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Mohamed Ibrahim
137,243 Views ยท 8 months ago

This is an educational medical video for Medical Students showing how to examine a hernia swelling

Mohamed Ibrahim
4 Views ยท 9 months ago

Let SightMD walk you through an entire LASIK procedure.

Find out more about LASIK at SightMD -

Mohamed Ibrahim
4 Views ยท 9 months ago

This video shows Prof Dan Reinstein, MD MA(Cantab) FRCSC DABO FRCOphth FEBO performing a ReLEx SMILE keyhole LASIK procedure using the latest surgical instrument that he helped to develop (Malosa MMSU1297 - Reinstein Lenticule Separator: This instrument enables the procedure to be performed with one instrument, through one 2mm incision, using only one sweep per plane, and taking about 30 seconds to separate and withdraw the lenticule, improving day 1 uncorrected vision over other lenticule extraction techniques that require more corneal manipulation.

samer kareem
1,470 Views ยท 8 months ago

The pathobiology of MM is complex and the root underlying cause of myeloma is the multistep genetic changes in the postgerminal center B cell. In addition, the bone marrow microenvironment plays a crucial role.[2] The interaction between myeloma cells and the microenvironment is mediated through adhesive interactions via cell-surface receptors, paracrine loops involving several cytokines, such as IL-6, VEGF and IL-10, and suppression of cell-mediated immunity.[2โ€“4] IMiDs modulate many of these interactions leading to decreased myeloma cell growth and survival. Thalidomide was the first IMiD introduced to treat MM. It was initially synthesized in Germany in the late 1950s to treat insomnia and morning sickness. It was withdrawn from the market in 1961 because of its teratogenic effects. Its immunomodulatory properties were realized when it was observed to improve erythema nodosum leprosum, a painful immunologic reaction of leprosy, leading to its approval by the FDA in 1998 with tight prescribing and marketing regulations. Subsequent research showed the diverse mechanism of action of thalidomide including its immunomodulatory effect by inhibition of de novo IgM antibody synthesis,[5] modulation of the T-cell subset by increasing the T-helper cells, inhibitory effects on the TNF-ฮฑ and antiangiogenic activity leading to its use in MM. Significantly higher response rates in combination with dexamethasone led to its approval in the treatment of newly diagnosed MM in 2006. Lenalidomide, a second-generation IMiD, was developed from the structural backbone of the thalidomide molecule by the addition of an amino group (NH2-) at position 4 of the phthaloyl ring and removal of the carbonyl group (C = O) of the 4-amino-substituted phthaloyl ring (Table 1).[6] In addition to immunomodulatory effects, other mechanisms of action have been described such as direct cytotoxicity via induction of apoptosis, inhibition of cell adhesion molecules and inhibition of growth signals that promote bone marrow angiogenesis

961 Views ยท 8 months ago

Full Body Centric is a video introduction to homeopathy from the perspective of patients newly using this form of treatment. Neither condemning conventional medicine or homeopathic medicine, it explores the philosophies and techniques behind homeopathy. Interviews include a range of experts and doctors from varying backgrounds and answers many of the questions that arise when starting any new path. What are the similarities and differences between the homeopathy and conventional medicine? What are in remedies and how are they made? Is this something that is useful for everyone?

Mohamed Ibrahim
4 Views ยท 9 months ago

Business Insider's Michelle Yan has been nearsighted since she was 9 years old. After laser eye surgery, she has 20/20. She walks us through the pre-surgery steps, the actual surgery, as well as the recovery process.

8 Medical Procedures That Are Improving Lives
13 Medical Procedures Changing The Health World
Lifelike Medical Robot Actually Bleeds


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What It's Like To Get Laser Eye Surgery

samer kareem
9,908 Views ยท 8 months ago

Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is vasculitis of small vessels. It was initially considered as a microscopic form of polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). In 1990, the American College of Rheumatology developed classification criteria for several types of systemic vasculitis but did not distinguish between polyarteritis nodosa and microscopic polyarteritis nodosa. [1] In 1994, a group of experts held an international consensus conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to attempt to redefine the classification of small vessel vasculitides. [2, 3]

1,708 Views ยท 8 months ago

Soon enough, a robot will be doing surgeries on you!

ThailandMedical Tourism
4,527 Views ยท 8 months ago

Thailand is the global leader for sex change operations.

News Canada
12,358 Views ยท 8 months ago

Understanding narcolepsy symptoms to improve alertness.

