm and functioning in a controlled environment from the time they are recovered to the moment they are placed in the recipientโ€™s body.

samer kareem
4,544 Views ยท 9 months ago

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?

samer kareem
17,482 Views ยท 9 months ago

The "great arteries" in this anomaly refer to the aorta and the pulmonary artery, the two major arteries carrying blood away from the heart. In cases of transposition of the great arteries, these vessels arise from the wrong ventricle. They are "transposed" from their normal position so that the aorta arises from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle. Other heart defects may occur along with transposition of the great arteries. About 25 percent of children with transposition will also have a ventricular septal defect (VSD) . In nearly a third, the branching pattern of the coronary arteries as they leave the transposed aorta is unusual. Infants may also have narrowing below the pulmonary valve that blocks blood flow from the left ventricle to the lungs.

samer kareem
14,805 Views ยท 9 months ago

Spermicide is a birth control method that contains chemicals that stop sperm from moving. Spermicides are available in different forms, including creams, film, foams, gels, and suppositories. Spermicide can be used alone, or it can be used with other birth control methods to make them more effective. It is always used with the diaphragm and cervical cap.

samer kareem
13,685 Views ยท 9 months ago

Dr. Glenn Barnhart explains the symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation such as becoming short of breath. There are five structures of the mitral valve: annulus, leaflet tissue, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles, and left ventricle. All of these are taken into consideration when the mitral valve is leaking and not working right. There are four degrees of mitral valve regurgitation: mild, moderate, moderately severe,.

samer kareem
12,711 Views ยท 9 months ago

TPIAT is a procedure that lets surgeons remove the pancreas, take out islet cells, and put those islet cells into the liver.

samer kareem
177,773 Views ยท 9 months ago

The baby will move head down if there is room or if there is tone in the support to the uterus to direct baby head down. Before 24-26 weeks most babies lie diagonal or sideways in the Transverse Lie position. Between 24-29 weeks most babies turn vertical and some will be breech.

samer kareem
3,556 Views ยท 9 months ago

Epilepsy surgery is reserved for people whose seizures are not well controlled by seizure medicines. This situation is sometimes called being "medically refractory" or "drug resistant." In children, the definition of medically refractory is even more individualized to the specific child's situation. Surgery may be considered for some children after weeks to months of treatment with seizure medicines.

samer kareem
2,746 Views ยท 9 months ago

This animation describes the goals of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) management and how patients can take an active role in managing their disease.

samer kareem
4,224 Views ยท 9 months ago

Diagnosis of HIV infection in infants is aided by HIV culture or DNA/RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR); positive results are confirmed by repeating the test. In suspected cases, HIV testing should occur in the newborn period (ie, before the infant is 48 h old), at age 1-2 months, and again at age 3-6 months.

samer kareem
3,551 Views ยท 9 months ago

Syringomyelia (sih-ring-go-my-E-lee-uh) is the development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within your spinal cord. Over time, the cyst may enlarge, damaging your spinal cord and causing pain, weakness and stiffness, among other symptoms. Syringomyelia has several possible causes, though the majority of cases are associated with a condition in which brain tissue protrudes into your spinal canal (Chiari malformation). Other causes of syringomyelia include spinal cord tumors, spinal cord injuries and damage caused by inflammation around your spinal cord. If syringomyelia isn't causing any problems, monitoring the condition may be all that's necessary. But if you're bothered by symptoms, you may need surgery.

samer kareem
1,216 Views ยท 9 months ago

A surgeon creates an arteriovenous fistula by making a connection between an artery (which carries blood away from the heart) and a vein (which carries blood back to the heart). This artificial connection allows the vein to become larger and for the walls of the vein to thicken, a process termed maturation. A mature fistula makes it easier for the vein to be punctured repeatedly for dialysis. Maturation typically takes three to six months to occur, but in rare cases, can take up to a year. This makes advance planning for an arteriovenous fistula important. When a patient is felt to be approximately a year away from requiring dialysis, the patient should be referred for evaluation for possible creation of an arteriovenous fistula.

samer kareem
4,794 Views ยท 9 months ago

Super Obese individuals (people with a Body Mass Index over 45) have an increased risk during any surgery. And the longer the time under anesthesia, the greater the risk. Gastric bypass surgery can last over 2 hours. Duodenal switch surgery often takes over 4 hours. Thatโ€™s a long time to be under anesthesia.

samer kareem
11,721 Views ยท 9 months ago

Video to help understand hearing loss and hearing impairment by explaining how hearing works. Cochlear implants can help children and adults with hearing loss

4,317 Views ยท 9 months ago

Loa loa filariasis (also known as loiasis, loaiasis, Calabar swellings, Fugitive swelling, Tropical swelling and African eyeworm) is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm, loa loa. Humans contract this disease through the bite of a Deer fly or Mango fly (Chrysops spp), the vectors for Loa loa. The adult Loa loa filarial worm migrates throughout the subcutaneous tissues of humans, occasionally crossing into subconjunctival tissues of the eye where it can be easily observed. Loa loa does not normally affect one's vision but can be painful when moving about the eyeball or across the bridge of the nose.The disease can cause red itchy swellings below the skin called "Calabar swellings". The disease is treated with the drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC), and when appropriate, surgical methods may be employed to remove adult worms from the conjunctiva.

samer kareem
5,436 Views ยท 9 months ago

Cheapest Best Weight Loss Diet Ever

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