6,078 Views ยท 8 months ago Vene Varicose, Vene Varicose Gambe, Chiva Varici, Laser Per Vene Varicose, Terapia Vene Varicose. Cosa Sono Le Vene Varicose e Quali Sono I Fattori Che Le Determinano? Le vene varicose si verificano quando il sangue non scorre naturalmente attraverso le vene del corpo verso il cuore. Quando ciรฒ accade il sangue si accumula e ristagna nelle vene, di solito nelle vene delle gambe, dando alla pelle un aspetto davvero brutto e sgradevole. Quali Sono Le Vere Cause Delle Vene Varicose? Se si hanno vene varicose probabilmente ci si รจ giร  posti questa domanda piรน di una volta. Le vene varicose possono essere prodotte da vari fattori, quindi analizzeremo i fattori piรน importanti che possono produrle. 1. Vene Danneggiate. Molte volte le vene non funzionano correttamente, non permettendo al flusso dell sangue di circolare correttamente. Questo a lungo termine causa l'apparizione delle vene varicose. 2. L'Etร . Nel corso degli anni molte parti del nostro corpo non funzionano piรน correttamente e le vene non sono un'eccezione. Gradualmente perdono la loro elasticitร  e diventano soggette a tutti i tipi di disturbi vascolari. 3. Il Sesso. Le donne sono piรน propense degli uomini a sviluppare le vene varicose. Le vene varicose compaiono di solito durante la fase di gravidanza, perchรฉ in questa fase si produce una maggiore quantitร  di estrogeni, un ormone che provoca un effetto rilassante nelle vene impedendo la corretta circolazione del sangue in esse. Altri fattori che possono produrre la comparsa delle vene varicose sono la menopausa femminile e le mestruazioni. 4. Stipsi. Le persone che soffrono di stipsi hanno maggiori probabilitร  di sviluppare vene varicose poichรฉ al tempo dell'evacuazione lo sforzo รจ maggiore aumenteranno cosรฌ le forti pressioni sulle vene. Come risultato di questo sforzo, le vene si danneggiano, si stirano e a lungo termine, si produce la comparsa di varici. 5. La Genetica. Se qualcuno nella vostra famiglia ha le vene varicose, รจ probabile che si svilupperanno in voi a un certo punto della vita. Questo รจ il motivo per il quale รจ molto importante sapere la storia della famiglia in modo che si possa essere in grado di identificare il fattore che ha dato origine alle vene varicose e trovare cosรฌ il corretto trattamento per combatterle. 6. Il Sovrappeso. Lโ€™obesitร  e il sovrappeso possono portare alla comparsa di vene varicose, l'eccesso di peso esercita tensione in molte aree del corpo, includendo le vene. Inoltre, quando una persona รจ in sovrappeso viene ostacolata la circolazione del sangue, perchรฉ si mettono sotto pressione le vene e questo le danneggia. 7. Lesioni Alle Gambe. Le persone che hanno subito traumi a una o entrambe le gambe sono suscettibili allo sviluppo delle vene varicose. Quando si parla di lesioni queste includono: problemi di circolazione nelle gambe, interventi chirurgici, frattura della tibia e perone, ecc. 8. Stile Di Vita Sedentario. La vita sedentaria e le cattive abitudini alimentari possono favorire la comparsa di vene varicose. Una persona che passa seduta lunghi periodi di tempo, magari aggravando la situazione accavallando le gambe, impedisce al sangue di percorrere la sua strada consueta delle gambe al cuore. Il sangue non riesce quindi a lottare contro la forza di gravitร  e la mancanza di attivitร  nelle gambe causa l'accumulo del sangue nello stesso luogo, portando alla creazione delle vene varicose. 9. Abbigliamento Stretto. Una certa varietร  di capi d'abbigliamento e accessori, come ad esempio le scarpe con i tacchi alti, impediscono il flusso corretto del sangue per il corpo e favoriscono l'emergere della varici. Le scarpe chiuse con tacchi alti stringono il piede e impediscono il naturale flusso del sangue verso l'alto, in direzione del cuore. In questo modo il sangue resta all'interno delle vene nelle gambe e a lungo termine possono apparire le vene varicose. Con l'abbigliamento troppo stretto accade la stessa cosa perchรฉ impedisce che il sangue scorra correttamente per il corpo. 10. Attivitร  Fisica Ad Alto Impatto. Lโ€™Attivitร  fisica ad alto impatto come il sollevamento di pesi รจ molto popolare perchรฉ contribuisce a tonificare in poco tempo i vari gruppi muscolari. Tuttavia il sollevamento di oggetti pesanti, come i pesi, puรฒ favorire la comparsa di varici. Tutto questo รจ ciรฒ che si puรฒ imparare in questa guida, Qui scoprirete i migliori metodi naturali per prevenire e contrastare la comparsa di vene varicose!

54,407 Views ยท 8 months ago

all yo need to know about the female orgasm

kushal mital
32,069 Views ยท 8 months ago

LIS Closed done at 5 O clock position, using Scalpel blade 15. After feeling the groove between internal and external anal sphincter, the blade is passed in and the lower 1/2 of Internal anal sphincter is cut. Remain below dentate line. If anal mucosa is accidently cut suture with 4-0 rapid vicryl. In event of bleeding, pinchcock for 5 minutes.

samer kareem
7,405 Views ยท 8 months ago

atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of your heart (atria). The condition is present from birth (congenital). Small atrial septal defects may close on their own during infancy or early childhood. Large and long-standing atrial septal defects can damage your heart and lungs. Small defects may never cause a problem and may be found incidentally. An adult who has had an undetected atrial septal defect for decades may have a shortened life span from heart failure or high blood pressure that affects the arteries in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension). Surgery may be necessary to repair atrial septal defects to prevent complications

4 Views ยท 16 days ago

โฃSuper P-Force Oral Jelly is a pill administered for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in males. It contains two therapeutic agents, sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine.
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Mohamed Ibrahim
14,022 Views ยท 8 months ago

A Video from New England Journal of Medicine showing how to do nasogastric intubation

Robert Pace
1,270 Views ยท 8 months ago

Visit or call us at (877) 415-9620 for more information on minimally invasive treatments for pain management. In this video, you will learn everything you need to know in preparation for you pain treatment consult with one of our Board Certified and Ivy League Trained pain management doctors, at our pain clinic.

4 Views ยท 9 months ago

MRCPCH Clinical Revision - more videos at

Revise for your MRCPCH Clinical exam, with videos and high quality content created by the London Paediatrics Trainees Committee.

Video Credits: Dr Caroline Fertleman, Dr Hermione Race, Dr Camilla Sen, Dr Chloe Macaulay, Dr Emma McLaren, Chris Knapp

samer kareem
2,306 Views ยท 8 months ago

Wisdom teeth extractions can rear their ugly head later in life. This is a video of a patient with neck pain and neck weakness. When we stimulated the nerve fibers in the area of the extracted teeth there was an immediate improvement in her ability to control her neck muscles.

samer kareem
6,961 Views ยท 8 months ago

Blood type (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells. A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs).

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